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Helo quick start guide

at7h edited this page Jun 22, 2020 · 12 revisions

Helo is a simple and small low-level asynchronous ORM using Python asyncio.

Helo can help you easily build expressive common SQL statements in your asynchronous applications. You only need to use friendly object-oriented APIs to manipulate data without caring about the details of SQL statement writing and data processing. Suitable for scenarios where the business logic structure is relatively simple and has a certain amount of concurrency.

  • Requires: Python 3.7+
  • Now only supports MySQL
  • Not supports table relationship

Note: Using an asynchronous ORM does not completely mean that your application can be made faster, and it may complicate your application. Before moving on, you should read this blog post from Mike Bayer, the author of SQLAlchemy.

Using helo, first, you should to import helo and instantiate a global variable with helo.G, assuming that it is called db:

import helo

db = helo.G()

db is a global singleton object, we will use it multiple times in the following inhelouction.

Model Definition

Defining a model using helo is simple, just inherit from db.Model, A few simple examples of model definitions are given below:

class Person(db.Model):
    id = helo.BigAuto()
    name = helo.VarChar(length=45, null=False)

class User(Person):
    email = helo.Email(default='')
    password = helo.VarChar(length=100, null=False)
    create_at = helo.Timestamp(default=helo.ON_CREATE)

    class Meta:
        indexes = [helo.K('idx_ep', ['email', 'password'])]

class Employee(Person):
    department = helo.Smallint()
    salary = helo.Float(default=0)

class Post(db.Model):
    id = helo.Auto(comment='auto increment pk')
    title = helo.VarChar(length=100)
    content = helo.Text(encoding=helo.ENCODING.utf8mb4)
    author = helo.Int(default=0)
    create_at = helo.Timestamp(default=helo.ON_CREATE)
    update_at = helo.Timestamp(default=helo.ON_UPDATE)

    class Meta:
        indexes = [
            helo.K('idx_title', 'title'),
            helo.K('idx_author', 'author'),

The inner class Meta can be used to specify the meta attributes(db_name, table_name, engine, indexes, charset, comment, etc) of Table.

class Meta:
    db = 'db_name'
    name = 'table_name'
    engine = helo.ENGINE.innodb
    charset = helo.ENCODING.utf8mb4
    indexes = []
    comment = 'table comment'

Among them, table_name defaults to the snake_case style name of the model class name, and engine defaults to InnoDB, charset defaults to utf8.

Get Connected

The model declaration only defines the mapping relationship between the model and the real table structure, not the tables are created in the database. To do this, we need to get connected to the database using helo first. Let's create a MySQL database instance:

>>> await db.bind('mysql://user:pwd@localhost:3306/helo')


>>> await db.bind(user='user', password='pwd', db='helo')

bind actually creates a database connection pool for us:

>>> db.state
{'minsize': 1, 'maxsize': 15, 'size': 1, 'freesize': 1}

`bind' provides us with many keyword arguments, see the helo.db.Pool class for details. E.g:

>>> await db.bind('mysql://user:pwd@', echo=True, maxsize=10)

The connection pool object that has been created will be a global singleton object, that is, if you have called bind for your application to bind the database, before that if you did not use the unbind for unbinding , You will no longer be able to use bind to bind another database again, otherwise you will get a helo.err.DuplicateBinding error.

If you need to explicitly disconnect from the database and close the connection pool, you can use the unbind:

>>> await db.unbind()

Create Table

After getting a connection to the database, we can create our tables in the database:

>>> await db.create_tables([User, Employee, Post])

In a project, we usually put all the model definitions in a single module. Assuming the module name is models, you can use create_all to create tables for all models in the module:

>>> from your.application import models
>>> await db.create_all(models)

Data Operations

Helo provides the basic ability to operations data in the database, supports rich combination of logical operation expressions. You can easily complete expressive queries to achieve the ability to build SQL statements through object-oriented APIs.

The following example is the basic CRUD(Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete) operations.


