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Event Driven .NET Development Guide

A development guide for building loosely coupled, event-driven microservices using Event Driven .NET abstractions and reference architecture.


The following steps illustrate how to create microservices based on the principles of Domain Driven Design (DDD) and Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) with services that communicate asynchronously over an Event Bus abstraction that uses Dapr for publish-subscribe with an underlying message broker.

  1. Create a CustomerService Web API project.
    • Add the following packages.
      • AutoMapper.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection
      • EventDriven.CQRS.Abstractions
      • EventDriven.CQRS.Extensions
      • EventDriven.DependencyInjection.URF.Mongo
      • EventDriven.EventBus.Dapr
      • EventDriven.EventBus.EventCache.Mongo
      • MongoDB.Driver
      • URF.Core.Mongo
  2. Add Domain/CustomerAggregate folders to the project, then add a Customer class that extends Entity.
    • Add properties representing entity state.
    public class Customer : Entity
        public string FirstName { get; set; } = null!;
        public string LastName { get; set; } = null!;
        public Address ShippingAddress { get; set; } = null!;
    • Create commands that are C# records and extend a Command base class.
    public record CreateCustomer(Customer? Entity) : Command<Customer>(Entity);
    public record UpdateCustomer(Customer? Entity) : Command<Customer>(Entity);
    public record RemoveCustomer(Guid EntityId) : Command(EntityId);
    • Create an Events folder in Domain/CustomerAggregate and add events that extend DomainEvent.
    public record CustomerCreated(Customer? Entity) : DomainEvent<Customer>(Entity);
    public record CustomerUpdated(Customer? Entity) : DomainEvent<Customer>(Entity);
    public record CustomerRemoved(Guid EntityId) : DomainEvent(EntityId);
    • Update the Customer entity to implement ICommandProcessor and IEventApplier interfaces to process commands by emitting domain events and to apply those events to mutate entity state.
      • Implementing entity behavior by means of Process and Apply methods allows for easier migration to event sourcing in the future.
      • Implement ICommandProcessor<CreateCustomer, Customer, CustomerCreated> to add a Process method that accepts a CreateCustomer command and returns a CustomerCreated event.
      • Implement IEventApplier<CustomerCreated> to mutate entity state based on a CustomerCreated event.
    public class Customer : 
        ICommandProcessor<CreateCustomer, Customer, CustomerCreated>,
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }
        public Address ShippingAddress { get; set; }
        public CustomerCreated Process(CreateCustomer command)
            // To process command, return one or more domain events
            => new(command.Entity);
        public void Apply(CustomerCreated domainEvent) =>
            // Set Id
            Id = domainEvent.EntityId != default ? domainEvent.EntityId : Guid.NewGuid();
  3. Add a CreateCustomerHandler class to a CommandHandlers folder in Domain/CustomerAggregate, and implement ICommandHandler<Customer, CreateCustomer>.
    • Inject ICustomerRepository into the constructor.
    • In the Handle method write code to process the command, apply events, and persist the entity.
    public async Task<CommandResult<Customer>> Handle(CreateCustomer command, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        // Process command
        if (command.Entity == null) return new CommandResult<Customer>(CommandOutcome.InvalidCommand);
        var domainEvent = command.Entity.Process(command);
        // Apply events
        // Persist entity
        var entity = await _repository.AddAsync(command.Entity);
        if (entity == null) return new CommandResult<Customer>(CommandOutcome.InvalidCommand);
        return new CommandResult<Customer>(CommandOutcome.Accepted, entity);
  4. Add a Common class library project to the solution.
    • Add the following packages:
      • EventDriven.CQRS.Abstractions
      • EventDriven.EventBus.Abstractions
      • Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions
    • Reference the Common project from the CustomerService project.
    • Create a LoggingBehavior<TRequest, TResponse> class that implements IBehavior<TRequest, TResponse>.
    • In the Handle method perform pre and post handler logging.
    public async Task<TResponse> Handle(TRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken, 
        RequestHandlerDelegate<TResponse> next)
        string requestType = string.Empty;
        if (typeof(TRequest).IsCommandType())
            requestType = "command";
        else if (typeof(TRequest).IsQueryType())
            requestType = "query";
        _logger.LogInformation("----- Handling {RequestType} '{CommandName}'. Request: {@Request}", 
            requestType, request.GetGenericTypeName(), request);
        var response = await next();
        _logger.LogInformation("----- Handled {RequestType} '{CommandName}'. Response: {@Response}", 
            requestType, request.GetGenericTypeName(), response);
        return response;
    • Create a CustomerAddressUpdated record that extends IntegrationEvent.
    public record CustomerAddressUpdated(Guid CustomerId, Address ShippingAddress) : IntegrationEvent;
  5. Create a Repositories folder in the CustomerService project to contain repositories.
    • Add an ICustomerRepository interface.
