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Project Structure

Philippe Arteau edited this page Jul 18, 2015 · 1 revision


Find Security Bugs is using Maven to handle dependencies, compilation, running test and packaging related task.


  • Bug : It is the definition of a vulnerability or sensible point in the application. A bug definition exist by its presence in the findbugs.xml and messages.xml. It can then be reported by any number of detector.
  • Detector : A class that implemented the logic to find a bug type. Sometimes refer as "rules" because it is the common designation in other static analysis products.


The project is divided in four modules:

  • plugin : Main project containing the FindBugs detectors.
  • findbugs-test-util : Utility classes that make unit test writing shorter. (Example of test case).
  • plugin-deps : This provided Mock version of popular Java librairies. Avoid the necessity to download all the libraries used in FindSecurityBugs sample code.
  • website : This project contains scripts used to generated the static website hosted on GitHub pages.

Common tasks and key folders

Editing bug messages

Location: plugin/src/main/resources/metadata

The metadata directory contains all the FindBugs configuration files. You will find descriptions in the messages.xml.

Note: Before adding a new language, make sure you committed to maintained the changes before major release. Otherwise the description will become useless as it doesn't sync with the latest detectors.

Modification to an existing detector

Location: plugin/src/main/java/com/h3xstream/findsecbugs/

You can find the core of plugin in the com.h3xstream.findsecbugs package.