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Releases: QW-Group/ezquake-source


29 Oct 22:20
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  • hud_scoreclock on by default (krizej)
  • HUD: gamesummary centers its text regardless of scale/ratio (hemostx)
  • fixing and tweaking bindedit and aliasedit (krizej)
  • copy to clipboard command (krizej)
  • r_fx_geometry has been merged with gl_outline (krizej)
  • new cvars: gl_outline_color_world - sets the color of the world outline (krizej)
  • new cvars: gl_outline_color_model - sets the color of the model outline (krizej)
  • new cvars: gl_outline_color_team - sets the color of friendly players' outlines (krizej)
  • new cvars: gl_outline_color_enemy - sets the color of enemy players' outlines (krizej)
  • new cvars: gl_outline_scale_model - adjusts the scale of the model outline (smackdown/qcon have 0-1 limit, 0-5 on others) (krizej)
  • new cvars: gl_outline_depth_threshold - adjusts the threshold for drawing world outlines using depth values (krizej)
  • new cvars: gl_outline_use_player_color - uses the top and bottom colors of players as outline colors (krizej)
  • new cvars: gl_spec_xray - demo/qtv-only, see players through walls (uses the gl_outline shader and is affected by outline color and scale values) (krizej)
  • new cvars: gl_spec_xray_distance - sets the distance from which you can see players through walls (krizej)
  • TEXTURES: Fix competitive issues with fence textures (dsvensson)
  • CI: Double-zip macOS app to keep executable bit (dsvensson)
  • fix outline cvars resetting on vid_restart (krizej)
  • Make shader-based gamma the default in new configurations (krizej)
  • INSTALL: Include all of libsndfile's dependencies (dsvensson)
  • UI: Add notice on outdated client (dsvensson)
  • CFG: Add documentation for gl_scaleAlphaTextures (dsvensson)
  • Update (BLooD-DoG)
  • DOWNLOAD: Harmonize download filter (dsvensson)
  • BUILD: macos - use matrix for builds (ciscon)
  • New variables for rocket explosion blood color (foobar)


  • r_fx_geometry incorrect behavior in smaller viewsize's (krizej)
  • rerelease airbut1.wav f_modified (namtsui)
  • SDL: Default to no keyboard grab on Windows (dsvensson)
  • GFX: Fix fence textures on func (dsvensson)
  • trigger_secrets now play their sound at the proper location (krizej)
  • MACOS: Fix remaining issues with .app bundle (dsvensson)


  • BUILD: Vcpkg instead of vendored binary blobs in the repo (dsvensson)
  • PCRE -> PCRE2 (fzwoch)


10 Aug 21:24
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  • BSP: Mark only liquids as underwater (dvsenssons)
  • BSP: Sane sanity check and unsigned surfaces (dvsenssons)
  • CONFIG: update graphics presets (blood dog)
  • POSIX: add sys_highpriority cvar for changing process priority via nice level if user has privileges to do so. (ciscon)
  • INSTALL: fix versioning for macOS (fzwoch)
  • SKIN: Fix player skin texture scaling and filtering (krizej)
  • MACRO: New macro that outputs dates as (krizej)
  • date/time hud element for the scoreboard (krizej)
  • MENU: make menu_slist call go directly to slist (ciscon)
  • BIND: Add bindedit command (krizej)
  • BSP: Load bspx lighting for maps compiled with -novanilla (dvsenssons)
  • DOWNLOAD: bump download speed for client and server (qqshka)
  • LIGHTMAPS: Support for DECOUPLEDLM (dvsenssons)
  • add r_sgbloodColor (krizej)


  • BSP: Fix rounding error in CalcSurfaceExtents (dvsenssons)
  • fix z-fighting (krizej)
  • gunkick is broken with fast firing weapons (krizej)
  • fix centerprint not appearing during finales (krizej)
  • XonXonX issues with frag/kill feed (krizej)
  • add airbut1.wav rerelease sha1 to pass f_modified checks on dm2 and e1m2 (namtsui)


