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[webview_flutter][android] webview crashes when embedded in a scrollview #104889

robert-virkus opened this issue May 28, 2022 · 50 comments
c: crash Stack traces logged to the console c: fatal crash Crashes that terminate the process customer: crowd Affects or could affect many people, though not necessarily a specific customer. engine flutter/engine repository. See also e: labels. found in release: 3.0 Found to occur in 3.0 found in release: 3.1 Found to occur in 3.1 p: webview The WebView plugin P2 Important issues not at the top of the work list package flutter/packages repository. See also p: labels. platform-android Android applications specifically team-android Owned by Android platform team triaged-android Triaged by Android platform team


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When using a webview inside of a scrollview, some content renders a completely distorted page and some content even crashes the app. This problem only affects Androidm the same app, on iOS the same code results in a correclty rendered web page. Rendering the same content also works fine on Android, when not embedding the webview inside of a scrollview.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Execute flutter run on the code sample
  2. Observe the rendered page ( it will be shown completely distorted
  3. Some html contents also crash my app on my test devices

Expected results:
A web view that is shown within a scrollable view should render content corretly and without crashing the app.

Actual results:
A completely distorted page, some html code also crashes the app.

Code sample
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:webview_flutter/webview_flutter.dart';
// import 'package:flutter_inappwebview/flutter_inappwebview.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  // This widget is the root of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Crash Demo',
      theme: ThemeData(
      home: const MyHomePage(title: 'Crash'),

class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  const MyHomePage({Key? key, required this.title}) : super(key: key);
  final String title;

  State<MyHomePage> createState() => _MyHomePageState();