    public interface ICustomerRepository
        Task<IEnumerable<Customer>> GetAsync();
        Task<Customer?> GetAsync(Guid id);
        Task<Customer?> AddAsync(Customer entity);
        Task<Customer?> UpdateAsync(Customer entity);
        Task<int> RemoveAsync(Guid id);
    • Add a CustomerRepository class that implements ICustomerRepository and extends DocumentRepository<Customer>.
    public class CustomerRepository : DocumentRepository<Customer>, ICustomerRepository
        public CustomerRepository(IMongoCollection<Customer> collection) : base(collection)
        public async Task<IEnumerable<Customer>> GetAsync() =>
            await FindManyAsync();
        public async Task<Customer?> GetAsync(Guid id) =>
            await FindOneAsync(e => e.Id == id);
        public async Task<Customer?> AddAsync(Customer entity)
            var existing = await FindOneAsync(e => e.Id == entity.Id);
            if (existing != null) return null;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.ETag))
                entity.ETag = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            return await InsertOneAsync(entity);
        public async Task<Customer?> UpdateAsync(Customer entity)
            var existing = await GetAsync(entity.Id);
            if (existing == null) return null;
            if (string.Compare(entity.ETag, existing.ETag, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0 )
                throw new ConcurrencyException();
            entity.ETag = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            return await FindOneAndReplaceAsync(e => e.Id == entity.Id, entity);
        public async Task<int> RemoveAsync(Guid id) =>
            await DeleteOneAsync(e => e.Id == id);
  6. Add an UpdateCustomerHandler class to the CommandHandlers folder.
    • Inject ICustomerRepository, IEventBus and IMapper into the constructor.
    • In the Handle method, see if the shipping address has changed, and if so, publish a CustomerAddressUpdated integration event, so that the order service can update the shipping address in the customer's orders.
    public async Task<CommandResult<Customer>> Handle(UpdateCustomer command, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        // Process command
        if (command.Entity == null) return new CommandResult<Customer>(CommandOutcome.InvalidCommand);
        var domainEvent = command.Entity.Process(command);
        // Apply events
        // Compare shipping addresses
        var existing = await _repository.GetAsync(command.EntityId);
        if (existing == null) return new CommandResult<Customer>(CommandOutcome.NotHandled);
        var addressChanged = command.Entity.ShippingAddress != existing.ShippingAddress;
            // Persist entity
            var entity = await _repository.UpdateAsync(command.Entity);
            if (entity == null) return new CommandResult<Customer>(CommandOutcome.NotFound);
            // Publish events
            if (addressChanged)
                var shippingAddress = _mapper.Map<Integration.Models.Address>(entity.ShippingAddress);
                _logger.LogInformation("----- Publishing event: {EventName}", $"v1.{nameof(CustomerAddressUpdated)}");
                await _eventBus.PublishAsync(
                    new CustomerAddressUpdated(entity.Id, shippingAddress),
                    null, "v1");
            return new CommandResult<Customer>(CommandOutcome.Accepted, entity);
        catch (ConcurrencyException)
            return new CommandResult<Customer>(CommandOutcome.Conflict);
  7. Create queries and query handlers to retrieve entities from the customer repository.
    • Add GetCustomer and GetCustomers records to a Queries folder.
    public record GetCustomer(Guid Id) : Query<Customer?>;
    public record GetCustomers : Query<IEnumerable<Customer>>;
    • Add GetCustomerHandler to a QueryHandlers folder.
    public class GetCustomerHandler : IQueryHandler<GetCustomer, Customer?>
        private readonly ICustomerRepository _repository;
        public GetCustomerHandler(
            ICustomerRepository repository)
            _repository = repository;
        public async Task<Customer?> Handle(GetCustomer query, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var result = await _repository.GetAsync(query.Id);
            return result;
    • Add GetCustomersHandler to the QueryHandlers folder.
    public class GetCustomersHandler : IQueryHandler<GetCustomers, IEnumerable<Customer>>
        private readonly ICustomerRepository _repository;
        public GetCustomersHandler(
            ICustomerRepository repository)
            _repository = repository;
        public async Task<IEnumerable<Customer>> Handle(GetCustomers query, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var result = await _repository.GetAsync();
            return result;
  8. Add read and write models to a DTO folder. Note that read and write models may differ from one another.
    • Add an AutoMapperProfile class that extends Profile and maps DTO's to entities.
  9. Add a CustomerCommandController to the project that injects ICommandBroker and IMapper into the ctor.
    • Add Post, Put and Delete actions which accept a Customer DTO, map it to a Customer entity and call SendAsync on the command broker, passing the appropriate command.
    • Map input and output entities to corresponding DTO's.
