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PEHateoas-Client is an iOS static library for simplifying the consumption hypermedia REST APIs. PEHateoas-Client is built on top of AFNetworking. Currently PEHateoas-Client supports a variation and subset of HAL (we ignore CURIEs and we support a slight modification to the notion of embedded resources).

PEHateoas-Client is part of the PE* iOS Library Suite.

Table of Contents


Simply put, in order to easily consume hypermedia REST APIs within iOS applications. The name, PEHateoas-Client is derived from the acronym HATEOAS: Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State, is an approach to RESTful web service design such that URL endpoints of resources are not known a priori; instead, clients are aware of a starting poing URL as well as the set of link relations and media types supported by the web service.

HATEOAS Resources


Primary Abstractions

The following are the primary abstractions of PEHateoas-Client, manifesting as Objective-C classes.


Represents an internet media type. Every HTTP resource has a media type associated with it.


Represents an HTTP resource. A resource is defined as a piece of typed content (typed with a media type), and having a URI. A resource may also contain a set of embedded links. Each link represents a relationship between the enclosing resource, and some target resource.


Represents a hypermedia link relation. (* Note: 'relation' here does not having the same meaning as it does in mathematics. It would be more insightful to think of a hypermedia link relation as a relationship.*) A hypermedia link relation is binary in nature. In addition to having a name, a relation has both a source resource and a target resource. In the context of the HAL format, a relation takes the form of an object found within a _links JSON entry. A _links JSON object is a collection of JSON objects; the key of each object within the _links object is the link relation name. For example, given the following JSON:

{ "fuelstation-name": "7-Eleven",
  "price-per-gallon": 2.89,
  "car-wash-pergallon-discount": 0.15,
  "_links": {
    "self": {
        "href": "",
        "type": "application/"
    "purchase_logs": {
        "href": "",
        "type": "application/"}}}

We have a fuel station resource containing 2 hypermedia links. The relation names of the links are: self, and purchase_logs. The self relation has a name of "self"; its source AND target resource is the enclosing resource (so it's self-referential). The URI of our example resource above is the value of the href attribute of the self link. The purchase logs relation has a name of "purchase_logs"; its source resource is the enclosing resource and its target resource has a URI of and type: application/


The means by which we navigate a link relation to its target resource. Usually when encountering a resource, and inspecting its embedded set of link relations, we desire to navigate to the target resources of those links. Here, navigate is used in a general sense. It could mean any of the following standard HTTP operations:

  • POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, etc.

An instance of HCRelationExecutor is used to navigate to the target resource of a link relation. HCRelationExecutor exposes the following functions:

  • doPostForTargetResource: ...
  • doGetForTargetResource: ...
  • doPutForTargetResource: ...
  • doDeleteForTargetResource: ...

These functions take a pretty large set of parameters. Check out the API docs for details.

HCAuthentication and HCAuthorization

An instance of HCAuthentication is received in a HCAuthReqdErrorBlk block (described below) upon issuing an HTTP request, and a 401 (Unauthorized) is returned. The authentication instance contains the parsed bits of the WWW-Authenticate response header (i.e., the scheme and realm).

An instance of HCAuthorization can be supplied as a parameter to each of the doXXXTargetResource: ... methods in HCRelationExecutor. When supplied, an Authorization header will be included in the HTTP request. An authorization instance typically encapsulates 3 parts: a scheme, parameters and values. A factory function exists to simplify the creation of a single param/value pair HCAuthorization instance.

Block Types of HCRelationExecutor Functions


Success / completion block for doGetForTargetResource:.... In this block, you'll get most of the important bits from the HTTP response for free, including:

  • the location (NSURL*) of the fetched resource
  • model object (parsed from the response body using your provided serializer)
  • the set of link relations (as an NSDictionary*) embedded in the resource body
  • the last-modified date of the fetched resource (as an NSDate*)
  • the raw HTTP response (NSHTTPURLResponse *) itself (in case you need it)

The completion block types associated with the other relation executor functions provide the same general parameters. The block types are: HCPOSTSuccessBlk, HCPUTSuccessBlk, HCDELETESuccessBlk, etc.

