A fully automatic token joiner for discord using oAuth2 workflow.
- Sellix integration with custom amounts
- Auto removes non working auths
- Auto skips already in tokens within 1 minute depending on the server size before continuing with joining.
- Logs every event on webhook ( completion, errors etc. with detailed information )
- A bot to create keys manually and track running orders
- Advanced error handling, attempts to serve flawless joining.
- Multi Threaded, Can join in multiple servers at the same time concurrently.
- Create a new application at https://canary.discord.com/developers/applications
- Authorize tokens to your bot, auths must be in format user_id:auth_token:refresh_token
- Add auths in offline.txt or online.txt depending on the type.
- Configure bot's client id, client secret, webhook and your server url followed by /callback in config.json
- Run python main.py
- Run python webhook.py for sellix integration if required, and add its url in the dynamic section of sellix.