  • BUILD: fix some compilation warnings
  • BUILD: linux - build appimage snapshot (ciscon)
  • MAKE: throw error with recommended solution if qwprot submodule is missing (ciscon)


19 Mar 22:12
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ezQuake 3.6.2 Release Notes


  • The -allowmultiple command line option works for all builds (dusty)
  • Add support for lit water (dsvensson)
  • gl_outline and r_fx_geometry is allowed by smackdown ruleset, both disabled by qcon ruleset
  • use 64 bit time on 32 bit windows systems (ciscon)
  • Don't create lightmaps for unlit turbs (dsvensson)
  • Fix alphatest related fog/fence issues (dsvensson)
  • Warn on empty textures rather than break (dsvensson)
  • Fix fog blending of particles (dsvensson)
  • Restore joystick support (ewhac)
  • Added cl_maxfps_menu cvar, at default value use refresh rate (zigg1zagg1)


  • Yet again, fix text powerup width calculation (dsvensson)
  • The /follow command is renamed to /find_and_follow
  • SKYBOX: Rotate 90 degrees to align with other engines (dsvensson)


  • disable gl_hwblend by default (ciscon)
  • gl_anisotropy default to 16, reduces risk of bad rendering of fence textures at steep angles. (dsvensson)
  • vid_renderer default to 1, the modern renderer, transparent fallback to classic. (dsvensson)
  • vid_software_palette default to 1, a very common recommendation on discord wrt gamma. (dsvensson)
  • r_dynamic default to 2, dynamic lighting on the GPU for modern. (dsvensson)
  • one binary created upon release (rls-all), which contains both the classic (vid_renderer 0) and the modern (vid_renderer 1) renderer


05 Nov 12:30
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ezQuake 3.6.1 Release Notes


  • Allow for the Quake re-release sound files to pass f_modified checks (namtsui)
  • Show flag carrier in hud_teaminfo (dvsensson)
  • Add optional total captures to scoreboard (dvsensson)
  • Added /follow command to find a player by name and connect to the same server (EMPIRE)
  • Bump limits to allow loading modern maps (dvsensson)
  • Automatically ignore unezQuake inlay messages (JosephPecoraro)
  • init paths MacOS and freebsd update (devnexen)
  • Vsync fix for MacOS (andrestone)
  • Increase the default cl_physfps_spectator value to 77 (Calinou)
  • Implemented scr_shownick_show_ammo to display ammo in /shownick 1(dusty)
  • Can also use %k or %K in format string to customize ammo display (dusy)
  • Lots of teaminfo stuff: respawn times and dead players while playing ca/wipeout (dusty)
  • Scoreboard kills/deaths reset between rounds in wipeout (dusty)
  • Scoreboard replaces server time with respawn time during wipeout (dusty)
  • Scoreboard dims dead players in ca/wipeout (dusty)


  • Fix text powerup width calculation (dsvensson)


05 Oct 22:01
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3.6.0 is 3.6-dev-alpha10-dev, just a new version number was created.
The binaries attached to the release were built using Github Actions, instead of manually build using mingw and Visual Studio. And it is only for the Windows target.

The attached assets: contains the binary with std renderer contains the binary glsl renderer contains the binary with both renderer

'rls' stand for 'release'

If there are performance issues with these compared to the 3.6-dev-alpha10-dev binaries, please report.


