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Add a LaTeX format for draw (issue #66).
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fabrice-rossi committed Mar 22, 2024
1 parent 7e969c9 commit 88a9437
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the default display
* the `digits` parameter of `draw.covlmc()` has been removed and replaced by a
similar parameter in `draw_control()`

* `draw()` has now a second parameter `format` with no default. This may break
codes that used the fact that the `control` parameter was previously the
second one.

## New features
### Model representation (with `draw()`)
Text based model representation has been improved (as per issue #66) as follows:
A major change of `draw()` is the support of multiple output formats. This is
done via a `format` parameter. It supports currently:

* the format of previous versions of `mixvlmc` with `format="ascii"`. This is
the default text based representation.
* a new LaTeX export with `format="latex"` based on the LaTeX package `forest`
(<>) as per issue #66. This can be used to include
(CO)VLMC models in LaTeX document, for instance when using rmarkdown or quarto.

In addition, text based model representation has been improved (as per
issue #66) as follows:

* the `draw.covlmc()` function uses arguably better default parameters
(described above)
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182 changes: 142 additions & 40 deletions R/covlmc_draw.R
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Expand Up @@ -174,95 +174,197 @@ covlmc_node2txt <- function(node, vals, params, control) {

#' Text based representation of a covlmc model
#' @inherit draw
#' This function 'draws' a covlmc as a text.
#' The function uses different text based formats (plain "ascii art" and LaTeX)
#' to represent the context tree. Fine tuning of the representation can be done
#' via the [draw_control()] function.
#' Contrarily to [draw()] functions adapted to context trees [draw.ctx_tree()]
#' and VLMC [draw.vlmc()], the present function does not try to produce similar
#' results for the `"ascii"` format and the `"latex"` format as the `"ascii"`
#' format is intrinsically more limited in terms of model representations. This
#' is detailed below.
#' @param ct a fitted covlmc model.
#' @param model this parameter controls the display of logistic models
#' associated to nodes. The default `model="coef"` represents the coefficients
#' of the logistic models associated to each context. `model="full"` includes
#' the name of the variables in the representation (see details). Setting
#' `model=NULL` removes the model representations. Additional parameters can
#' be used to tweak model representations (see details).
#' associated to nodes (accepted values: `"coeff"`, `"full"` and `NULL`). The
#' interpretation of the parameter depends on the format, see below for
#' details.
#' @param p_value specifies whether the p-values of the likelihood ratio tests
#' conducted during the covlmc construction must be included in the
#' representation (defaults to `FALSE`).
#' @param with_state specifies whether to display the state associated to each
#' dimension of the logistic model (see details).
#' @param constant_as_prob specifies whether to represent logistic models that
#' @param constant_as_prob specifies how to represent constant logistic models
#' for `format="ascii"` (defaults to `TRUE`, see details). Disregarded when
#' `format="latex"`.
#' @inheritParams draw
#' @section Format:
#' The `format` parameter specifies the format used for the textual output.
#' With the default value `ascii` the output is produced in "ascii art" using
#' by default only ascii characters (notice that `draw_control()` can be used
#' to specified non ascii characters, but this is discouraged).
#' With the `latex` value, the output is produced in LaTeX, leveraging the
#' [forest]( Latex package (see
#' <>). Each call to `draw.covlmc()` produces a full
#' `forest` LaTeX environment. This can be included as is in a LaTeX document,
#' provided the `forest` package is loaded in the preamble of the document.
#' The LaTeX output is sanitized to avoid potential problems induced by
#' special characters in the names of the states of the context tree.
#' @section `"ascii"` format:
#' ## Parameters
#' When `format="ascii"` the parameters are interpreted as follows:
#' - `model`: the default `model="coef"` represents only the *coefficients*
#' of the logistic models associated to each context. `model="full"` includes
#' the name of the variables in the representation. Setting `model=NULL`
#' removes the model representations. Additional parameters can be used to
#' tweak model representations (see below).
#' - `constant_as_prob`: specifies whether to represent logistic models that
#' do not use covariates (a.k.a. constant models) using the probability
#' distributions they induced on the state space (default behaviour with
#' `constant_as_prob=TRUE`) or as normal models (when set to `FALSE`). This
#' is not taken into account when `model` is not set to `"coef"`.
#' @section Specific parameters in `control`:
#' distributions they induce on the state space (default behaviour with
#' `constant_as_prob=TRUE`) or as normal models (when set to `FALSE`). This is
#' not taken into account when `model` is not set to `"coef"`.
#' Model representations are affected by the following additional
#' fields of `control` that are specific to [covlmc()]:
#' - fields of the `control` list:
#' - `intercept_sep`: character(s) used to separate the intercept from
#' - `intercept_sep`: character(s) used to separate the intercept from
#' the other coefficients in model representation.
#' - `time_sep`: character(s) used to split the coefficients list by blocks
#' - `time_sep`: character(s) used to split the coefficients list by blocks
#' associated to time delays in the covariate inclusion into the logistic
#' model. The first block contains the intercept(s), the second block the
#' covariate values a time t-1, the third block at time t-2, etc.