In addition to having native support for HATEOAS, PEHateoas-Client is generally a sweet, sugary layer on top of AFNetworking. Whereas AFNetworking provides 2 basic completion block types for its functions (for success and success), PEHateoas-Client provides completion blocks for the following situations:

  • Success block (for any 2XX response codes)
  • Authentication-required block (for a 401 response code) - includes an HCAuthentiation parameter which encapsulates the parsed bits of the "WWW-Authenticate" header; i.e. the scheme and realm parts
  • Redirection block (for all 3XX response codes except 301/302/303) - for 301/302/303 AFNetworking will automatically follow the redirection link
  • Conflict block (for a 409 response)
  • Client error block (for all other 4XX response codes)
  • Server unavailable block (for a 503 response) - includes an NSDate parameter as the retry-after date (if "Retry-After" header is present)
  • Server error block (for all other 5XX response codes)

As you can see, PEHateoas-Client does some rudimentary parsing of the HTTP response, and invokes the provided blocks accordingly. Each block type receives the raw NSHTTPURLResponse in case further traversal is desired.


PEHateoas-Client allows you to configure serializers for both serializing a model object for inclusion in an HTTP request body (for POST and PUT requests) as well as deserializing a response body (if present) to a model object.

Out of the box, a concrete serializer, HCHalJsonSerializer, is provided for a subset of the JSON-based HAL format (CURIEs are ignored). It should be noted that this serializer can be used even if the media type of your resources is not application/hal+json.

When using the HCHalJsonSerializer serializer, the model parameter of HCGETSuccessBlk blocks will simply be an NSDictionary of the parsed JSON body (with the _links entry omitted). You can override this behavior by providing your own custom serializer. If instead of receiving an NSDictionary as the model object parameter of success blocks you wanted to use your own custom model objects (which you've presumably created to model your problem domain), you can subclass HCHalJsonSerializerExtensionSupport. You have to override 2 methods:

  • dictionaryWithResourceModel: - this is to serialize your model object to an NSDictionary (which will then be converted to JSON on the wire)
  • resourceModelWithDictionary:relations:mediaType:location:lastModified: - this is to deserialize an NSDictionary (which came from the JSON response body, minus the _links entry) to a model object of yours (when doing this deserialization, you'll also have the parsed link relations, media type, location and last-modified date - if present, of course)

Embedded Resources

The HAL format allows for resources to be embedded within resources (using the _embedded key). PEHateoas-Client has a slightly modified conception of embedded resources compared to the HAL format. Building on our fuel station resource, the following is an example of embedding as understood by PEHateoas-Client:

{ "fuelstation-name": "7-Eleven",
  "price-per-gallon": 2.89,
  "car-wash-pergallon-discount": 0.15,
  "_links": {
    "self": {
        "href": "",
        "type": "application/"
    "purchase_logs": {
        "href": "",
        "type": "application/"}},
  "_embedded": [
    {"media-type": "application/",
     "location": "",
     "last-modified": "",
     "paylaod": {
       "log-date": "",
       "num-gallons-purchased": 14.9,
       "odometer-reading": 52981}},
    {"media-type": "application/",
     "location": "",
     "last-modified": "",
     "paylaod": {
       "log-date": "",
       "outside-temperature": 72,
       "atmospheric-pressure": 101325}},

In our example above, the value of the _embedded entry is an array of objects (in contrast to HAL where the value of the _embedded entry would be another object). An array seemed like a better fit for _embedded, so that's what we went with. Also, each embedded object within the array has 3 useful pieces of metadata: media-type, location and last-modified. The payload entry contains the actual content of the embedded resource.

