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OIDC Orchestrator

This is an oidc orchestrator that sits in front of a real IDP like azure EntraID (formerly AzureAD), OKTA, Auth0, etc.

Why in hell would I do this?

When you buy someones app and they claim "We support SSO integration", DO NOT BELIEVE THEM. Its usually such a simplistic integration that it basically useless.

Mature client apps will let you do a token exchange right after the SSO Login where the id_token is exchanged for an access_token that contains all the necessary claims for downstream api calls. This is the way it should be done. So, this orchestrator will take the id_token and exchange it for an access_token that contains all the necessary claims for downstream api calls.

In this example I am orchestrating google. In the end the client app doesn't get google id_tokens or access_tokens. Those are exchanged in the OAuth2 CODE flow for newly minted access_tokens that contain the necessary claims for downstream api calls. If you have an internal OAuth2 service that supports token exchange, like I do, you would make a call to that by passing google id_token and get back a new access_token and optionally a refresh_token.

So if your apps SSO integration is pointing to AzureAD, and we all know that the access_tokens we get from Azure are useless. We can then point the app to our orchestrator that will produce the right tokens.

OAuth2 Code Flow

    participant ClientApp
    participant Orchestrator as Orchestrator<br/>(Authority)
    participant IDP as IDP<br/>(Azure EntraID)
    participant TokenExchange

    ClientApp->>Orchestrator: GET /.well-known/openid-configuration
    Orchestrator->>IDP: GET /.well-known/openid-configuration
    IDP-->>Orchestrator: Discovery Document
    Orchestrator->>Orchestrator: modify discovery document
    Orchestrator-->>ClientApp: Discovery Document
    ClientApp->>IDP: redirect /authorize
    IDP->>ClientApp: redirect /callback
    ClientApp->>Orchestrator: POST /token (code)
    Orchestrator->>IDP: POST /token (code)
    activate IDP
    IDP-->>Orchestrator: TokenResponse
    deactivate  IDP
    Orchestrator->>TokenExchange: /exchange (id_token)
    activate TokenExchange
    TokenExchange-->>Orchestrator: token(s)
    deactivate  TokenExchange
    Orchestrator-->>ClientApp: TokenResponse

OAuth2 refresh_token flow

    participant ClientApp
    participant Orchestrator as Orchestrator<br/>(Authority)
    participant IDP as IDP<br/>(Azure EntraID)
    ClientApp->>Orchestrator: POST /oauth2/token  refresh_token
    note right of Orchestrator: refresh_token has the downstream refresh_token and orchestrator hints encoded.
    Orchestrator->>Orchestrator: decode refresh_token
    Orchestrator->>IDP: POST /oauth2/token  downstream.refresh_token
    IDP-->>Orchestrator: response
    Orchestrator->>Orchestrator: mint new access_token
    Orchestrator->>Orchestrator: mint new refresh_token(downstream.refresh_token + hints)
    Orchestrator->>Orchestrator: Build response (orchestrator.refresh_token, orchestrator.access_token, etc)

    Orchestrator-->>ClientApp: refresh_token response



cd cmd/server
swag init --dir .,../../internal

This will generate a docs.go file in the cmd/server folder.

Downstream Services


Launch Server

Google Orchestrator

cd cmd/server
go build .

$env:PORT = "9044";$env:DOWN_STREAM_AUTHORITY = ""; .\server.exe

Azure EntraID (Azure AD) Orchestrator

cd cmd/server
go build .

$env:PORT = "9044";$env:DOWN_STREAM_AUTHORITY = ""; .\server.exe

Launch Client App

Google Client

cd cmd/clientapp
go build .

$env:PORT = "5556";$env:OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID = "";$env:OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET = "**REDACTED**";$env:AUTHORITY = "http://localhost:9044"; .\clientapp.exe

Azure EntraID (Azure AD) Client

cd cmd/clientapp
go build .

$env:PORT = "5556";$env:OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID = "fe794e91-40ef-430e-9aa5-29e3ca962928";$env:OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET = "**REDACTED**";$env:AUTHORITY = "http://localhost:9044"; .\clientapp.exe