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Maven configuration

Jens Brimfors edited this page Jun 28, 2023 · 27 revisions

1. POM configuration

The first step is to configure the SpotBugs Maven Plugin in your root pom.xml.


        <!-- SpotBugs Static Analysis -->

<includeFilterFile> : Specify the filter file limiting the research to security category only. (Disabling the detectors bundle with FindBugs not related to security).

<plugins> : Specify "Find Security Bugs" by its artifact id.


        <Bug category="SECURITY"/>



2. Doing a scan

mvn compile
mvn spotbugs:spotbugs

Keep in mind the goal spotbugs:spotbugs requires the compiled code to be present in /target/classes. (Make sure your jsp are pre-compiled for example)

3. Analyzing the result

It is possible to consult the results in multiple ways.

Official GUI

mvn spotbugs:gui

XML report

A XML report is generated at target/findbugsXml.xml. This file format is read by Jenkins, for example.


FindBugs Maven Plugin : Reference for the POM configuration and the different goals.