In order for your serializer be able to cope with embedded resources, when constructing it, simply supply an appropriate dictionary to the serializersForEmbeddedResources and actionsForEmbeddedResources parts of HCResourceSerializerSupport's initializer (HCHalJsonSerializer extends from HCResourceSerializerSupport). Lets look at an example. Assume you have the following model classes:

@interface FPFuelPurchaseLog : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSDate *logDate;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSDecimalNumber *odometerReading;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSDecimalNumber *numGallonsPurchased;

@interface FPFuelStation : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *fuelStationName;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSDecimalNumber *pricePerGallon;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *fpLogs;

- (void)addFpLog:(FPFuelPurchaseLog *)fpLog;

And you have 2 serializer classes (for each of your model classes). Each serializer class is only concerned about the immediate, direct non-collection properties of their corresponding model classes. I.e., the fuel station serializer does not care about fuel purchase log instances (even though it has a reference to an NSArray of them).

@interface FPFuelPurchaseLogSerializer : HCHalJsonSerializerExtensionSupport

@interface FPFuelStationSerializer : HCHalJsonSerializerExtensionSupport

And now the code that leverages the serializers:

// define our serializers
HCMediaType *fpLogMediaType = [HCMediaType mediaTypeFromString:@"application/"];
FPFuelPurchaseLogSerializer *fpLogSerializer =
  [[FPFuelPurchaseLogSerializer alloc] initWithMediaType:fpLogMediaType
                                                 charset:[HCCharset UTF8]
                         serializersForEmbeddedResources:@{} // fplog resources will NOT have embedded resources

HCMediaType *fuelStationMediaType = [HCMediaType mediaTypeFromString:@"application/"];
HCActionForEmbeddedResource actionForEmbeddedFpLog = ^(id fuelStation, id embeddedFpLog) {
  [(FPFuelStation *)fuelStation addFpLog:embeddedFpLog];
FPFuelStationSerializer *fuelStationSerializer =
  [[FPFuelStationSerializer alloc] initWithMediaType:fuelStationMediaType
                                             charset:[HCCharset UTF8]
                     serializersForEmbeddedResources:@{[fpLogMediaType description] : fpLogSerializer}
                         actionsForEmbeddedResources:@{[fpLogMediaType description] :

// deserialize our fuel station JSON
NSString *fuelStationJsonAsStr = ...; // assume fuelStationJsonAsStr now holds our fuel station JSON defined above
NSDictionary *fuelStationJsonAsDict =
  [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:[fuelStationJsonAsStr dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]
HCDeserializedPair *pair = [fuelStationSerializer deserializeEmbeddedResource:fuelStationJsonAsDict];
FPFuelStation *fuelStation = [pair resourceModel];
NSDictionary *fuelStationRels = [pair relations];

Our fuelStationSerializer is initialized such that if it encounters an _embedded entry in the HAL JSON it's parsing, for each embedded resource whose media type matches the media type encapsulated by fpLogMediaType, fpLogSerializer will be used to deserialize it, and the result will be provided as the 2nd parameter to our actionForEmbeddedFpLog block. As you can see, our actionForEmbeddedFpLog block's implementation is to add the given embeddedFpLog instance to the fuelStation's collection. If it wasn't obvious, the fuelStation parameter of the actionForEmbeddedFpLog block would be the fuel station instance currently being parsed by the fuelStationSerializer.

It should be noted that when using PEHateoas-Client, you'll never have to manually invoke the serializer. If fact, there is a deserialize method defined in HCResourceSerializer that receives an NSHTTPURLResponse (among others) and performs the deserialization; however, you don't have to call this in normal application code. Instead, it is performed by your HCRelationExecutor instance.

Example Usage

For the following examples, assume we have the fuel station serializers from above in our midst. Also assume that we have our hands on the fuel station's URI. (HOW we know the fuel station's URI is a separate discussion topic. Just assume we know it from a previous GET request to a resource that contained it. Remember, the REST client is endowed with the knowledge of a starting point URI; so assume from this starting point, the client was able to get a handle to the fuel station's URI through normal REST/hypermedia traversal).