class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
  late double _webViewHeight;
  late WebViewController _controller;
  void didChangeDependencies() {
    _webViewHeight = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text(widget.title),
        body: SingleChildScrollView(
          child: Column(
            children: [
              const Text('Some scrollable header'),
                height: _webViewHeight,
                child: WebView(
                  javascriptMode: JavascriptMode.unrestricted,
                  onWebViewCreated: (controller) {
                    _controller = controller;
                  onPageFinished: (url) async {
                    final height =
                        await _controller.runJavascriptReturningResult(
                    setState(() {
                      _webViewHeight = double.parse(height) + 10.0;
flutter run --verbose
[ +238 ms] executing: [C:\Users\User\flutter/] git -c log.showSignature=false log -n 1 --pretty=format:%H
[ +733 ms] Exit code 0 from: git -c log.showSignature=false log -n 1 --pretty=format:%H
[   +1 ms] fb57da5f945d02ef4f98dfd9409a72b7cce74268
[   +1 ms] executing: [C:\Users\User\flutter/] git tag --points-at fb57da5f945d02ef4f98dfd9409a72b7cce74268
[ +148 ms] Exit code 0 from: git tag --points-at fb57da5f945d02ef4f98dfd9409a72b7cce74268
[   +1 ms] 3.0.1
[  +19 ms] executing: [C:\Users\User\flutter/] git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic @{u}
[ +112 ms] Exit code 0 from: git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic @{u}
[   +1 ms] origin/stable
[        ] executing: [C:\Users\User\flutter/] git ls-remote --get-url origin
[ +104 ms] Exit code 0 from: git ls-remote --get-url origin
[   +1 ms]
[ +341 ms] executing: [C:\Users\User\flutter/] git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
[ +111 ms] Exit code 0 from: git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
[   +1 ms] stable
[ +228 ms] Artifact Instance of 'AndroidGenSnapshotArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +1 ms] Artifact Instance of 'AndroidInternalBuildArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[        ] Artifact Instance of 'IOSEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[        ] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterWebSdk' is not required, skipping update.
[  +11 ms] Artifact Instance of 'WindowsEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[        ] Artifact Instance of 'WindowsUwpEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[        ] Artifact Instance of 'MacOSEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +1 ms] Artifact Instance of 'LinuxEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +1 ms] Artifact Instance of 'LinuxFuchsiaSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +1 ms] Artifact Instance of 'MacOSFuchsiaSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +1 ms] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterRunnerSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +1 ms] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterRunnerDebugSymbols' is not required, skipping update.
[ +191 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe devices -l
[ +199 ms] List of devices attached
                    emulator-5554          device product:sdk_gphone_x86 model:sdk_gphone_x86 device:generic_x86_arm
[  +35 ms] C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s emulator-5554 shell getprop
[ +223 ms] Artifact Instance of 'AndroidInternalBuildArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +3 ms] Artifact Instance of 'IOSEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[  +21 ms] Artifact Instance of 'WindowsUwpEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +2 ms] Artifact Instance of 'MacOSEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +1 ms] Artifact Instance of 'LinuxEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +1 ms] Artifact Instance of 'LinuxFuchsiaSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +1 ms] Artifact Instance of 'MacOSFuchsiaSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +1 ms] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterRunnerSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +5 ms] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterRunnerDebugSymbols' is not required, skipping update.
[ +515 ms] Skipping pub get: version match.
[ +151 ms] Found plugin webview_flutter at
[  +23 ms] Found plugin webview_flutter_android at
[  +14 ms] Found plugin webview_flutter_wkwebview at
[ +176 ms] Found plugin webview_flutter at
[  +12 ms] Found plugin webview_flutter_android at
[  +11 ms] Found plugin webview_flutter_wkwebview at
[  +37 ms] Generating
[ +298 ms] ro.hardware = ranchu
[  +40 ms] Using hardware rendering with device sdk gphone x86. If you notice graphics artifacts, consider enabling
           rendering with "--enable-software-rendering".
[  +91 ms] Initializing file store
[  +40 ms] Skipping target: gen_localizations
[  +19 ms] gen_dart_plugin_registrant: Starting due to {InvalidatedReasonKind.inputChanged: The following inputs have
updated contents: C:\Users\User\Development\bug\.dart_tool\package_config_subset}
[  +83 ms] Found plugin webview_flutter at
[   +9 ms] Found plugin webview_flutter_android at
[   +9 ms] Found plugin webview_flutter_wkwebview at
[  +20 ms] gen_dart_plugin_registrant: Complete
[   +9 ms] Skipping target: _composite
[   +8 ms] complete
[  +21 ms] Launching lib\main.dart on sdk gphone x86 in debug mode...
[  +19 ms] C:\Users\User\flutter\bin\cache\dart-sdk\bin\dart.exe --disable-dart-dev
C:\Users\User\flutter\bin\cache\dart-sdk\bin\snapshots\frontend_server.dart.snapshot --sdk-root
C:\Users\User\flutter\bin\cache\artifacts\engine\common\flutter_patched_sdk/ --incremental --target=flutter
--debugger-module-names --experimental-emit-debug-metadata -DFLUTTER_WEB_AUTO_DETECT=true --output-dill
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\flutter_tools.fb260c8d\flutter_tool.ecb6883a\app.dill --packages
C:\Users\User\Development\bug\.dart_tool\package_config.json -Ddart.vm.profile=false -Ddart.vm.product=false
--enable-asserts --track-widget-creation --filesystem-scheme org-dartlang-root --initialize-from-dill
build\c075001b96339384a97db4862b8ab8db.cache.dill.track.dill --enable-experiment=alternative-invalidation-strategy
[  +43 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s emulator-5554 shell -x logcat -v
time -t 1
[  +51 ms] <- compile package:bug/main.dart
[ +266 ms] --------- beginning of main
                    05-28 15:53:40.921 I/goldfish_avcdec(  440): received EOS, re-create host context
[  +34 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe version
[ +110 ms] Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41
                    Version 33.0.0-8141338
                    Installed as C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe
[   +8 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe start-server
[  +92 ms] Building APK
[  +42 ms] Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'...
[  +16 ms] Using gradle from C:\Users\User\Development\bug\android\gradlew.bat.
[  +53 ms] executing: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin\java -version
[ +392 ms] Exit code 0 from: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin\java -version
[   +3 ms] openjdk version "11.0.12" 2021-07-20
           OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.12+7-b1504.28-7817840)
           OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.12+7-b1504.28-7817840, mixed mode)
[   +5 ms] executing: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin\java -version
[ +371 ms] Exit code 0 from: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin\java -version
[   +3 ms] openjdk version "11.0.12" 2021-07-20
           OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.12+7-b1504.28-7817840)
           OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.12+7-b1504.28-7817840, mixed mode)
[   +5 ms] executing: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin\java -version
[ +357 ms] Exit code 0 from: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin\java -version
[   +3 ms] openjdk version "11.0.12" 2021-07-20
           OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.12+7-b1504.28-7817840)
           OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.12+7-b1504.28-7817840, mixed mode)
[   +5 ms] executing: [C:\Users\User\Development\bug\android/] C:\Users\User\Development\bug\android\gradlew.bat
-Pverbose=true -Ptarget-platform=android-x86 -Ptarget=C:\Users\User\Development\bug\lib\main.dart -Pdart-defines=RkxVVFRFUl9XRUJfQVVUT19ERVRFQ1Q9dHJ1ZQ==