05 Oct 21:59
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Changes in 3.6-dev-alpha:

Changes from alpha9=>alpha10 (November 14th, ongoing)

  • Added /vid_reload command to reload textures, rather than full /vid_restart. /vid_reload_auto cvar controls automatic/manual.
  • Added _draw cvar on hud elements, to take space on-screen but not render content (also filters SP & MP games) (requests #619, #620)
  • Added /scr_scoreboard_showflagstats, to force flag columns to be shown on scoreboard (for CTF - thanks to dsvensson)
  • Added support for MacOS qw urls opening via drag and drop emulation (fix by ciscon)
  • Added /hud_teaminfo_header_spacing to control lines between headers (default 1 - thanks to xantom)
  • Changed _show cvar on hud elements to allow filter for SP & MP games (requests #619, #620)
  • Changed /gl_consolefont to fall back to 'original' on load failure, but doesn't change value (for toggling no24bit, #605)
  • Fixed /gl_no24bit not affecting aliasmodel skins (3.5 bug, reported by hemostx, #605)
  • Fixed toggling /gl_no24bit 1 => 0 causing maximum of a single QMB particle (old bug, reported by hemostx, #604)
  • Fixed combination of /vid_framebuffer_multisample and /r_fx_geometry (alpha9 bug, reported by hemostx, #608)
  • Fixed bug causing frag-message highlighting of normal messages if name at start of line (very old bug, reported by qqshka, #623)
  • Fixed bugs causing access of invalid memory when loading corrupt .bsp files (very old bugs, reported by mmmds, #615)
  • Fixed bug causing /gl_particle_gibtrails 1 to turn classic blood trails following gibs into rocket smoke (very old bug, reported by hemostx, #614)
  • Fixed bug causing +fire_ar to not obey /cl_weaponhide when last button depressed (alpha8 bug, reported by paddern, #613)
  • Fixed bug causing messagemode input to appear in wrong position when using notify hud element (3.5 bug, reported by zigg1zagg1, #626)
  • Fixed bug causing potential access of freed memory during vid_reload/vid_restart
  • Fixed bug causing /cl_curlybraces to affect general parsing (3.1 bug after workaround in 2009, #640, reported by raket/fix)
  • Fixed bug causing /r_tracker_inconsole 3 to show frag messages in the notify area (3.5 bug, #642, reported by HangTime)
  • Fixed bug causing /hud_bar_armor to display outside bounds when armor value > 100 (affects ctf - #651, reported & fixed by dsvensson)
  • Fixed bug causing copy-to-clipboard from server-browser popup on non-Windows systems to not copy to system clipboard (thanks to dev)
  • Fixed bug causing restore of window which already had input focus (affects linux/macos, thanks to ciscon)
  • Improved alignment of scoreboard scores, removed teamkills in teamplay 4 (thanks to dsvensson)
  • Added arch-linux support to script (thanks to ginzberg)
  • Changed endian detection in GCC/clang (fixes #655, thanks to ciscon)
  • Fixed reading from pipe on posix systems (thanks to qqskha)
  • Fixed weapon selection not defaulting back to 2 1 on map change (#659, reported by ParboiL)
  • Will now load from ID1 folder if id1 not present
  • Will now check PAKx.PAK if pakx.pak not present (fixes #637, reported by nzmyers)
  • Skyboxes rotated to match other quake engines (part of #629, requested by inf1niti & lurq)
  • Skyboxes will be loaded on map start if specified in worldspawn (fixes #629, requested by inf1niti & lurq)
  • Fixed playback of looping sounds when using libsndfile to load sounds (reported by lurq)

Changes from alpha8=>alpha9 (July 13th => November 14th, 2021)

