Be sure to browse through the changelog, code of conduct, contribution guidelines, license, and security policy.
npm install @basecodeoy/zai -g
zai config init --github-token={token} --openapi-token={token}
zai config set --key={key} --value={value}
zai config get --key={key}
zai config unset --key={key}
zai git commit --style={style} --only-staged={onlyStaged}
zai git summarize pr --repo={org}/{repo} {--number=} {--state=open} {--style=changelog}
zai git summarize pr --repo=laravel/framework
zai git summarize pr --repo=laravel/framework --state=closed
zai git summarize pr --repo=laravel/framework --number=45943
zai git summarize pr --repo=laravel/framework --number=45943 --style=commit
zai git summarize commit --repo={org}/{repo} {--sha=} {--base=} {--head=} {--style=changelog}
zai git summarize commit --repo=laravel/framework
zai git summarize commit --repo=laravel/framework --branch=10.x
zai git summarize commit --repo=laravel/framework {--sha=}
zai git summarize commit --repo=laravel/framework {--sha=} --style=commit
zai git summarize commit --repo=laravel/framework --base=v10.0.1
zai git summarize commit --repo=laravel/framework --base=v10.0.1 --head=v10.0.2
zai git summarize commit --repo=laravel/framework --base={sha} --head={sha}
zai git summarize commit --repo=laravel/framework --base={sha}
zai test generate --file={path/to/file} --type={type} --language={language} --framework={framework} --syntax={syntax}
zai regex generate --subject={subject} --language={language}
zai cron generate --subject={subject}