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This repository contains sales data collected from [source] for analysis and exploration. The dataset includes information about orders, customers, products, and sales transactions.


Accessing the Data The sales data is provided in a CSV format named "sales_data.csv". You can download the dataset directly from this repository.

Data Structure

The dataset consists of the following fields:

Row ID: Unique identifier for each row. Order ID: Identifier for each sales order. Order Date: Date when the order was placed. Ship Date: Date when the order was shipped. Ship Mode: Shipping mode for the order. Customer ID: Identifier for each customer. Customer Name: Name of the customer. Segment: Customer segment (e.g., consumer, corporate, home office). City: City where the customer is located. State: State where the customer is located. Country: Country where the customer is located. Postal Code: Postal code of the customer's location (may contain missing values). Market: Market segment (e.g., APAC, Americas, EMEA). Region: Region where the customer is located. Product ID: Identifier for each product. Category: Product category (e.g., office supplies, furniture, technology). Sub-Category: Product sub-category (e.g., chairs, tables, phones). Product Name: Name of the product. Sales: Total sales amount for the product. Quantity: Quantity of the product sold. Discount: Discount applied to the product. Analysis and Exploration You can use the provided sales data to perform various analyses, including:


Sales performance analysis

Customer segmentation analysis

Product category analysis

Geographic analysis

Time series analysis

Feel free to explore the data and conduct your own analyses. If you find any interesting insights or patterns, please consider sharing them with ME by submitting a pull request.

Contributions Contributions to this repository are welcome! If you have any suggestions, improvements, or additional analyses you'd like to share, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


indepth customer and product analysis of a company







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