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Schema Sheriff: yet another Kubernetes manifests validation tool


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Scheriff - Schema Sheriff

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Yet another Kubernetes manifests validation tool. With Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) support!

Schema Sheriff performs offline validation of Kubernetes configuration manifests by checking them against OpenApi schemas. No connectivity to the Kubernetes cluster is needed




Kubernetes configuration can become complex and hard to maintain in medium-big projects: it can be easy to make silly syntax mistakes when writing the specs of a new resource, and the way to check the config is valid is usually by deploying it or running kubectl apply --dry-run, which both require an actual K8s cluster to do so. This gets even more complicated when using Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) or when wanting to validate against multiple K8s versions.

SchemaSheriff aims to tackle all this by validating your K8s configuration manifests against OpenAPI schemas, which can be easily downloaded from either the cluster itself or the public Kubernetes repository (see Get the schemas). This validation can be performed 100% offline without needing a connection to any K8s cluster. SchemaSheriff not only validates builtin K8s resources, but also Custom Resource Definitions -CRDs- if you provide their specs.


Download the latest release from Scheriff releases, unzip it and place the scheriff binary into your $PATH:



tar xf scheriff_linux_amd64.tar.gz
sudo mv scheriff /usr/local/bin



tar xf scheriff_darwin_amd64.tar.gz
sudo mv scheriff /usr/local/bin


  1. Download latest version from
  2. Unzip
  3. Put scheriff.exe in your $PATH


docker pull


SchemaSheriff usage is really simple, just use the -f flag to specify the files or folders containing the K8s config files to be validated, and the -s flag to indicate the path to the OpenApi specs of the specific Kubernetes version to be validated against:

scheriff -s k8s-1.17.0-openapi-specs.json -f examples


As SchemaSheriff relies on the specs given by the -s option, the important thing then is how to Get the schemas specs:

Get the schemas

There are several ways to obtain the Kubernetes OpenAPI schemas for validation, but mainly there are two options: you can either ask for them directly to the cluster, or either download them from the Kubernetes public repository:

Get the schemas from the Cluster

Just by running the following command you can obtain the K8s OpenAPI specs directly from your K8s cluster:

kubectl get --raw /openapi/v2 > k8s-openapi-specs.json

Then you can use those specs to validate your config. Full example:

kubectl get --raw /openapi/v2 > k8s-openapi-specs.json

scheriff -s k8s-openapi-specs.json -f examples/

# Oneliner alternative using process substitution:
scheriff -s <(kubectl get --raw /openapi/v2) -f examples/

Download the schemas from Kubernetes Repo

If you want to do "offline" validation (without connecting to any K8s cluster), the OpenApi specs of all versions of Kubernetes are publicly available at${KUBERNETES_VERSION}/api/openapi-spec/swagger.json and can be downloaded direclty from there:


curl -sL "${KUBERNETES_VERSION}/api/openapi-spec/swagger.json" > k8s-$KUBERNETES_VERSION-openapi-specs.json

scheriff -s k8s-$KUBERNETES_VERSION-openapi-specs.json -f examples/

Validating CRDs (Custom Resource Definitions)

Custom Resource Definitions can be validated by providing the --crd flag with the CRD manifest files. Similarly as the Kubernetes OpenAPI specs, you can get them directly from the cluster:

kubectl get crd -o yaml >

scheriff -s k8s-1.17.0-openapi-specs.json --crd -f examples/crds/


Or you can download the CRDs from a vendor URL, tipically the CRD manifests of common operators can be found in their Github repos. Example for Cert-Manager CRDs:

curl -sL "" > cert-manager.crds.yaml

scheriff -s k8s-1.17.0-openapi-specs.json --crd cert-manager.crds.yaml -f examples/crds/

All options

$> scheriff --help

Schema Sheriff: A Kubernetes manifests validator tool

Schema Sheriff performs offline validation of Kubernetes configuration manifests by checking them against OpenApi schemas. No connectivity to the Kubernetes cluster is needed

  scheriff [flags]

  -c, --crd stringArray        files or directories that contain CustomResourceDefinitions to be used for validation
  -f, --filename stringArray   (required) file or directories that contain the configuration to be validated
  -h, --help                   help for scheriff
  -R, --recursive              process the directory used in -f, --filename recursively. Useful when you want to manage related manifests organized within the same directory.
  -s, --schema string          (required) Kubernetes OpenAPI V2 schema to validate against
  -S, --strict                 return exit code 1 not only on errors but also when warnings are encountered.
      --version                version for scheriff

How it compares to other tools

  • Kubeval: SchemaSheriff was inspired by this amazing project. Kubeval has a rich set of handy features (like automatic downloads of schemas), and also provides offline validation of Kubernetes configuration, but it doesn't support CRD validation. It also relies on some pre-generated JsonSchemas that are maintained in a third repository. SchemaSheriff supports CRD validation using the --crd flag, and uses directly the OpenApi schemas offered directly by Kubernetes, without needing to transform them.
  • Kube-score: Kubes-core is more a "best-practices" enforcer with some predefined rules to inform you about "common" errors in your K8s configuration. It can also check some API specs compliance, but it's limited to a subset of all resource kinds from the K8s stable versions. This feature is hardcoded in Kube-score, so you cannot plug different K8s versions schemas to check against them, neither custom CRDs.