With helo you have a variety of ways to insert data. Let's start by creating a User object:

user = User(name='at7h', password='1111')
print(, user.password)  # at7h, 1111
# Now is None, because it is not saved to the database
assert is None

Now the user object is only an object in memory. You need to persist it to the database through the save method:

user_id = await
assert user_id == == 1

We can modify it and save the changes: = 'at8h' = ''
user_id = await
assert user_id == == 1

Note: Now the save operation is implemented by MySQL REPLACE statement, which decides whether to insert a new row according to the value of the object's PRIMARY KEY property or UNIQUE KEY property, please use it with caution! This implementation is planned to be optimized in subsequent releases.

The following methods are recommended for inserting data:

The methods add and madd can be used to add single or multiple of data. They are simple and quick ways of insert, minsert:

user_id = await User.add(name='bobo', password='2222')
# Or: user_id = await User.add({'name': 'bobo', 'password': '2222'})
print(user_id)  # 2

users = [{'name': 'mingz', 'password': '3333'},
         {'name': 'xy69z', 'password': '4444'}]
# Or using user object list:
# users = [User(name='mingz', password='3333'),
#          User(name='xy69z', password='4444')]
count = await User.madd(users)
print(count)  # 2

The methods insert and minsert are the most correct data insertion methods. They can be used for multiple data forms. They will return an Insert object. To do this, don't forget to write do() πŸ˜‰ :

ret = await User.insert(name='poper', password='5555').do()
# Or: ret = await User.insert({'name': 'bingo', 'password': '8888'}).do()
assert ret.affected == 1
assert ret.last_id == 5
print(ret)  # (1, 5)

# Inserting multiple
employees = [
    {'name': 'at7h', 'department': 1},
    {'name': 'bobo', 'department': 2},
ret = await Employee.minsert(employees).do()
print(ret)  # (2, 1)

# Specify row tuples columns the tuple values correspond to
posts = [
    ('post1', 1),
    ('post2', 2),
ret = await Post.minsert(
    posts, columns=[Post.title,]
print(ret)  # (2, 1)

Using insert_from to support data filling between tables:

select =[3, 4, 5]))
ret = await Employee.insert_from(select, []).do()
print(ret)  # (3, 3)


Helo also has multiple options for retrieving data. For example, to get a single data, you can use the get method:

# By id
user = await User.get(1)
assert isinstance(user, User)
print(,, user.password)  # 1, at7h, 1111

# Or by query
assert (await User.get( == == user

To get multiple data, use the mget method:

# By id list
uid_list = [1, 2, 3]
users = await User.mget(uid_list)
print(users.count)  # 3
print(users)  # [<User object> at 1, <User object> at 2, <User object> at 3]
# Specify columns
users = await User.mget(uid_list, columns=[,])
assert users[0].password is None

# Or by query
users = await User.mget(( < 2) | ( == 'mingz'))
print(users)  # [<User object> at 1, <User object> at 3]

Similarly, the methods get and mget are also simple shortcuts to select, which are only suitable for scenarios where the known primary key or query condition is relatively simple. More often we need to using select.

Using the select method can help you easily construct your DQL in the form of an object-oriented API. It supports rich and composable logical conditional expressions.

users = await
print(users) # [<User object> at 5, <User object> at 4, <User object> at 3]

The method all() and the following get(), first(), rows(), paginate() etc. are similar to the do() above, it is used to execute this query. Don't forget it.

For example, I need to know if there are any users using gmail mailbox:

is_exist = await'')
print(is_exist)  # False

For example, I want to know how many users have been added since July 2019:

user_count = await
    User.create_at > datetime(2019, 7, 1)
print(user_count)  # 4

For another example, we need to paginate users who have written Python (title) related articles this year:

users = await
            Post.update_at > datetime(2019, 1, 1),
).paginate(1, 10)
print(users)  # [<User object> at 1]

For another example, we want to know how many articles each user wrote:

user_posts = await, helo.F.COUNT(helo.SQL('1')).as_('posts')
    Post, helo.JOINTYPE.LEFT, on=( ==
print(user_posts)  # [{'name': 'at7h', 'posts': 1}]

As shown above, we can use SQL functions with helo.F. For example, I need to calculate the total salary of all employees in each month:

salary_sum = await
print(salary_sum)  # 30000.0


Next, let's try to make some modifications to the data in the database.

