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Floatify Contracts

Getting Started

Install dependencies with npm install.

Next, create a file called .env that looks like this:

export INFURA_ID=yourInfuraId
export EXCHANGE_ADDRESS=0x447a9652221f46471a2323B98B73911cda58FD8A
export FLOATIFY_ADDRESS=0xF6f9748308939416B758Ab3E656Db7ADd9928F06
export MYTHX_API_KEY=yourMythxApiKey
export MNEMONIC="your 12 word seed phrase"


  • The exchange address should be an address that has various ERC20 tokens for testing
  • The Floatify address should be an address that has plenty of ETH for sending transactions

The addresses shown above for each should be suitable. The exchange address and floatify address are environment variables (as opposed to simply being defined within the JS files) so they can be accessed from the command line when deploying/testing with the OpenZeppelin CLI.

NOTE: Make sure you do not commit this file to a repository!


Deployment steps below are based on the workflow from this guide on the OpenZeppelin forums.

Note: When starting ganache-cli as a fork of the mainnet, make sure to manually set the network ID with the -i flag. Otherwise, the OpenZeppelin cli will overwrite the .openzeppelin/mainnet.json file since the local ganache blockchain shares a network ID with the mainnet. See this issue for details.

# Compile contracts with proper solc version
npm run compile

# If deploying on a local development chain, start ganache in its own terminal window
npm run test-setup

# Make sure .env file is configured as shown above
source .env

# Create a session and select account to send transactions from
npx oz session --network main
# OR
npx oz session -n development -f $FLOATIFY_ADDRESS  --expires 7200 --timeout 600

# Confirm the proper account would get used for deployment, which
npx oz accounts

# Deploy ForwarderFactory contract, call initialize(), and verify
npx oz create ForwarderFactory
npx oz verify

# Deploy Forwarder contract logic, call initialize(address _recipient, address _floatify), and verify
# Values for _recipient and _floatify should be both be the cold storage floatify account
npx oz create Forwarder
npx oz verify

# Deploy Swapper contract, call initializeSwapper(address _forwarderFactory), and verify
npx oz create Swapper
npx oz verify

# Fund Swapper with 2 Ether for GSN
npx oz-gsn fund-recipient

# Change administrator to cold storage address
npx oz set-admin

Upgrading Contracts

# Compile contracts with proper solc version
npm run compile

# Change admin to a standard EOA
npx oz set-admin

# Deploy upgrades using one of the two approaches below
npx oz upgrade # to upgrade a single contract
npx oz upgrade --all # to upgrade all contracts

# Call any new initialization functions here

# Change admin back to hardware wallet
npx oz set-admin

Run Tests

  1. Run npm run test-setup in a terminal window to start ganache-cli with the proper settings.
  2. In a new terminal window, run npm run test to run tests.

Note that ganache-cli is installed globally and v6.9.1 is used along with Truffle v5.0.43. Using a different version of ganache may result in additional test failures due to bugs with the --fork feature of ganache-cli.

Known Test Issues

After running tests, the below output indicates that all tests have passed and are behaving as expected. Please see the following subsections for details.

  49 passing (10m)
  1 failing

  1) Contract: ForwarderFactory
       deploys and initialize a proxy forwarder and marks the user as valid in Swapper:

      AssertionError: expected '0' to equal '1'
      + expected - actual


Forwarder Factory

In forwarderFactory.js, we run the it('deploys and initialize a proxy forwarder') test, but currently this test is expected to fail. The test requires mainnet contracts, but initialization of the deployed proxy contract fails when testing with the ganache-cli --fork feature. See this issue for more details. Note that this test does pass in production even though it fails here.

Run Code Coverage

A code coverage report can be generated with solidity-coverage by running npm run coverage. Please be patient as this can take quite a while.

Run Security Analysis


MythX will run in trial mode by default, which you may use. Alternatively, follow the steps here for instructions on how to set up a full account.

Afterwards, analyze contracts using source .env && truffle run verify.


Initial setup:

  1. Create a Python virtual environment with python3 -m venv venv
  2. Activate it with source ./venv/bin/activate
  3. Install Slither with pip3 install slither-analyzer

Then run Slither on the project using slither ..