  • Fixed/worked around some classic renderer bugs on version x.y.13399 AMD drivers (#416)
  • Fixed bug causing off-by-one error when drawing rectangle outlines (3.5 bug, reported by Matrix, #536)
  • Fixed /in_raw 0 behaviour on MacOS (#489)
  • Fixed /r_drawflat 1, /r_drawflat_mode 0 affecting ammo boxes etc in classic renderer
  • Fixed match logging not working when using competitive rulesets
  • Fixed incomplete rendering when gibbed or dead in shallow water (reported by Matrix, #568)
  • Fixed tab key not switching tabs on serverinfo popup (reported by Hangtime, #555)
  • Fixed /demo_jump_mark not working if /demo_jump_rewind not set
  • Fixed coping with 1x1 ibar.png (reported by Matrix, #571)
  • Fixed powerupshells when using /r_viewmodelsize (reported by timbergeron, #573)
  • Fixed crouch adjustment staying disabled after teleport/respawn when /cl_nopred enabled (reported by Matrix, #572)
  • Added /gl_smoothmodels back in (modern renderer only), (requested by Repast via
  • Added /demo_jump_skip_messages to determine if messages should be printed to console during demo jump
  • Added /demo_jump_end to jump to next intermission point or end of demo (requested by Hangtime, #564)
  • Added /sb_info_filter to allow filtering of servers in server-browser based on serverinfo (requested by Matrix, #537)
  • On startup (after autoexec.cfg executed), a vid_restart/s_restart will be issued if any latched variables were changed (reported by Dusty, #458)
  • Multiview will be disabled when watching a solo demo and no powerup cams are active (requested by mmavova, #126)
  • MacOS: sets SDL flag to stop touch events being translated into mouse events (might help with #354)
  • /status command will be ignored if an alias with the same name is found, use /sv_status instead (fixes #532)
  • qw:// urls in command line will be opened even if not preceded by +qwurl (thanks to ciscon)
  • Linux: register_qwurl_protocol will register protocol with xdg (thanks to ciscon)
  • Added /v_dlightcolor to control if being inside flashblend light affects palette by color of light
  • Added /v_dlightcshiftpercent to control strength of palette shift effect when inside flashblend light
  • Changed /v_dlightcshift to be enum of when being inside flashblend light affects palette (requested by HangTime, #542)
  • Added /vid_framebuffer_multisample to control multi-sampling level of the framebuffer (reported by Matrix, #367)
  • Translucent models are first drawn with a z-pass, to stop overdraw affecting level of translucency
  • Fixed explosion effects on md3 viewmodels (additive blending was being lost)
  • Removed server-side weapon switching 'support' in client
  • Removed debugging messages when using +fire_ar
  • Commands that search by regular expression (/cvarlist_re etc) are now case-insensitive (reported by HangTime, #599)
  • Added /fs_savegame_home to control if games are saved to home directory (default) or game directory (reported by githubtefo, #586)
  • Fixed /gl_no24bit not taking effect after /vid_restart (reported by hemostx, #601)
  • Fixed /gl_no24bit not disabling loading external textures (3.5 bug, kind of reported by hemostx, #601)
  • Fixed bug causing /gl_scaleskytextures to not affect external textures (reported & fixed by hemostx, #606)
  • Fix invalid protocol adjustments when using NQ progs.dat and /sv_bigcoords 1

Changes from alpha7=>alpha8 (Feb 9th => July 13th, 2021)

