PEDev-Console is an iOS static library for simplifying the development process of iOS applications. It provides a view controller that integrates into your application that enables you to jump to any screen of your application instantly. It also includes the functionality of PESimu-Select in order to enable HTTP response simulations.
PEDev-Console is part of the PE* iOS Library Suite.
Table of Contents
- Motivation
- Setup Guide
- Screenshots
- Demo Application
- Installation with CocoaPods
- PE* iOS Library Suite
When developing an iOS application, the development of view controllers in particular can be particularly painstakingly iterative in nature. This becomes more pronounced when developing views programmatically (i.e., not using interface builder). The ability to see the results of your code changes quickly is very important to developer-productivity.
You may often find yourself working on a particular screen of your application that is buried deeply underneath many other screens. Testing changes to this screen usually involves running the app, and manually navigating to the screen. If the screens above it require things like forms to be filled-out properly, etc, the workflow can soon become very slow and cumbersome.
PEDev-Console attempts to fix this situation. The idea is simple: after application launch, give your device a shake. The PEDev-Console dev console will appear, giving you a choice to view the full set of screens contained in your application. Simply tap the screen you want, and it will be instantiated and presented. As a bonus, from the dev console you can also --- if configured --- choose an HTTP response simulation to activate (provided by PESimu-Select integration).
Have your app delegate conform to the PDVDevEnabled protocol.
#import "PDVDevEnabled.h"
@interface AppDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate, PDVDevEnabled>
This step is to enable PESimu-Select functionality. Create a folder called application-screens. In this folder, create a sub folder for each screen of your application in which you want to integrate PESimu-Select functionality. Within each screen folder, create a folder for each use case the screen supports. For each use case folder, create a PESimu-Select simulation XML file for each HTTP response scenario you wish to test. The following screenshot shows our folder setup for PEDev-Console's demo application:
In your application delegate, declare a class-level PDVUtils instance:
@implementation AppDelegate {
PDVUtils *_pdvUtils;
In your application delegate, instead of instantiating UIWindow
, use
. Also, instantiate your _pdvUtils
instance (be sure to provide
the correct name of your base screens folder name):
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
[self setWindow:[[PDVUIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]]];
_pdvUtils = [[PDVUtils alloc] initWithBaseResourceFolderOfSimulations:@"application-screens"
screenGroups:[self screenGroups]];
In your application delegate, implement the screenGroups
- (NSArray *)screenGroups {
NSArray *unauthenticatedScreens =
@[ // Create Account screen
[[PDVScreen alloc] initWithDisplayName:@"Create Account"
description:@"Create Account screen."
[[PDVCreateAccountController alloc] init];}],
// Login screen
[[PDVScreen alloc] initWithDisplayName:@"Log In"
description:@"Log In screen."
viewControllerMaker:^{return [[PDVLoginController alloc] init];}]];
PDVScreenGroup *unauthenticatedScreenGroup =
[[PDVScreenGroup alloc] initWithName:@"Unauthenticated Screens"
NSArray *authenticatedScreens =
@[ // Authenticated landing screen
[[PDVScreen alloc] initWithDisplayName:@"Authenticated Landing"
description:@"Authenticated landing screen of pre-existing user with resident auth token."
viewControllerMaker:^{return [[PDVAuthenticatedLandingController alloc] init];}]];
PDVScreenGroup *authenticatedScreenGroup =
[[PDVScreenGroup alloc] initWithName:@"Authenticated Screens"
return @[ unauthenticatedScreenGroup, authenticatedScreenGroup ];
What's going on here is that for each screen in your application, you'll create
a PDVScreen
instance to serve as a sort of container for it. These
instances are used by PEDev-Console's screen selection view
controller. Each PDVScreen
instance is given a block (with signature:
UIViewController *(^)(void)
) that is used to instantiate your view controller
if the user selects it from the screen selection controller. You also need to
group each PDVScreen
instance within a PDVScreenGroup
instance. The purpose
of PDVScreenGroup
is to give you a basic mechanism for grouping
logically-related screens. These groups are then used for creating the
table-sections of the PEDev-Console screen selection controller's table view.
Next, in our application delegate, we implement the 2 methods from the
- (PDVUtils *)pdvUtils {
return _pdvUtils;
- (NSDictionary *)screenNamesForViewControllers {
return @{
NSStringFromClass([PDVCreateAccountController class]) : @"create-account-screen",
NSStringFromClass([PDVLoginController class]) : @"login-screen",
NSStringFromClass([PDVAuthenticatedLandingController class]) : @"authenticated-landing-screen"
The purpose of screenNamesForViewControllers
is to map the classes of your
application view controllers to the their corresponding PESimu-Select HTTP
response simulation folders.
Finally, in each of your application view controllers, include the following import:
#import "UIViewController+PEDevConsole.h"
And in your viewDidLoad
method, include the following line:
// enables PEDev-Console integration
[self pdvDevEnable];
By doing this, a simple shake of the device will launch the dev console.
The following are taken from the DemoApp. The DemoApp has an initial launch screen, and 3 application screens (Log In, Create Account and Authenticated Home). Funny thing is, none of the application screens are accessible from the launch screen :)
First we launch the app.
Shaking the device presents the dev console screen.
From here we have 2 basic options: get our list of application screens, or bring up the list of HTTP response simulations (PESimu-Select). If we tap to view our applications screens, we get:
Here we see our 3 application screens, organized into 2 groups. We'll tap on 'Create Account' to launch that screen.
Voila! Lets shake again, and this time tap to view the set of available HTTP response simulations:
Now lets assume we tapped the 'Log In' row from the screen selector. Here we see our app's log in screen:
Shaking and tapping to view our HTTP response simulations gives us:
Notice that the set of HTTP response simulations available is based on our current screen - the log in screen.
The DemoApp is a working application illustrating how to use PEDev-Console.
pod 'PEDev-Console', '~> 1.0.5'
(Each library is implemented as a CocoaPod-enabled iOS static library.)
- PEObjc-Commons: a library providing a set of everyday helper functionality.
- PEXML-Utils: a library simplifying working with XML. Built on top of KissXML.
- PEHateoas-Client: a library for consuming hypermedia REST APIs. I.e. those that adhere to the Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State (HATEOAS) constraint. Built on top of AFNetworking.
- PEWire-Control: a library for controlling Cocoa's NSURL loading system using simple XML files. Built on top of OHHTTPStubs.
- PEAppTransaction-Logger: a library client for the PEAppTransaction Logging Framework. Clojure-based libraries exist implementing the server-side core data access and REST API functionality.
- PESimu-Select: a library aiding in the functional testing of web service enabled iOS applications.
- PEDev-Console: this library.