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kelset committed Jan 10, 2022
1 parent 6be46b0 commit b6f4f18
Showing 1 changed file with 94 additions and 0 deletions.
94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,99 @@
# Changelog

## v0.67.0

### Added

#### Android specific
- Add `ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION` permission to PermisionsAndroid library. ([79db483568]( by [@Skrilltrax](
- Implement `SnapToAlignment` in `ReactScrollView` ([e774c037bc](, `ReactScrollViewManager` ([c6e5640e87](, `ReactHorizontalScrollView` ([b12256394e](, `ReactHorizontalScrollViewManager` ([deec1db9fd]( and update `ScrollView.js` ([a54cfb9e57]( and reach parity with iOS ([04184ef851]( by [@mdvacca](
- Show Redbox for C++ errors. ([d6c879edba]( by [@sota000](
- Added an experimental touch dispatch path ([a2feaeb5f1]( by [@ShikaSD](

#### iOS specific
- Added `cancelButtonTintColor` prop for `ActionSheetIOS` to change only the text color of the cancel button ([01856633a1]( by [@nomi9995](
- ScrollView: Respect `contentInset` when animating new items with `autoscrollToTopThreshold`, make `automaticallyAdjustKeyboardInsets` work with `autoscrollToTopThreshold` (includes vertical, vertical-inverted, horizontal and horizontal-inverted ScrollViews) ([6e903b07fa]( by [@mrousavy](
- Added [`LSApplicationQueriesSchemes`]( in info.plist with entries tel, telprompt, http, fb, geo ([b26f277262]( by [@utkarsh-dixit](
- Add `UIAccessibilityTraitUpdatesFrequently` to progressBar role ([1a42bd6e97]( by [@jimmy623](
- Add `asdf-vm` support in `` ([3e7c310b1d]( by [@pastleo](

### Changed
- `ImageBackground` now respects `imageStyle` width and height ([dbd5c3d8e5]( by [@Naturalclar](
- Rename deprecated `Keyboard.removeEventListener` to `Keyboard.removeListener`. ([8880c09076]( by [@yungsters](
- Update `Modal`'s mock to not render its children when it is not visible ([ec614c16b3]( by [@AntoineDoubovetzky](
- Upgraded `react-devtools-core` dependency to 4.19.1 ([356236471a]( by [@jstejada](
- React-native/normalize-color now supports Node.js ([65e58f26e1]( by [@yungsters](
- Updated to Contributor Covenant v2.1 ([19f8d2f7da](

#### Android specific
- Hermes initialization will no longer need an explicit configuration. ([a40f973f58]( by [@Ashoat](
- Setting `overflow: scroll` in View component style will clip the children in the View container ([93beb83abe]( by [@ryancat](
- Native views backing `Animated.View` (w/ JavaScript-driven animations) will no longer be flattened; this should be a transparent change. ([4fdbc44ab5]( by [@yungsters](
- Use new Locale API on Android 11 (API 30)+ ([b7c023a8c1](
- Changed `react.gradle` `detectCliPath` function logic for `cliPath` case ([ce51b62494]( by [@vitalyiegorov](
- Remove `"high"` and `"balanced"` as values for `android_hyphenationFrequency` on `Text` ([a0d30b848a](
- Bump Gradle version to 7.2, Bump Kotlin version to 1.5.31 ([9ae3367431]( by [@svbutko](
- Move mavenCentral repo below local paths ([046b02628d]( by [@friederbluemle](

#### iOS specific
- Optimized font handling for iOS ([4ac42d88ef]( by [@Adlai-Holler](
- Remove iOS 11 version check as minimum deployment is iOS 11 ([398595e074]( by [@ken0nek](
- Don't hang app for 60s if packager can't be reached, changed to 10s ([c0e04460f5]( by [@radex](

### Removed

- Removed unnecessary global variable `GLOBAL`. ([a101fc768c]( by [@rubennorte](
- Removed unused files: `StaticContainer.react.js`, `ensurePositiveDelayProps.js`, `InteractionMixin.js`, `queryLayoutByID.js` ([64aa1e5ffe]( by [@ecreeth](

#### Android specific

- Remove `DatePickerAndroid` from react-native. ([7a770526c6]( by [@andresantonioriveros](

#### iOS specific

### Fixed

- Update metro config language to `blockList` ([7923804c28]( by [@rh389](
- Ignores global npm prefix ([6334ac35ac]( by [@redreceipt](
- Support `Animated.ValueXY` when validating `Animated.event`. ([27dd2ecb70]( by [@javache](
- Add a function `getIgnorePatterns` in `LogBoxData.js` for tests or other usecases. ([a950634424](

#### Android specific

- TextInput Drawable to avoid Null Pointer Exception RuntimeError ([254493e1fb]( by [@fabriziobertoglio1987](
- Nested Text Android `onPress` does not work with last character ([132d1d00f8]( by [@fabriziobertoglio1987](
- Fix non selectable Text in FlatList ([c360b1d92b]( by [@fabriziobertoglio1987](
- Set `textBreakStrategy` default to be `'highQuality'` ([3b2d541989](
- Fix error handling when loading JSC or Hermes ([d839b24b06]( by [@iqqmuT](
- Fix encoding for gradlew.bat files ([ab2bdee735]( by [@yungsters](
- Fix `hermesFlags` not working with multiple variants ([91adb761cf]( by [@grit96](
- `ScrollTo` API in ScrollView will check the actual scroll position before setting the scroll state ([1a9e2d5d55]( by [@ryancat](
- Compute Android Notch in `keyboardDidShow` height calculation API 28+ ([8bef3b1f11]( by [@fabriziobertoglio1987](
- Fix `currentActivity` being null when launching Redbox ([f4fdf4b55e](
- When sending OS intents, always set `"FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK"` flag (required by OS). ([04fe3ed80d]( by [@Krizzu](
- Fix missing WebView provider crash in ForwardingCookieHandler ([d40cb0e1b0]( by [@RodolfoGS](
- Fix `keyboardDismissMode="on-drag"` on Android ([7edf9274cf]( by [@janicduplessis](
- Fixed `alignItems: baseline` for <Text> elements on Android ([1acf334614](
- `OnKeyPress` event not fired with numeric keys ([ee3e71f536]( by [@fabriziobertoglio1987](
- Exclude unused .so files for reduce android .apk and .aab ([6f126740fa]( by [@enniel](

#### iOS specific

- Fixed an edge case when scroll to item/index is called without animation, the offset position is not updated. This caused the measurement of the position to be wrong. ([55392f65a6]( by [@ryancat](
- Fixed the issue when moving cursor in multi-line TextInput. ([22801870f0]( by [@xiankuncheng](
- Fix NSInvalidArgumentException for invalid font family names. ([5683932862]( by [@yungsters](
- Fix Image `defaultSource` not showing on iOS ([900210cacc]( by [@cristianoccazinsp](
- Warn if Rosetta2 is being used (x86_64 on arm64) ([51bf557948]( by [@barbieri](
- Source map path for schemes containing whitespaces ([f3fe7a0fb5]( by [@andersonvom](
- Fix build error after running `pod install` with `--project-directory=ios` ([ef5ff3e055]( by [@sonicdoe](
- Fixed inability to build apps when gflags is installed ([ab8dbdf663]( by [@KDederichs](

### Security

- Avoiding logging root view params outside of dev / debug mode builds ([e612d3a116]( by [@sterlingwes](

## v0.66.4

### Fixed
Expand Down

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