-Pdart-obfuscation=false -Ptrack-widget-creation=true -Ptree-shake-icons=false -Pfilesystem-scheme=org-dartlang-root
[+2347 ms] Welcome to Gradle 7.4!
[   +3 ms] Here are the highlights of this release:
[   +2 ms]  - Aggregated test and JaCoCo reports
[   +1 ms]  - Marking additional test source directories as tests in IntelliJ
[   +2 ms]  - Support for Adoptium JDKs in Java toolchains
[   +2 ms] For more details see
[+5992 ms] > Task :app:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
[  +14 ms] > Task :app:preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE
[   +4 ms] > Task :app:mergeDebugNativeDebugMetadata NO-SOURCE
[+29948 ms] > Task :app:compileFlutterBuildDebug
[+10219 ms] > Task :app:packLibsflutterBuildDebug
[   +7 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
[   +3 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE
[   +3 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE
[   +4 ms] > Task :app:compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE
[   +4 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:packageDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE
[   +9 ms] > Task :app:compileDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE
[  +61 ms] > Task :app:generateDebugBuildConfig
[   +3 ms] > Task :app:cleanMergeDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE
[   +2 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:writeDebugAarMetadata
[   +1 ms] > Task :app:mergeDebugShaders
[   +1 ms] > Task :app:compileDebugShaders NO-SOURCE
[   +3 ms] > Task :app:generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:mergeDebugShaders
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:compileDebugShaders NO-SOURCE
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE
[  +68 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:packageDebugAssets
[ +109 ms] > Task :app:mergeDebugAssets
[   +6 ms] > Task :app:checkDebugAarMetadata
[ +893 ms] > Task :app:copyFlutterAssetsDebug
[   +4 ms] > Task :app:generateDebugResValues
[   +2 ms] > Task :app:generateDebugResources
[   +3 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:compileDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE
[   +5 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:generateDebugResValues
[   +4 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:generateDebugResources
[  +73 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:packageDebugResources
[+1665 ms] > Task :app:createDebugCompatibleScreenManifests
[ +387 ms] > Task :app:extractDeepLinksDebug
[ +237 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:extractDeepLinksDebug
[  +14 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:compileDebugLibraryResources
[   +5 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:processDebugManifest
[   +5 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:generateDebugBuildConfig
[  +81 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:parseDebugLocalResources
[ +137 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:javaPreCompileDebug
[  +31 ms] > Task :app:javaPreCompileDebug
[   +6 ms] > Task :app:processDebugJavaRes NO-SOURCE
[   +8 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:processDebugJavaRes NO-SOURCE
[   +2 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:bundleLibResDebug NO-SOURCE
[   +1 ms] > Task :app:mergeDebugResources
[   +1 ms] > Task :app:checkDebugDuplicateClasses
[ +117 ms] > Task :app:processDebugMainManifest
[   +6 ms] > Task :app:processDebugManifest
[ +204 ms] > Task :app:processDebugManifestForPackage
[  +21 ms] > Task :app:mergeDebugJniLibFolders
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:mergeDebugJniLibFolders
[  +66 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:mergeDebugNativeLibs NO-SOURCE
[   +4 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:copyDebugJniLibsProjectOnly
[   +2 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:generateDebugRFile
[   +5 ms] > Task :app:validateSigningDebug
[  +15 ms] > Task :app:writeDebugAppMetadata
[  +82 ms] > Task :app:desugarDebugFileDependencies
[  +14 ms] > Task :app:writeDebugSigningConfigVersions
[ +265 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:stripDebugDebugSymbols NO-SOURCE
[  +22 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:copyDebugJniLibsProjectAndLocalJars
[+1064 ms] > Task :app:compressDebugAssets
[ +681 ms] Execution optimizations have been disabled for task ':app:compressDebugAssets' to ensure correctness due to
the following reasons:
[ +531 ms]   - Gradle detected a problem with the following location:
'C:\Users\User\Development\bug\build\app\intermediates\assets\debug\mergeDebugAssets'. Reason: Task
':app:compressDebugAssets' uses this output of task ':app:copyFlutterAssetsDebug' without declaring an explicit or
implicit dependency. This can lead to incorrect results being produced, depending on what order the tasks are executed.
Please refer to for more details
about this problem.
[+2703 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:compileDebugJavaWithJavac
[   +7 ms] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
[   +7 ms] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[ +492 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:bundleLibRuntimeToJarDebug
[   +3 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:bundleLibCompileToJarDebug
[   +1 ms] > Task :app:processDebugResources
[   +1 ms] > Task :app:mergeExtDexDebug
[ +282 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:extractDebugAnnotations
[+3007 ms] > Task :app:mergeDebugNativeLibs
[+18792 ms] > Task :app:compileDebugKotlin
[ +801 ms] > Task :app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac
[ +526 ms] > Task :app:dexBuilderDebug
[+1521 ms] > Task :app:stripDebugDebugSymbols
[ +486 ms] Unable to strip the following libraries, packaging them as they are:
[ +313 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:mergeDebugGeneratedProguardFiles UP-TO-DATE
[  +35 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:mergeDebugConsumerProguardFiles UP-TO-DATE
[  +24 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:prepareDebugArtProfile UP-TO-DATE
[   +3 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:prepareLintJarForPublish UP-TO-DATE
[  +11 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:mergeDebugJavaResource
[   +3 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:syncDebugLibJars
[   +2 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:bundleDebugAar
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:assembleDebug
[ +271 ms] > Task :app:mergeDebugJavaResource
[ +599 ms] > Task :app:mergeDexDebug
[+4040 ms] > Task :app:packageDebug
[  +53 ms] > Task :app:createDebugApkListingFileRedirect
[ +413 ms] > Task :app:assembleDebug
[  +42 ms] Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 8.0.
[   +7 ms] You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from
your own scripts or plugins.
[   +3 ms] See
[   +2 ms] Execution optimizations have been disabled for 1 invalid unit(s) of work during this build to ensure
[   +1 ms] Please consult deprecation warnings for more details.
[   +4 ms] BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 1m 29s
[   +2 ms] 61 actionable tasks: 56 executed, 5 up-to-date
[ +615 ms] Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'... (completed in 91,8s)
[  +96 ms] calculateSha: LocalDirectory: 'C:\Users\User\Development\bug\build\app\outputs\flutter-apk'/app.apk
[+1249 ms] √  Built build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app-debug.apk.
[  +17 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\31.0.0\aapt dump xmltree
C:\Users\User\Development\bug\build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app.apk AndroidManifest.xml
[  +82 ms] Exit code 0 from: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\31.0.0\aapt dump xmltree
C:\Users\User\Development\bug\build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app.apk AndroidManifest.xml
[   +4 ms] N: android=
             E: manifest (line=2)
               A: android:versionCode(0x0101021b)=(type 0x10)0x1
               A: android:versionName(0x0101021c)="1.0.0" (Raw: "1.0.0")
               A: android:compileSdkVersion(0x01010572)=(type 0x10)0x1f
               A: android:compileSdkVersionCodename(0x01010573)="12" (Raw: "12")
               A: package="com.example.bug" (Raw: "com.example.bug")
               A: platformBuildVersionCode=(type 0x10)0x1f
               A: platformBuildVersionName=(type 0x10)0xc
               E: uses-sdk (line=7)
                 A: android:minSdkVersion(0x0101020c)=(type 0x10)0x13
                 A: android:targetSdkVersion(0x01010270)=(type 0x10)0x1f
