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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


A REST API for a fictional online store coded while following André Baltieri's tutorial from

After finishing it, I decided to convert it to Typescript for additional practice.


  • Javascript Typescript
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Authentication/Authorization using JWT
  • Sending e-mail through SendGrid service
  • Storage for images using Azure Storage service
  • Applied patterns (Model, Controller, Repository, Service)


Criando APIs com NodeJs (Brazilian portuguese)

How to Convert Node.js Code from JavaScript to TypeScript


  • Node.js must be installed
  • You need a MongoDB server running locally or on a provider like MongoDB Atlas. Edit the connection string on config.ts to point to your server.

Install dependencies with:

npm install


Copy file config.template.ts to config.ts and edit values.

To enable cloud storage on Azure and e-mailing through SendGrid you need to enter API keys on the config file.

If deploying on a cloud service provider, it is recommended to grab values from the environment. Change config.ts to something like this:

module.exports = {
    connectionString: process.env.MONGODB_CONNSTR,
    sendgridKey: process.env.SENDGRID_API_KEY,
    sendgridSender: process.env.SENDGRID_SENDER,
    azureContainerConnectString: process.env.AZURE_CONNSTR

And create the environment variables accordingly.


To run locally, type in a terminal at the project's root folder:

npm start

To execute the server while watching code changes, use:

npx nodemon -r ts-node/register/transpile-only src/server.js

To debug inside Visual Studio Code, press F5 or go to menu Run > Start debugging.

Folder structure

├───.vscode               Configuration for Visual Studio Code
├───node_modules          Installed module dependencies
├───out                   Output dir for transpiled javascript
└───src                   Source code for server
    │   server.ts         Server startup code
    │   app.ts            Main application code
    │   config.ts         Configuration
    ├───models            Model definitions for mongoose/MongoDB
    ├───repositories      Data repository
    ├───controllers       Controller implementation
    ├───routes            Routing configuration
    ├───services          Services for storage, mailing and auth
    └───validators        Data validation utilities