For example, you want to change the salary of an employee πŸ˜‹:

ret = await Employee.update(salary=20000).where( == 'at7h'
print(ret.affected)  # 1

Or, the overall salary increase πŸ‘:

ret = await Employee.update(
    salary=Employee.salary + 1000
    (Employee.department.in_([1, 2])) | ( == 'at7h')


Finally, let's try to delete the data in the table.

The first way, you can use the remove method of the model object to delete the data corresponding to this row in the database:

user = User(name='at7h', password='1111')
user = await User.get(user_id)
print(  # 1
await user.remove()
user = await User.get(user_id)
print(user)  # None

Another, more common way is to use the delete method:

ret = await Post.delete().where(
    Post.create_at < datetime(2010, 1, 1)

Note: Never forget the where clause, unless you want to truncate the whole table 😟!


Helo supports the MySQL REPLACE statement, which provides two methods, replace and mreplace, whose usage is similar to insert and minsert. Before using them, you need to understand how MySQL REPLACE statement works.


Model Iteration

Both Model and Select in Helo support iteration. Helo automatically handles paging to avoid frequent IO operations and excessive data acquisition.

async for post in Post:
# <Post object> at 1
# <Post object> at 2
# <Post object> at 3
# <Post object> at 4

users = < 5).order_by(
async for user in users:
# <User object> at 4
# <User object> at 3
# <User object> at 2
# <User object> at 1

Row Type

When using select to retrieve data, helo wraps the row data into the corresponding model object by default. However, when you are using helo.F functions and join, helo may give up wrapping to model objects and use the original helo.adict dictionary. You can also use the wrap argument to explicitly specify the row type of the adict. In large projects, this can significantly increase the speed and reduce the memory usage.

users = await,
print(users)  # [{'id': 1, 'name': 'at7h'}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'bobo'}]
assert users[0].name == 'at7h'

employee = await
# {'id': 1, 'name': 'at7h', 'department': 1, 'salary': 15000.0}



Sometimes you may be forced to execute some original SQL statements, then you can use the db.raw function.


Using helo, you can easily view the SQL statements executed.

The first way, when calling db.bind to bind the database, you can set the keyword argument echo to True, so you will see all SQL statements executed in the log.

The second way, it is mainly convenient for learning and debugging. You can use the repr function (or in the REPR environment) and the str function to view objects such as Insert, Update, Select etc. Let us take the above example:

>>> q1 = Employee.update(
...     salary=Employee.salary + 1000
... ).where(
...    (Employee.department.in_([1, 2])) | ( == 'at7h')
... )
>>> q1
Query(UPDATE `employee` SET `salary` = (`salary` + %s) WHERE ((`department` IN %s) OR (`name` = %s)); % ((1000.0,), (1, 2), 'at7h'))

>>> q2 =
..., helo.F.COUNT(helo.SQL('1')).as_('posts')
... ).join(
...     Post, helo.JOINTYPE.LEFT, on=( ==
... ).group_by(
... )
>>> print(q2)
SELECT `t1`.`name`, COUNT(1) AS `posts` FROM `user` AS `t1` LEFT JOIN `post` AS `t2` ON (`t1`.`id` = `t2`.`author`) GROUP BY `t1`.`name`; % ()


This is the end of this quick start guide, if you are interested, you can follow the follow-up documentation.

Everyone is welcome to use it. If you have any questions, please feel free to communicate with me. You can give any issues or suggestions in any way.

Thanks 🀝

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