               E: uses-permission (line=15)
                 A: android:name(0x01010003)="android.permission.INTERNET" (Raw: "android.permission.INTERNET")
               E: application (line=17)
                 A: android:label(0x01010001)="bug" (Raw: "bug")
                 A: android:icon(0x01010002)=@0x7f080000
                 A: android:name(0x01010003)="" (Raw: "")
                 A: android:debuggable(0x0101000f)=(type 0x12)0xffffffff
                 A: android:appComponentFactory(0x0101057a)="" (Raw:
                 E: activity (line=23)
                   A: android:theme(0x01010000)=@0x7f0a0000
                   A: android:name(0x01010003)="com.example.bug.MainActivity" (Raw: "com.example.bug.MainActivity")
                   A: android:exported(0x01010010)=(type 0x12)0xffffffff
                   A: android:launchMode(0x0101001d)=(type 0x10)0x1
                   A: android:configChanges(0x0101001f)=(type 0x11)0x40003fb4
                   A: android:windowSoftInputMode(0x0101022b)=(type 0x11)0x10
                   A: android:hardwareAccelerated(0x010102d3)=(type 0x12)0xffffffff
                   E: meta-data (line=38)
                     A: android:name(0x01010003)="" (Raw:
                     A: android:resource(0x01010025)=@0x7f0a0001
                   E: intent-filter (line=42)
                     E: action (line=43)
                       A: android:name(0x01010003)="android.intent.action.MAIN" (Raw: "android.intent.action.MAIN")
                     E: category (line=45)
                       A: android:name(0x01010003)="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" (Raw:
                 E: meta-data (line=52)
                   A: android:name(0x01010003)="flutterEmbedding" (Raw: "flutterEmbedding")
                   A: android:value(0x01010024)=(type 0x10)0x2
                 E: uses-library (line=56)
                   A: android:name(0x01010003)="androidx.window.extensions" (Raw: "androidx.window.extensions")
                   A: android:required(0x0101028e)=(type 0x12)0x0
                 E: uses-library (line=59)
                   A: android:name(0x01010003)="androidx.window.sidecar" (Raw: "androidx.window.sidecar")
                   A: android:required(0x0101028e)=(type 0x12)0x0
[  +14 ms] Stopping app 'app.apk' on sdk gphone x86.
[   +2 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s emulator-5554 shell am
force-stop com.example.bug
[ +399 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s emulator-5554 shell pm list
packages com.example.bug
[ +369 ms] package:com.example.bug
[   +9 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s emulator-5554 shell cat
[ +202 ms] 23ea5cba1980e9a44f4703cbe2e02795744637c4
[   +6 ms] Installing APK.
[   +4 ms] Installing build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app.apk...
[   +1 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s emulator-5554 install -t -r
[+1952 ms] Performing Streamed Install
[   +6 ms] Installing build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app.apk... (completed in 1.956ms)
[   +3 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s emulator-5554 shell echo -n
1cf08a6872c2d9958ec368a4e343ce48cf9f38c9 > /data/local/tmp/
[ +108 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s emulator-5554 shell -x logcat -v
time -t 1
[ +384 ms] --------- beginning of system
                    05-28 15:55:33.726 W/BroadcastQueue(  538): Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent {
                    act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.example.bug flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to
[  +26 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s emulator-5554 shell am start -a
android.intent.action.RUN -f 0x20000000 --ez enable-dart-profiling true --ez enable-checked-mode true --ez
verify-entry-points true com.example.bug/com.example.bug.MainActivity
[ +463 ms] Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.RUN flg=0x20000000 cmp=com.example.bug/.MainActivity (has
extras) }
[   +4 ms] Waiting for observatory port to be available...
[+3073 ms] Observatory URL on device:
[  +10 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s emulator-5554 forward tcp:0
[ +107 ms] 57950
[   +2 ms] Forwarded host port 57950 to device port 33679 for Observatory
[  +18 ms] Caching compiled dill
[  +70 ms] Connecting to service protocol:
[ +631 ms] Launching a Dart Developer Service (DDS) instance at, connecting to VM service at
[ +327 ms] DDS is listening at
[ +142 ms] Successfully connected to service protocol:
[ +138 ms] DevFS: Creating new filesystem on the device (null)
[  +62 ms] DevFS: Created new filesystem on the device (file:///data/user/0/com.example.bug/code_cache/bugJJXMHS/bug/)
[   +7 ms] Updating assets
[ +197 ms] Syncing files to device sdk gphone x86...
[   +8 ms] <- reset
[   +2 ms] Compiling dart to kernel with 0 updated files
[   +2 ms] Processing bundle.
[   +3 ms] <- recompile package:bug/main.dart 6ecb46af-36a4-47ca-9193-cb7297b55f10
[   +1 ms] <- 6ecb46af-36a4-47ca-9193-cb7297b55f10
[   +6 ms] Bundle processing done.
[ +382 ms] Updating files.
[   +3 ms] DevFS: Sync finished
[   +3 ms] Syncing files to device sdk gphone x86... (completed in 409ms)
[   +2 ms] Synced 0.0MB.
[   +5 ms] <- accept
[  +16 ms] Connected to _flutterView/0xeea440e0.
[   +7 ms] Flutter run key commands.
[   +5 ms] r Hot reload.
[   +2 ms] R Hot restart.
[   +2 ms] h List all available interactive commands.
[   +3 ms] d Detach (terminate "flutter run" but leave application running).
[   +2 ms] c Clear the screen
[   +1 ms] q Quit (terminate the application on the device).
[   +2 ms]  Running with sound null safety
[   +3 ms] An Observatory debugger and profiler on sdk gphone x86 is available at:
[+1179 ms] I/WebViewFactory(17753): Loading version 83.0.4103.106 (code 410410681)
[   +9 ms] I/com.example.bu(17753): The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
[   +7 ms] D/nativeloader(17753): classloader namespace configured for unbundled product apk.
[  +59 ms] I/com.example.bu(17753): The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
[   +4 ms] D/nativeloader(17753): classloader namespace configured for unbundled product apk.
[  +82 ms] I/cr_LibraryLoader(17753): Loaded native library version number "83.0.4103.106"
[   +9 ms] I/cr_CachingUmaRecorder(17753): Flushed 3 samples from 3 histograms.
[ +121 ms] I/TetheringManager(17753): registerTetheringEventCallback:com.example.bug
[  +24 ms] W/chromium(17753): [] Failed to read DnsConfig.
[ +357 ms] I/Choreographer(17753): Skipped 40 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
[ +491 ms] W/Gralloc4(17753): allocator 3.x is not supported
[  +18 ms] E/FrameEvents(17753): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[ +389 ms] E/chromium(17753): [] eglChooseConfig failed with error EGL_SUCCESS
[  +28 ms] D/EGL_emulation(17753): eglCreateContext: 0xeea0d130: maj 2 min 0 rcv 2
[   +6 ms] D/EGL_emulation(17753): eglMakeCurrent: 0xeea0d130: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xeed6fc90) (first time)
[  +50 ms] E/FrameEvents(17753): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[  +82 ms] The Flutter DevTools debugger and profiler on sdk gphone x86 is available at:
[  +46 ms] D/HostConnection(17753): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xeea0e010, tid 17850
[   +3 ms] W/com.example.bu(17753): Accessing hidden method Landroid/media/AudioManager;->getOutputLatency(I)I
(greylist, reflection, allowed)
[  +58 ms] D/HostConnection(17753): HostComposition ext ANDROID_EMU_CHECKSUM_HELPER_v1 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v2
ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v3 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v4 ANDROID_EMU_dma_v1 ANDROID_EMU_direct_mem
ANDROID_EMU_host_composition_v1 ANDROID_EMU_host_composition_v2 ANDROID_EMU_vulkan ANDROID_EMU_deferred_vulkan_commands
ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_null_optional_strings ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_create_resources_with_requirements ANDROID_EMU_YUV_Cache
ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_ignored_handles ANDROID_EMU_has_shared_slots_host_memory_allocator
ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_free_memory_sync ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_shader_float16_int8 ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_async_queue_submit
ANDROID_EMU_sync_buffer_data ANDROID_EMU_read_color_buffer_dma GL_OES_vertex_array_object
GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr ANDROID_EMU_host_side_tracing ANDROID_EMU_gles_max_version_2