    // POST api/customer
    public async Task<IActionResult> Create([FromBody] DTO.Write.Customer customerDto)
        var customerIn = _mapper.Map<Customer>(customerDto);
        var result = await _commandBroker.SendAsync(new CreateCustomer(customerIn));
        if (result.Outcome != CommandOutcome.Accepted)
            return result.ToActionResult();
        var customerOut = _mapper.Map<DTO.Write.Customer>(result.Entity);
        return new CreatedResult($"api/customer/{customerOut.Id}", customerOut);
    // PUT api/customer
    public async Task<IActionResult> Update([FromBody] DTO.Write.Customer customerDto)
        var customerIn = _mapper.Map<Customer>(customerDto);
        var result = await _commandBroker.SendAsync(new UpdateCustomer(customerIn));
        if (result.Outcome != CommandOutcome.Accepted)
            return result.ToActionResult();
        var customerOut = _mapper.Map<DTO.Write.Customer>(result.Entity);
        return result.ToActionResult(customerOut);
    // DELETE api/customer/id
    public async Task<IActionResult> Remove([FromRoute] Guid id)
        var result = await _commandBroker.SendAsync(new RemoveCustomer(id));
        return result.Outcome != CommandOutcome.Accepted
            ? result.ToActionResult() 
            : new NoContentResult();
  10. Add a CustomerQueryController to the project that injects IQueryBroker and IMapper into the constructor.
  • Use the repository to retrieve entities, then map those to Customer DTO objects.
    // GET api/customer
    public async Task<IActionResult> GetCustomers()
        var customers = await _queryBroker.SendAsync(new GetCustomers());
        var result = _mapper.Map<IEnumerable<CustomerView>>(customers);
        return Ok(result);
    // GET api/customer/id
    public async Task<IActionResult> GetCustomer([FromRoute] Guid id)
        var customer = await _queryBroker.SendAsync(new GetCustomer(id));
        if (customer == null) return NotFound();
        var result = _mapper.Map<CustomerView>(customer);
        return Ok(result);
  1. Register dependencies for CustomerService in Program.
    // Add automapper
    // Add command and query handlers
    // Add behaviors
    builder.Services.AddTransient(typeof(IPipelineBehavior<,>), typeof(LoggingBehavior<,>));
    // Add database settings
    builder.Services.AddSingleton<ICustomerRepository, CustomerRepository>();
    builder.Services.AddMongoDbSettings<CustomerDatabaseSettings, Customer>(builder.Configuration);
    // Add Dapr event bus
    builder.Services.AddDaprEventBus(builder.Configuration, true);
  2. Add configuration entries to appsettings.json.
    "CustomerDatabaseSettings": {
      "ConnectionString": "mongodb://localhost:27017",
      "DatabaseName": "CustomersDb",
      "CollectionName": "Customers"
    "DaprEventBusOptions": {
      "PubSubName": "pubsub"
    "MongoEventCacheOptions": {
      "AppName": "order-service"
    "MongoStoreDatabaseSettings": {
      "ConnectionString": "mongodb://localhost:27017",
      "DatabaseName": "daprStore",
      "CollectionName": "daprCollection"
    "DaprEventBusSchemaOptions": {
      "UseSchemaRegistry": true,
      "SchemaValidatorType": "Json",
      "SchemaRegistryType": "Mongo",
      "AddSchemaOnPublish": true,
      "MongoStateStoreOptions": {
        "ConnectionString": "mongodb://localhost:27017",
        "DatabaseName": "schema-registry",
        "SchemasCollectionName": "schemas"
  3. Repeat these steps for the Order service.
    • Reference the Common project.
    • Add Integration/EventHandlers folders with a CustomerAddressUpdatedEventHandler class that extends IntegrationEventHandler<CustomerAddressUpdated>.
    • Override HandleAsync to update the order addresses for the customer.
    public override async Task HandleAsync(CustomerAddressUpdated @event)
        var orders = await _orderRepository.GetCustomerOrders(@event.CustomerId);
        foreach (var order in orders)
            var shippingAddress = _mapper.Map<Address>(@event.ShippingAddress);
            await _orderRepository.UpdateOrderAddress(order.Id, shippingAddress);
  • Register dependencies for CustomerService in Program.
  • In Program register CustomerAddressUpdatedEventHandler and add the Dapr Event Bus.
    builder.Services.AddDaprEventBus(builder.Configuration, true);
  • Also in Program use Cloud Events, map subscribe handlers, and map Dapr Event Bus endpoints.
    app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
        endpoints.MapDaprEventBus(eventBus =>
            var customerAddressUpdatedEventHandler = app.Services.GetRequiredService<CustomerAddressUpdatedEventHandler>();
            eventBus.Subscribe(customerAddressUpdatedEventHandler, null, "v1");
  1. Add configuration entries for MongoEventCacheOptions and MongoStoreDatabaseSettings to appsettings.json.
    "MongoEventCacheOptions": {
      "AppName": "order-service"
    "MongoStoreDatabaseSettings": {
      "ConnectionString": "mongodb://localhost:27017",
      "DatabaseName": "daprStore",
      "CollectionName": "daprCollection"
  2. Lastly, add a dapr/components directory to the reference-architecture folder.
    • Add the following dapr component yaml files:
      • pubsub.yaml
      • statestore.yaml
      • statestore-mongodb.yaml
    • Files not in use should be placed in a separate folder.