  • Fix increased memory buffer causing slow speed of demo_jump (#453)
  • Fix turbalpha causing rendering artifacts on non-vissed maps (#473)
  • Fix bug in SZ_Print writing to invalid memory (oldest bug in ezQuake?)
  • Fix KTX autotrack jumping too often to players with numbers in name
  • Fix cl_delay_packet causing problems changing maps on internal server (#488)
  • Fix brushmodel entities (health etc) disappearing with r_drawflat 1 in classic renderer (#558)
  • Fix hardware gamma being updated too often during
  • Fix rendering fps affecting speed of turning left/right using keyboard
  • Fix bug causing .loc files to not load during demo playback
  • Fix weaker r_drawflat_mode on classic renderer
  • Fix incorrectly offset mouse cursor image
  • Fix rendering of right-aligned tracker when using proportional fonts (#543)
  • Fix no background on power bar when using hud_frags_fliptext
  • Fix using invalid lightmap when moving to a map with a higher number of lightmaps (#540)
  • Fix invalid rendering when using r_drawflat and moving to a map with higher number of lightmaps (#540)
  • Fix invalid texture2D() call when using modern glsl
  • Fix playback of MVDs recorded in FTE where first packet read into frame 1 rather than frame 0 (#551)
  • Fix drawflat not affecting alpha-surfaces when using glsl
  • Fix using incorrect lightmap when drawflat rendering in immediate-mode OpenGL
  • Fix alpha surfaces rendered opaque (or fully transparent) based on top-left of image
  • Fix issue rendering on AMD core profile due to VBO alignment issue
  • Fix issue causing r_dynamic 2 to render fullbright lightmap if r_fullbright valid at map load
  • Added workaround for rendering issues with AMD 4.5.13399 drivers (#416)
  • Added workaround for OpenGL errors elsewhere causing ezQuake to think texture arrays not created (#475)
  • Help with missing player models on MVDs using extended FTE model limits (#551)
  • Added /gl_turb_effects, controls if nails/shotgun particles spawn bubbles underwater (#553)
  • Added /gl_turb_fire, controls if explosions spawn bubbles underwater (#553)
  • Added +fire_ar, an anti-rollover +fire
  • Support for chaticons not 256x256 (#477)
  • hud_ammo more consistent when using non-ammo weapons (#206)
  • hud_fps_drop accepts negative values, interpretted as related to cl_maxfps (#556)
  • hud_teaminfo headers are now optional
  • nquake's default.cfg is ignored (is executed by different script)
  • Improved server-side weapon switching (still incomplete)
  • When paused, mouse input is disabled, not hidden until unpaused
  • Internal server is synced with mvdsv (circa February)
  • Server browser shows info at lower resolutions
  • Menu has options for gl_modulate, turn left/right, cvar descriptions match /describe
  • Build support: improve ARM build support, mingw clang, FreeBSD/powerpc 32-bit, ubuntu 20.04 dockerfile, FDK AppStream
  • Support building o...
Read more

ezQuake 3.2.3

09 Feb 20:00
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  • Rollangle is now restricted to values of 0-5 in rulesets thunderdome, smackdown & qcon

Quick release for Thunderdome, limiting this feature in future is the subject of discussion on the forums

ezQuake 3.2.2

22 Sep 22:51
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Changelist for 3.2.2


  • /gl_outline 1 supported again in thunderdome ruleset, by request of Thunderdome tournament organiser VVD.
  • Higher number of lightmaps supported to help with some Team Fortress maps


  • /demo_jump would cause multiple entries in the itemsclock (reported by Milton)
  • /tp_loadloc 0 invalidated by mvd-stats code always running & loading loc files
  • Loading corrupt .wav files could lead to buffer overrun


  • Compiles with -fno-common flag (default on newer versions of gcc)
  • FreeBSD change to support 64-bit systems (?) - patch supplied by VVD

ezQuake 3.2.1

24 Jun 16:47
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Changelist from 3.2 > 3.2.1

Server Browser

  • Fix bug in server browser which led to background thread terminating program with message "EX_Browser_pathfind: max neighbours count reached"


  • Fix bug where blank console variables were created, with side-effect that stopped a chat message being entered at the console by pressing space at the start of the line

ezQuake 3.2

19 Apr 07:46
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Changelist from 3.1 > 3.2

Most development effort in the past few years has centred on the renderer update (3.5) so 3.2's changes are relatively small and mainly focused on bugfixes & demo playback.


