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firepick1 (localhost) edited this page Dec 2, 2016 · 7 revisions

HTTP REST motion control service (deprecated)

NOTE: because of the confusion between FireStep and /firestep, this service has been renamed to /position

The /firestep REST service provides access to a FireStep motion controller

Supported Protocols

➡️ GET /firestep/model

Return JSON model of FireStep controller. Model attributes include:

  • available is true when available
  • mpo is machine position
  • id is machine identification
  • etc.
⬅️ POST /firestep

Execute JSON FireStep request and return JSON response.

➡️ GET /firestep/history

Return JSON array of most recent request/response pairs

Reserved Protocols

The following URLs are reserved for future use as REST protocols

  • POST /firestep/model

See Also