#' - `level_sep`: character(s) used separate levels from model, see below.
#' - `level_sep`: character(s) used separate levels from model, see below.
#' - `open_p_value` and `close_p_value`: delimiters used around the p-values
#' - `open_p_value` and `close_p_value`: delimiters used around the p-values
#' when `p_value=TRUE`
#' @section Variable representation:
#' When `model="full"`, the representation includes the names of the variables
#' used by the logistic models. Names are the one generated by the underlying
#' logistic model, e.g. [stats::glm()]. Numerical variable names are used as
#' is, while factors have levels appended. The intercept is denoted `(I)` to
#' save space. The time delays are represented by an underscore followed by
#' the time delay. For instance if the model uses the numerical covariate `y`
#' with two delays, it will appear with two variables `y_1` and `y_2`.
#' @section State representation:
#' ## State representation
#' When `model` is not `NULL`, the coefficients of the logistic models are
#' presented, organized in rows associated to states. One state is used as the
#' reference state and the logistic model aims at predicting the ratio of
#' probability between another state and the reference one (in log scale).
#' When `with_state` is `TRUE`, the display includes for each row of
#' coefficients the target state. This is useful when using e.g. `VGAM::vglm`
#' coefficients the target state. This is useful when using e.g. `VGAM::vglm()`
#' as unused levels of the target variable will be automatically dropped from
#' the model, leading to a reduce number of rows. The reference state is
#' either shown on the first row if `model` is `"full"` or after the state on
#' each row if `model` is `"coef"`. States are separated from the model
#' representation by the character(s) specified in `level_sep` in the `control`
#' list (see [draw_control()]).
#' representation by the character(s) specified in `level_sep` in the
#' `control` list.
#' @section `"latex"` format:
#' ## Parameters
#' When `format="latex"` the parameters are interpreted as follows:
#' - `model`: the models are always represented completely in the LaTeX export
#' unless `model` is set to `NULL`.
#' - `constant_as_prob`: in the LaTeX export, constant logistic models are
#' always represented by the corresponding probability distribution on the
#' state space, regardless of the value of `constant_as_prob`.
#' - fields of the `control` list:
#' - `orientation`: specifies the orientation of the tree, either the default
#' `"vertical"` (expanding from top to bottom) or `"horizontal"` (expanding
#' from right to left);
#' - `tab_orientation`: specifies the orientation of the tables used to
#' represent model coefficients in the tree, either the default `"vertical"`
#' (covariates are listed on one column) or `"horizontal"` (covariates are listed
#' on one row);
#' - `fontsize` and `prob_fontsize` handle the size of the fonts used for the
#' states and for the models, see [draw_control()] for details;
#' - `decoration` can be used to add borders around states, see
#' [draw_control()] for details;
#' ## State representation
#' When `model` is not `NULL`, the coefficients of the logistic models are
#' presented, organized in rows or in columns (depending `tab_orientation`) on
#' associated to states. One state is used as the reference state and the
#' logistic model aims at predicting the ratio of probability between another
#' state and the reference one (in log scale). When `with_state` is `TRUE`,
#' the display includes for each row/column of coefficients the target state.
#' The reference state is shown on the first row/column.
#' @section Variable representation:
#' When the representation includes the names of the variables used by the
#' logistic models, they are the one generated by the underlying logistic model,
#' e.g. [stats::glm()]. Numerical variable names are used as is, while factors
#' have levels appended. The intercept is denoted `(I)` to save space.
#' When `format="ascii"`, the time delays are represented by an underscore
#' followed by the time delay. For instance if the model uses the numerical
#' covariate `y` with two delays, it will appear with two variables `y_1` and
#' `y_2`.
#' When `format="latex"`, the representation uses a temporal subscript of the
#' form `t-1`, `t-2`, etc.
#' @examples
#' pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
#' dts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.5, 1))))
#' dts <- cut(pc$active_power,
#' breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.5, 1)))
#' )
#' dts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
#' m_cov <- covlmc(dts, dts_cov, min_size = 5)
#' draw(m_cov, control = draw_control(digits = 3))
#' draw(m_cov, model = NULL)
#' draw(m_cov, p_value = TRUE)
#' draw(m_cov, p_value = FALSE, control = draw_control(time_sep = " ^ "))
#' draw(m_cov, model = "full", control = draw_control(time_sep = " ^ "))
#' draw(m_cov, format = "latex", control = draw_control(orientation = "h"))
#' @export
draw.covlmc <- function(ct, control = draw_control(), model = c("coef", "full"),
draw.covlmc <- function(ct, format,
control = draw_control(), model = c("coef", "full"),
p_value = FALSE, with_state = FALSE,
constant_as_prob = TRUE,
...) {
if (rlang::is_missing(format)) {
format <- "ascii"
} else {
format <- match.arg(format, c("ascii", "latex"))
if (is.null(model)) {
model <- "none"
} else {
model <- match.arg(model)
dot_params <- list(...)
dot_params$with_state <- with_state
control$root, "", ct, ct$vals, control, covlmc_node2txt,
model = model, p_value = p_value,
collapse_constant = constant_as_prob
), dot_params)
if (format == "ascii") {
control$root, "", ct, ct$vals, control, covlmc_node2txt,
model = model, p_value = p_value,
collapse_constant = constant_as_prob,
digits = control$digits
), dot_params)
} else if (format == "latex") {
ct, xtable::sanitize(ct$vals, "latex"),
c(control, list(
model = model, p_value = p_value,
collapse_constant = constant_as_prob
), dot_params)

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