  • Windows static libary: SDL upgraded from 2.0.5 => SDL 2.0.8 (WASAPI sound by default)
  • Windows static libary: zlib upgraded from 1.2.8 => 1.2.11
  • Windows static libary: libcurl upgraded from 7.37.1 => 7.61.0
  • Windows static libary: expat upgraded from 2.1.0 => 2.2.6
  • Windows static libary: jansson upgraded from 2.7.0 => 2.11
  • mvd_moreinfo improvements (older servers/demos, still does a lot of guesswork)
    • only print location name on pickup announcements when more than one item on the map
    • list location of items if > 1 of that item on the map
    • if raw item name is in location name, only print location name when announcing item pickups
    • announces when the pickup is from a pack, rather than the item
    • location of item is stored when simple clock entries are added
    • store location of megas as players pick them up (maximum 4 megas)
  • itemsclock improvements (requires server to be running KTX 1.38+)
    • if KTX pickup/drop/spawn notifications are available they will be used (accurate, no .mvd guessing)
    • items-clock can have fixed entries for each major item on the map
    • items-clock can be filled with entries as match starts (/mvd_autoadd)
    • user can assign name major items on the map or remove (/mvd_name_item, /mvd_remove_item)
    • trigger f_demomatchstart fired at match start
    • /mvd_list_items will generate example list of items for config file generation
    • hud_itemsclock_style 5: lists backpacks, a space then items, in format "itemname : info"
    • backpacks can be added to the items list (/hud_itemsclock_backpacks), will be listed with the person who dropped the pack and who picked it up before disappearing
  • In-game backpacks can be colored according to their contents (/gl_custom_rlpack_color, /gl_custom_lgpack_color) (QTV/MVD only, KTX 1.38+ only)
  • Failed [ServeMe] connections will be removed from the playerlist (caused by nospecs)
  • Teaminfo hud element can include frags (%f/%F)
  • In KTX race mode, other players can be silenced with /s_silent_racing cvar
  • Added macros $team1 & $team2 to access the first two teams on the server (#256)
  • Demo capture can produce animated .png files (/sshot_format apng)
  • /ignore can now contain a regular expression
  • f_qtvfinalscores trigger fired when //finalscores notification detected in qtv stream
  • /cl_mvinset position & size can be set by user (/cl_mvinset_size_x sets relative size compared to screen)
  • /r_lerpframes is no longer disabled when using multiview
  • Team fortress grenade models should be flagged as grenades now (/gl_custom_grenade_color etc should work)

Ruleset changes

  • thunderdome allows simple-item backpacks & texture replacements for backpacks
  • thunderdome, smackdown & qcon all block hud group-picture changes during the match
  • thunderdome, smackdown & qcon all block /gl_outline as it can lead to seeing items & players through walls
  • r_skincolormode, r_enemyskincolor, r_teamskincolor blocked in TF games or if server blocks skin/color forcing
  • Team Fortress: scoreboard always color players by their teamname


  • Loading a single player save file on 64-bit systems may cause crash shortly after resuming play (#297)
  • Dynamic lights correctly set during .dem playback (#298)
  • When viewing pre-selected weapon, the weapon only switches once the animation frame goes back to non-firing (#182)
  • /r_viewmodellastfired no longer shows last-fired weapon when starting match, moving to a new map or dying while not firing
  • QTV URLs can now include the QTV password (must have '/' separating command and password) (#295)
  • Gamma on screenshots was incorrect when system had more than 256 gamma ramps (linux) (#296)
  • BSP2 maps: fix crash when turb surfaces outside -9999/+9999 bounds (#323)
  • /ignore $name (allow the player to ignore their own messages) produced output during certain teamplay messages (#257)
  • /in_raw 0 - mouse input fixed (#308)
  • /scr_cursor_sensitivity is now functional again
  • Toggling multiview with inset window should alway keeps the current player in the primary view
  • Multiview was trying to cause increase in frames rendered (/cl_maxfps multiplied for each extra view)
  • Multiview inset window border now correctly set regardless of console:screen ratio
  • /mvd_moreinfo - multiple bugfixes
    • fix incorrect location name when reporting item pickups
    • pack drops are announced when the player dies, not when they respawn
    • weapon dropped now based on active weapon when dying, not last weapon fired
    • {} white-text wasn't stripped from item name cvars
  • Halflife maps had wrong bounding box sizes
  • hud_sortrules_includeself 0 could lead to player not being included in visible list
  • aliasedit could result in the end of previously entered text to appear at end of line


  • Removed functionality to control external MP3 player through ezQuake

Build/meta changes

  • OSX: Dialog to find .pak files on initial installation could point to 'my computer' location on Mojave
  • Added azure-pipelines.yml
  • Server: can now be built without USE_PR2 defined
  • .exe exports fields that AMD/nvidia drivers can use to always use accelerated graphics