[  +13 ms] E/chromium(17753): [] eglChooseConfig failed with error EGL_SUCCESS
[  +10 ms] W/cr_media(17753): Requires BLUETOOTH permission
[  +19 ms] E/FrameEvents(17753): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[ +335 ms] I/VideoCapabilities(17753): Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es
[  +10 ms] W/cr_MediaCodecUtil(17753): HW encoder for video/avc is not available on this device.
[ +109 ms] D/EGL_emulation(17753): eglCreateContext: 0xeea26500: maj 2 min 0 rcv 2
[   +6 ms] D/EGL_emulation(17753): eglMakeCurrent: 0xeea26500: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xbb262bd0) (first time)
[ +215 ms] E/FrameEvents(17753): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[+2686 ms] I/chatty  (17753): uid=10164(com.example.bug) RenderThread identical 18 lines
[   +3 ms] E/FrameEvents(17753): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[+2263 ms] E/FrameEvents(17753): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[ +835 ms] E/FrameEvents(17753): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[ +108 ms] I/cr_MediaCodecBridge(17753): create MediaCodec video decoder, mime video/avc
[  +19 ms] I/OMXClient(17753): IOmx service obtained
[  +25 ms] I/MediaCodec(17753): MediaCodec will operate in async mode
[   +6 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): connecting to surface 0xe9352e58, reason connectToSurface
[   +4 ms] I/MediaCodec(17753): [] setting surface generation to 18179073
[   +2 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): disconnecting from surface 0xe9352e58, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
[   +4 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): connecting to surface 0xe9352e58, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
[   +6 ms] E/ACodec  (17753): [] setPortMode on output to DynamicANWBuffer failed w/
err -1010
[  +63 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): disconnecting from surface 0xe9352e58, reason setNativeWindowSizeFormatAndUsage
[   +2 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): connecting to surface 0xe9352e58, reason setNativeWindowSizeFormatAndUsage
[   +2 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): set up nativeWindow 0xe9352e58 for 1632x1080, color 0x13, rotation 0, usage 0x1002900
[  +44 ms] I/cr_MediaCodecBridge(17753): create MediaCodec video decoder, mime video/avc
[  +52 ms] I/OMXClient(17753): IOmx service obtained
[  +11 ms] I/MediaCodec(17753): MediaCodec will operate in async mode
[   +3 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): connecting to surface 0xe93579e8, reason connectToSurface
[   +1 ms] I/MediaCodec(17753): [] setting surface generation to 18179074
[   +1 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): disconnecting from surface 0xe93579e8, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
[   +1 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): connecting to surface 0xe93579e8, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
[   +1 ms] E/ACodec  (17753): [] setPortMode on output to DynamicANWBuffer failed w/
err -1010
[  +40 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): disconnecting from surface 0xe93579e8, reason setNativeWindowSizeFormatAndUsage
[   +6 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): connecting to surface 0xe93579e8, reason setNativeWindowSizeFormatAndUsage
[   +2 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): set up nativeWindow 0xe93579e8 for 1632x1080, color 0x13, rotation 0, usage 0x1002900
[ +391 ms] E/FrameEvents(17753): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[  +38 ms] I/cr_MediaCodecBridge(17753): create MediaCodec video decoder, mime video/avc
[  +23 ms] I/OMXClient(17753): IOmx service obtained
[  +18 ms] I/MediaCodec(17753): MediaCodec will operate in async mode
[   +1 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): connecting to surface 0xe935c578, reason connectToSurface
[   +1 ms] I/MediaCodec(17753): [] setting surface generation to 18179075
[   +3 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): disconnecting from surface 0xe935c578, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
[   +2 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): connecting to surface 0xe935c578, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
[   +2 ms] E/ACodec  (17753): [] setPortMode on output to DynamicANWBuffer failed w/
err -1010
[  +52 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): disconnecting from surface 0xe935c578, reason setNativeWindowSizeFormatAndUsage
[   +3 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): connecting to surface 0xe935c578, reason setNativeWindowSizeFormatAndUsage
[   +3 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): set up nativeWindow 0xe935c578 for 1632x1080, color 0x13, rotation 0, usage 0x1002900
[ +430 ms] E/FrameEvents(17753): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[  +29 ms] E/GraphicBufferAllocator(17753): Failed to allocate (1080 x 29899) layerCount 1 format 1 usage 100: 5
[   +6 ms] E/BufferQueueProducer(17753): [SurfaceTexture-0-17753-0](id:455900000000,api:1,p:17753,c:17753)
dequeueBuffer: createGraphicBuffer failed
[   +3 ms] W/OpenGLRenderer(17753): dequeueBuffer failed, error = -12; switching to fallback
[  +41 ms] E/Surface (17753): getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer: 0x0
[+1484 ms] D/NdkImageReader(17753): acquireImageLocked: Overriding buffer format YUV_420_888 to 0x13.
[+9021 ms] W/cr_MediaCodecBridge(17753): Releasing:
[  +16 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): connecting to surface 0xe9362a38, reason connectToSurface
[   +1 ms] I/MediaCodec(17753): [] setting surface generation to 18179076
[   +1 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): disconnecting from surface 0xe9362a38, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
[   +1 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): connecting to surface 0xe9362a38, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
[   +1 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): disconnecting from surface 0xe9362a38, reason setNativeWindowSizeFormatAndUsage
[   +1 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): connecting to surface 0xe9362a38, reason setNativeWindowSizeFormatAndUsage
[   +7 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): set up nativeWindow 0xe9362a38 for 1632x1080, color 0x13, rotation 0, usage 0x1002900
[   +2 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): disconnecting from surface 0xe93579e8, reason disconnectFromSurface
[   +2 ms] W/cr_MediaCodecBridge(17753): Codec released
[   +2 ms] W/cr_MediaCodecBridge(17753): Releasing:
[   +4 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): connecting to surface 0xe9361108, reason connectToSurface
[   +2 ms] I/MediaCodec(17753): [] setting surface generation to 18179077
[   +2 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): disconnecting from surface 0xe9361108, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
[   +2 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): connecting to surface 0xe9361108, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
[   +2 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): disconnecting from surface 0xe9361108, reason setNativeWindowSizeFormatAndUsage
[   +2 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): connecting to surface 0xe9361108, reason setNativeWindowSizeFormatAndUsage
[   +5 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): set up nativeWindow 0xe9361108 for 1632x1080, color 0x13, rotation 0, usage 0x1002900
[  +10 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): disconnecting from surface 0xe935c578, reason disconnectFromSurface
[   +5 ms] W/cr_MediaCodecBridge(17753): Codec released
[   +6 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): disconnecting from surface 0xe9362a38, reason disconnectFromSurface
[   +2 ms] D/SurfaceUtils(17753): disconnecting from surface 0xe9361108, reason disconnectFromSurface
[+18745 ms] E/chromium(17753): [] no buffers currently available in the reader queue
flutter analyze
Running "flutter pub get" in bug...                              2.646ms
Analyzing bug...                                                        
No issues found! (ran in 37.3s)
flutter doctor -v
[√] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.0.1, on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22000.708], locale de-DE)
    • Flutter version 3.0.1 at C:\Users\User\flutter
    • Upstream repository
    • Framework revision fb57da5f94 (9 days ago), 2022-05-19 15:50:29 -0700
    • Engine revision caaafc5604
    • Dart version 2.17.1
    • DevTools version 2.12.2

