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/ oversmash-api Public archive

GraphQL API for Overwatch player information and stats


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Production-ready (ish!!) GraphQL API implementation backed by oversmash.

Query player information, achievements and stats for the Overwatch game. Includes auto-generated, complete type information for all available stats (e.g "what's the average healing as Ana for this player, in competitive mode")


  • Full static schema available, which when used with a compatible tool gives you full type information and suggestions (e.g in GraphiQL)
  • Configurable rate limiting support
  • Proper GraphQL errors
  • In-memory LRU cache for player information
  • Detailed request and operation logging
  • Backed by oversmash, including automated efficient scraping of all hero stats

Reference deployment

An oversmash-api reference deployment is available at

You can query it, for example, using graphiql-app:

Note: Hosted on Heroku's free tier, so the first request may be extra slow as the application wakes up.

Example query and response:

See docs/

Running oversmash-api

oversmash-api ships with a Dockerfile. If you have docker installed, you can start it with the following command:

# Build the docker image (only need to do this once, or when you make changes):
docker build -t oversmash-api .

# Run it in the foreground, exposing the default port:
docker run -p 3000:3000 -t -i oversmash-api


oversmash-api runs out of the box without requiring custom configuration. To customize it, you can:

  • Set NODE_CONFIG to a JSON string with the configuration values you want to customize (see config/default.yml.example for the available options)
  • Copy config/default.yml.example to config/default.yml and edit at your leisure.

Uses node-config, which supports a bunch more options.

Building for production

oversmash-api uses some newer language features such as async/await. In order to run it out of the box with your version of nodejs, you will probably need to first build it:

$ npm i # Ensure you have devDependencies installed
$ npm run build
$ npm prune --production # Optional: remove devDependencies, you no longer need them
$ node build/index.js # Start oversmash-api from the newly built build/index.js file


oversmash-api exposes two endpoints:

  • POST /graphql - Standard GraphQL endpoint
  • GET /health - Returns 200 OK as long as oversmash is running
  • GET / - Returns 200 OK and a list of available routes

Updating the schema

oversmash-api uses a static schema file bundled with this repo (see: schema.graphql). This file is created from a training set of random (high-ranking) users. To re-generate the schema (e.g to include new achievements, stats or heroes) run:

$ npm run generate-schema

Stuff 🤠🦍

See for license information

Contributions are welcome! See CONTRIBUTING.MD for information.


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