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HTTP REST pcb processing service

The /pcb REST service provides and manages information about uploaded PCB files.

Supported Protocols

⬅️ POST /pcb/file

Upload PCB file(s) using multi-part forms. Each uploaded file must have a fileType parameter describing uploaded file semantics. For example, a GTL top copper file can be uploaded as GTL, but it can also be uploaded as GKO for use in dimensioning the PCB if no GKO file is available.

fileType Usage
GKO There is no universal convention for board dimension. Altium uses a GKO Gerber file and Eagle uses zero-width wires in the GTL layer
GTL Although the GTL top layer copper has solder pads, it also contains things that don't need solder paste (e.g., covered traces, cosmetic copper, etc.)
GTP The solder paste layer defines what needs solder paste. If you don't have a GTP file, upload a GTS file as GTP.
GTS The solder mask layer indicates where there may be exposed copper. However, there may be exposed cosmetic copper that doesn't need solder paste.
GTO Silkscreen files (e.g., GTO) are usually not uploaded, because their registration with the copper layer is rarely exact, which diminishes their value for image recognition. However, a silkscreen file might provide help for disambiguating highly regular solder pad grids that cannot be otherwise distinguished.
BRD Eagle BRD file.

You can upload either Gerber files or vendor files such as Eagle BRD. However, since Gerber files are used directly for computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), you should rarely need to upload vendor files.

➡️ GET /pcb/s/pcb.png
➡️ GET /pcb/s/pcb.svg

Return active PCB image. The PCB image is generated entirely from uploaded PCB files and should be tuned with user-provided colors to match actual PCB color so that optimal image recognition templates can be generated.

➡️ GET /pcb/s/pcb.json

Return active PCB CAM information:

Attribute Description
bounds.l Left edge of PCB bounding rect
bounds.t Top edge of PCB bounding rect
bounds.r Right edge of PCB bounding rect
bounds.b Bottom edge of PCB bounding rect
bounds.b Bottom edge of PCB bounding rect
smdpads List of solder pads with centroid (x,y) and other useful information

Error handling

Unexpected errors are handled by non HTTP200 status returns:

  • HTTP500 if an unexpected server error occurred
  • HTTP404 if resource wasn't found (e.g., no PCB files uploaded)

See Also