[√] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 31.0.0)
    • Android SDK at C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
    • Platform android-32, build-tools 31.0.0
    • ANDROID_SDK_ROOT = C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
    • Java binary at: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin\java
    • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.12+7-b1504.28-7817840)
    • All Android licenses accepted.

[√] Chrome - develop for the web
    • Chrome at C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe

[√] Visual Studio - develop for Windows (Visual Studio Community 2022 17.0.5)
    • Visual Studio at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community
    • Visual Studio Community 2022 version 17.0.32112.339
    • Windows 10 SDK version 10.0.19041.0

[√] Android Studio (version 2021.2)
    • Android Studio at C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio
    • Flutter plugin can be installed from:
    • Dart plugin can be installed from:
    • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.12+7-b1504.28-7817840)

[√] VS Code (version 1.67.2)
    • VS Code at C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code
    • Flutter extension version 3.40.0

[√] Connected device (4 available)
    • sdk gphone x86 (mobile) • emulator-5554 • android-x86    • Android 11 (API 30) (emulator)
    • Windows (desktop)       • windows       • windows-x64    • Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22000.708]
    • Chrome (web)            • chrome        • web-javascript • Google Chrome 101.0.4951.67
    • Edge (web)              • edge          • web-javascript • Microsoft Edge 101.0.1210.53

[√] HTTP Host Availability
    • All required HTTP hosts are available

• No issues found!