HCRelationExecutor *relExec =
  [[HCRelationExecutor alloc] initWithDefaultAcceptCharset:[HCCharset UTF8]
                                 defaultContentTypeCharset:[HCCharset UTF8]
NSURL *fuelStationUrl = [[NSURL alloc]initWithString:@"/fuelstations/fs291410"
                                       relativeToURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];
HCResource *fuelStationRes = [[HCResource alloc] initWithMediaType:fuelStationMediaType
__block FPFuelStation *fetchedFuelStation;
__block NSDictionary *fuelStationRelations;
HCGETSuccessBlk successBlk = ^(NSURL *location,
                               id resourceModel,
                               NSDate *lastModified,
                               NSDictionary *relations,
                               NSHTTPURLResponse *resp) {
  fetchedFuelStation = (FPFuelStation *)resourceModel;
  fuelStationRelations = relations;
  NSLog(@"Got the fuel station and its relations!");
HCRedirectionBlk redirectionBlk = ^(NSURL *location,
                                    BOOL movedPermanently,
                                    BOOL notModified,
                                    NSHTTPURLResponse *resp) {
  NSLog(@"The target resource is somewhere else!");
HCClientErrorBlk clientErrBlk = ^(NSHTTPURLResponse *resp) {
  NSLog(@"Client error!");
HCAuthReqdErrorBlk authRequiredBlk = ^(HCAuthentication *auth,
                                       NSHTTPURLResponse *resp) {
  NSLog(@"Authentication required!");
HCServerErrorBlk serverErrBlk = ^(NSHTTPURLResponse *resp) {
  NSLog(@"Server error!");
HCServerUnavailableBlk serverUnavailableBlk = ^(NSDate *retryAfter,
                                                NSHTTPURLResponse *resp) {
  NSLog(@"The server is currently unavailable!");
HCConnFailureBlk connFailureBlk = ^(NSInteger nsurlErr) {
  NSLog(@"Connection error!");
[relExec doGetForTargetResource:fuelStationRes
                   asynchronous:YES // YES to put AFNetworking request op onto operationQueue; NO to directly start the operation
                completionQueue:nil // run completion block on main thread
                  authorization:nil // don't supply an 'Authorization' request header


So lets assume that at some point in the past, we got a 401 to some HTTP request, and the WWW-Authenticate response header on that 401 looked like this: WWW-Authenticate: FPAuthToken realm='all' In our app we prompt the user to log in, collect their credentials, navigate to some authentication relation's target resource, and get back an authentication token: FPAUTHTKN-0291034K-ASNLUS-ZDLSI920. We want to include this token in our POST example.

Where applicable, we'll be reusing some completion blocks we defined above in our GET example. We'll also be using our fuelStationRelations links collection we fetched above in our HCGETSuccessBlk. The following shows doing a POST to create a new fuel purchase log against our fetched fuel station.

HCRelation *purchaseLogsRel = [fuelStationRelations objectForKey:@"purchase_logs"];
FPFuelPurchaseLog *fpLog = [FPFuelPurchaseLog makeWithLogDate:[NSDate date]
HCPOSTSuccessBlk successBlk = ^(NSURL *location,
                                id resourceModel,
                                NSDate *lastModified,
                                NSDictionary *relations,
                                NSHTTPURLResponse *resp) {
  if (resourceModel) {
    FPFuelPurchaseLog *newFpLog = (FPFuelPurchaseLog *)resourceModel; // if the created fpLog is echoed back in the response
    NSLog(@"Our newly-minted fpLog instance! %@", newFpLog);
HCAuthorization *authorization = [HCAuthorization authWithScheme:@"fp-auth"
[relExec doPostForTargetResource:[purchaseLogsRel target
              resourceModelParam:fpLog // the model object to be serialized and become the body of the request
                 paramSerializer:fpLogSerializer // serializes the resourceModelParam to be the body of the request
        responseEntitySerializer:fpLogSerializer // if present, deserializes the response into a model object
                    asynchronous:YES // to put AFNetworking request op onto operationQueue; NO to directly start the operation
                 completionQueue:nil // run completion block on main thread

Installation with CocoaPods

pod 'PEHateoas-Client', '~> 1.0.19'

PE* iOS Library Suite

(Each library is implemented as a CocoaPod-enabled iOS static library.)


An iOS static library for consuming hypermedia REST APIs.







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