@exaby73 exaby73 added the in triage Presently being triaged by the triage team label May 30, 2022
Copy link

exaby73 commented May 30, 2022

Hello @robert-virkus. I can reproduce the distorted behavior you described. Though, can you provide me with an example of a crash happening? Any URL or specific HTML content that causes this?

@exaby73 exaby73 added the waiting for customer response The Flutter team cannot make further progress on this issue until the original reporter responds label May 30, 2022
Copy link

robert-virkus commented May 30, 2022

Calling this with as the URL leads to a distorted view on the emulator but to a crash on my Android 11 / API Levevl 30 device.

The main culprit seems to be io.flutter.embedding.engine.renderer.SurfaceTextureWrapper.updateTexImage:

 [ERROR:flutter/fml/platform/android/] java.lang.RuntimeException: Error during updateTexImage (see logcat for details)
E/flutter (18699): 	at Method)
E/flutter (18699): 	at
E/flutter (18699): 	at io.flutter.embedding.engine.renderer.SurfaceTextureWrapper.updateTexImage(
flutter run --verbose
[ +121 ms] executing: [C:\Users\User\flutter/] git -c log.showSignature=false log -n 1 --pretty=format:%H
[ +359 ms] Exit code 0 from: git -c log.showSignature=false log -n 1 --pretty=format:%H
[   +1 ms] fb57da5f945d02ef4f98dfd9409a72b7cce74268
[   +1 ms] executing: [C:\Users\User\flutter/] git tag --points-at fb57da5f945d02ef4f98dfd9409a72b7cce74268
[ +101 ms] Exit code 0 from: git tag --points-at fb57da5f945d02ef4f98dfd9409a72b7cce74268
[   +1 ms] 3.0.1
[  +13 ms] executing: [C:\Users\User\flutter/] git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic @{u}
[  +77 ms] Exit code 0 from: git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic @{u}
[   +1 ms] origin/stable
[        ] executing: [C:\Users\User\flutter/] git ls-remote --get-url origin
[  +71 ms] Exit code 0 from: git ls-remote --get-url origin
[   +1 ms]
[ +262 ms] executing: [C:\Users\User\flutter/] git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
[  +86 ms] Exit code 0 from: git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
[   +1 ms] stable
[ +161 ms] Artifact Instance of 'AndroidGenSnapshotArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +1 ms] Artifact Instance of 'AndroidInternalBuildArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[        ] Artifact Instance of 'IOSEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[        ] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterWebSdk' is not required, skipping update.
[   +7 ms] Artifact Instance of 'WindowsEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[        ] Artifact Instance of 'WindowsUwpEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[        ] Artifact Instance of 'MacOSEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +1 ms] Artifact Instance of 'LinuxEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[        ] Artifact Instance of 'LinuxFuchsiaSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +1 ms] Artifact Instance of 'MacOSFuchsiaSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[        ] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterRunnerSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[        ] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterRunnerDebugSymbols' is not required, skipping update.
[ +101 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe devices -l
[ +109 ms] List of devices attached
                    ae1dc0ac               device product:renoir_eea model:M2101K9G device:renoir transport_id:2
                    emulator-5554          device product:sdk_gphone_x86 model:sdk_gphone_x86 device:generic_x86_arm
[  +20 ms] C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s ae1dc0ac shell getprop
[ +116 ms] C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s emulator-5554 shell getprop
[  +94 ms] Artifact Instance of 'AndroidInternalBuildArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +1 ms] Artifact Instance of 'IOSEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[  +12 ms] Artifact Instance of 'WindowsUwpEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[        ] Artifact Instance of 'MacOSEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +1 ms] Artifact Instance of 'LinuxEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +1 ms] Artifact Instance of 'LinuxFuchsiaSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +1 ms] Artifact Instance of 'MacOSFuchsiaSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +1 ms] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterRunnerSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[   +1 ms] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterRunnerDebugSymbols' is not required, skipping update.
[ +166 ms] Multiple devices found:
[   +7 ms] ro.hardware = qcom
[   +3 ms] ro.hardware = ranchu
[  +55 ms] M2101K9G (mobile)       • ae1dc0ac      • android-arm64  • Android 11 (API 30)
[   +2 ms] sdk gphone x86 (mobile) • emulator-5554 • android-x86    • Android 11 (API 30) (emulator)
[   +2 ms] Windows (desktop)       • windows       • windows-x64    • Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22000.708]
[   +4 ms] Chrome (web)            • chrome        • web-javascript • Google Chrome 101.0.4951.67
[   +1 ms] Edge (web)              • edge          • web-javascript • Microsoft Edge 101.0.1210.53
[   +4 ms] [1]: M2101K9G (ae1dc0ac)
[   +1 ms] [2]: sdk gphone x86 (emulator-5554)
[   +1 ms] [3]: Windows (windows)
[   +2 ms] [4]: Chrome (chrome)
[   +1 ms] [5]: Edge (edge)
[   +4 ms] Please choose one (To quit, press "q/Q")
[   +1 ms] :
[+9205 ms] 1
[  +98 ms] Skipping pub get: version match.
[  +69 ms] Found plugin webview_flutter at
[  +10 ms] Found plugin webview_flutter_android at
[   +8 ms] Found plugin webview_flutter_wkwebview at
[  +92 ms] Found plugin webview_flutter at
[   +5 ms] Found plugin webview_flutter_android at
[   +6 ms] Found plugin webview_flutter_wkwebview at
[  +18 ms] Generating
[ +200 ms] Initializing file store
[  +23 ms] Skipping target: gen_localizations
[  +10 ms] gen_dart_plugin_registrant: Starting due to {InvalidatedReasonKind.inputChanged: The following inputs have
updated contents: C:\Users\User\Development\bug\.dart_tool\package_config_subset}
[  +49 ms] Found plugin webview_flutter at
[   +4 ms] Found plugin webview_flutter_android at
[   +4 ms] Found plugin webview_flutter_wkwebview at
[  +11 ms] gen_dart_plugin_registrant: Complete
[   +5 ms] Skipping target: _composite
[   +4 ms] complete
[   +9 ms] Launching lib\main.dart on M2101K9G in debug mode...
[  +10 ms] C:\Users\User\flutter\bin\cache\dart-sdk\bin\dart.exe --disable-dart-dev
C:\Users\User\flutter\bin\cache\dart-sdk\bin\snapshots\frontend_server.dart.snapshot --sdk-root
C:\Users\User\flutter\bin\cache\artifacts\engine\common\flutter_patched_sdk/ --incremental --target=flutter
--debugger-module-names --experimental-emit-debug-metadata -DFLUTTER_WEB_AUTO_DETECT=true --output-dill
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\flutter_tools.635058ec\flutter_tool.3e300b97\app.dill --packages
C:\Users\User\Development\bug\.dart_tool\package_config.json -Ddart.vm.profile=false -Ddart.vm.product=false
--enable-asserts --track-widget-creation --filesystem-scheme org-dartlang-root --initialize-from-dill
build\c075001b96339384a97db4862b8ab8db.cache.dill.track.dill --enable-experiment=alternative-invalidation-strategy
[  +18 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\31.0.0\aapt dump xmltree
C:\Users\User\Development\bug\build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app.apk AndroidManifest.xml
[  +52 ms] Exit code 0 from: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\31.0.0\aapt dump xmltree
C:\Users\User\Development\bug\build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app.apk AndroidManifest.xml
[   +2 ms] N: android=
             E: manifest (line=2)
               A: android:versionCode(0x0101021b)=(type 0x10)0x1
               A: android:versionName(0x0101021c)="1.0.0" (Raw: "1.0.0")
               A: android:compileSdkVersion(0x01010572)=(type 0x10)0x1f
               A: android:compileSdkVersionCodename(0x01010573)="12" (Raw: "12")
               A: package="com.example.bug" (Raw: "com.example.bug")
               A: platformBuildVersionCode=(type 0x10)0x1f
               A: platformBuildVersionName=(type 0x10)0xc
               E: uses-sdk (line=7)
                 A: android:minSdkVersion(0x0101020c)=(type 0x10)0x13
                 A: android:targetSdkVersion(0x01010270)=(type 0x10)0x1f
               E: uses-permission (line=15)
                 A: android:name(0x01010003)="android.permission.INTERNET" (Raw: "android.permission.INTERNET")
               E: application (line=17)
                 A: android:label(0x01010001)="bug" (Raw: "bug")
                 A: android:icon(0x01010002)=@0x7f080000
                 A: android:name(0x01010003)="" (Raw: "")
                 A: android:debuggable(0x0101000f)=(type 0x12)0xffffffff
                 A: android:appComponentFactory(0x0101057a)="" (Raw:
                 E: activity (line=23)
                   A: android:theme(0x01010000)=@0x7f0a0000
                   A: android:name(0x01010003)="com.example.bug.MainActivity" (Raw: "com.example.bug.MainActivity")
                   A: android:exported(0x01010010)=(type 0x12)0xffffffff
                   A: android:launchMode(0x0101001d)=(type 0x10)0x1
                   A: android:configChanges(0x0101001f)=(type 0x11)0x40003fb4
                   A: android:windowSoftInputMode(0x0101022b)=(type 0x11)0x10
                   A: android:hardwareAccelerated(0x010102d3)=(type 0x12)0xffffffff
                   E: meta-data (line=38)
                     A: android:name(0x01010003)="" (Raw:
                     A: android:resource(0x01010025)=@0x7f0a0001
                   E: intent-filter (line=42)
                     E: action (line=43)
                       A: android:name(0x01010003)="android.intent.action.MAIN" (Raw: "android.intent.action.MAIN")
                     E: category (line=45)
                       A: android:name(0x01010003)="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" (Raw:
                 E: meta-data (line=52)
                   A: android:name(0x01010003)="flutterEmbedding" (Raw: "flutterEmbedding")
                   A: android:value(0x01010024)=(type 0x10)0x2
                 E: uses-library (line=56)
                   A: android:name(0x01010003)="androidx.window.extensions" (Raw: "androidx.window.extensions")
                   A: android:required(0x0101028e)=(type 0x12)0x0
                 E: uses-library (line=59)
                   A: android:name(0x01010003)="androidx.window.sidecar" (Raw: "androidx.window.sidecar")
                   A: android:required(0x0101028e)=(type 0x12)0x0
[  +13 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s ae1dc0ac shell -x logcat -v time
-t 1
[  +29 ms] <- compile package:bug/main.dart
[ +246 ms] --------- beginning of main
                    05-30 10:09:02.912 E/BatteryStatsService( 1715): Unable to load Power Hal or power.stats HAL
[  +21 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe version
[  +56 ms] Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41
           Version 33.0.0-8141338
           Installed as C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe
[   +7 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe start-server
[  +65 ms] Building APK
[  +22 ms] Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'...
[   +9 ms] Using gradle from C:\Users\User\Development\bug\android\gradlew.bat.
[  +28 ms] executing: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin\java -version
[ +234 ms] Exit code 0 from: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin\java -version
[   +2 ms] openjdk version "11.0.12" 2021-07-20
           OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.12+7-b1504.28-7817840)
           OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.12+7-b1504.28-7817840, mixed mode)
[   +3 ms] executing: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin\java -version
[ +227 ms] Exit code 0 from: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin\java -version
[   +2 ms] openjdk version "11.0.12" 2021-07-20
           OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.12+7-b1504.28-7817840)
           OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.12+7-b1504.28-7817840, mixed mode)
[   +3 ms] executing: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin\java -version
[ +247 ms] Exit code 0 from: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin\java -version
[   +2 ms] openjdk version "11.0.12" 2021-07-20
           OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.12+7-b1504.28-7817840)
           OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.12+7-b1504.28-7817840, mixed mode)
[   +3 ms] executing: [C:\Users\User\Development\bug\android/] C:\Users\User\Development\bug\android\gradlew.bat
-Pverbose=true -Ptarget-platform=android-arm64 -Ptarget=C:\Users\User\Development\bug\lib\main.dart -Pdart-defines=RkxVVFRFUl9XRUJfQVVUT19ERVRFQ1Q9dHJ1ZQ==
-Pdart-obfuscation=false -Ptrack-widget-creation=true -Ptree-shake-icons=false -Pfilesystem-scheme=org-dartlang-root
[+5897 ms] > Task :app:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
[   +3 ms] > Task :app:preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :app:mergeDebugNativeDebugMetadata NO-SOURCE
[  +73 ms] > Task :app:compileFlutterBuildDebug UP-TO-DATE
[   +3 ms] > Task :app:packLibsflutterBuildDebug UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
[   +2 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE
[   +2 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE
[   +1 ms] > Task :app:compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE
[   +3 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:packageDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE
[   +2 ms] > Task :app:compileDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE
[   +1 ms] > Task :app:generateDebugBuildConfig UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:writeDebugAarMetadata UP-TO-DATE
[  +87 ms] > Task :app:checkDebugAarMetadata UP-TO-DATE
[  +93 ms] > Task :app:cleanMergeDebugAssets
[   +3 ms] > Task :app:mergeDebugShaders UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :app:compileDebugShaders NO-SOURCE
[   +1 ms] > Task :app:generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:mergeDebugShaders UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:compileDebugShaders NO-SOURCE
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE
[   +2 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:packageDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE
[   +3 ms] > Task :app:mergeDebugAssets
[ +484 ms] > Task :app:copyFlutterAssetsDebug
[   +2 ms] > Task :app:generateDebugResValues UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :app:generateDebugResources UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:compileDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:generateDebugResValues UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:generateDebugResources UP-TO-DATE
[  +86 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:packageDebugResources UP-TO-DATE
[   +4 ms] > Task :app:mergeDebugResources UP-TO-DATE
[   +2 ms] > Task :app:createDebugCompatibleScreenManifests UP-TO-DATE
[   +2 ms] > Task :app:extractDeepLinksDebug UP-TO-DATE
[   +2 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:extractDeepLinksDebug UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:processDebugManifest UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :app:processDebugMainManifest UP-TO-DATE
[   +6 ms] > Task :app:processDebugManifest UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :app:processDebugManifestForPackage UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:compileDebugLibraryResources UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:parseDebugLocalResources UP-TO-DATE
[  +85 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:generateDebugRFile UP-TO-DATE
[   +3 ms] > Task :app:processDebugResources UP-TO-DATE
[  +94 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:generateDebugBuildConfig UP-TO-DATE
[   +6 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:javaPreCompileDebug UP-TO-DATE
[   +2 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:compileDebugJavaWithJavac UP-TO-DATE
[   +5 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:bundleLibCompileToJarDebug UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :app:compileDebugKotlin UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :app:javaPreCompileDebug UP-TO-DATE
[  +74 ms] > Task :app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac UP-TO-DATE
[  +22 ms] > Task :app:processDebugJavaRes NO-SOURCE
[   +3 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:processDebugJavaRes NO-SOURCE
[ +217 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:bundleLibResDebug NO-SOURCE
[   +4 ms] > Task :app:mergeDebugJavaResource UP-TO-DATE
[ +133 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:bundleLibRuntimeToJarDebug UP-TO-DATE
[   +5 ms] > Task :app:checkDebugDuplicateClasses UP-TO-DATE
[  +11 ms] > Task :app:dexBuilderDebug UP-TO-DATE
[   +3 ms] > Task :app:desugarDebugFileDependencies UP-TO-DATE
[ +105 ms] > Task :app:mergeExtDexDebug UP-TO-DATE
[   +3 ms] > Task :app:mergeDexDebug UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :app:mergeDebugJniLibFolders UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:mergeDebugJniLibFolders UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:mergeDebugNativeLibs NO-SOURCE
[   +4 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:copyDebugJniLibsProjectOnly UP-TO-DATE
[   +3 ms] > Task :app:mergeDebugNativeLibs UP-TO-DATE
[   +2 ms] > Task :app:stripDebugDebugSymbols UP-TO-DATE
[   +2 ms] > Task :app:validateSigningDebug UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :app:writeDebugAppMetadata UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :app:writeDebugSigningConfigVersions UP-TO-DATE
[   +3 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:stripDebugDebugSymbols NO-SOURCE
[   +3 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:copyDebugJniLibsProjectAndLocalJars UP-TO-DATE
[ +172 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:extractDebugAnnotations UP-TO-DATE
[   +3 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:mergeDebugGeneratedProguardFiles UP-TO-DATE
[   +2 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:mergeDebugConsumerProguardFiles UP-TO-DATE
[   +3 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:prepareDebugArtProfile UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:prepareLintJarForPublish UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:mergeDebugJavaResource UP-TO-DATE
[   +3 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:syncDebugLibJars UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:bundleDebugAar UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :webview_flutter_android:assembleDebug UP-TO-DATE
[ +875 ms] > Task :app:compressDebugAssets
[   +2 ms] Execution optimizations have been disabled for task ':app:compressDebugAssets' to ensure correctness due to
the following reasons:
[   +1 ms]   - Gradle detected a problem with the following location:
'C:\Users\User\Development\bug\build\app\intermediates\assets\debug\mergeDebugAssets'. Reason: Task
':app:compressDebugAssets' uses this output of task ':app:copyFlutterAssetsDebug' without declaring an explicit or
implicit dependency. This can lead to incorrect results being produced, depending on what order the tasks are executed.
Please refer to for more details
about this problem.
[   +1 ms] > Task :app:packageDebug UP-TO-DATE
[   +1 ms] > Task :app:createDebugApkListingFileRedirect UP-TO-DATE
[ +384 ms] > Task :app:assembleDebug
[   +2 ms] Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 8.0.
[   +2 ms] You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from
your own scripts or plugins.
[   +1 ms] See
[   +1 ms] Execution optimizations have been disabled for 1 invalid unit(s) of work during this build to ensure
[        ] Please consult deprecation warnings for more details.
[        ] BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 8s
[        ] 61 actionable tasks: 5 executed, 56 up-to-date
[ +542 ms] Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'... (completed in 10,4s)
[ +314 ms] calculateSha: LocalDirectory: 'C:\Users\User\Development\bug\build\app\outputs\flutter-apk'/app.apk
[ +848 ms] √  Built build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app-debug.apk.
[   +7 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\31.0.0\aapt dump xmltree
C:\Users\User\Development\bug\build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app.apk AndroidManifest.xml
[  +59 ms] Exit code 0 from: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\31.0.0\aapt dump xmltree
C:\Users\User\Development\bug\build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app.apk AndroidManifest.xml
[   +2 ms] N: android=
             E: manifest (line=2)
               A: android:versionCode(0x0101021b)=(type 0x10)0x1
               A: android:versionName(0x0101021c)="1.0.0" (Raw: "1.0.0")
               A: android:compileSdkVersion(0x01010572)=(type 0x10)0x1f
               A: android:compileSdkVersionCodename(0x01010573)="12" (Raw: "12")
               A: package="com.example.bug" (Raw: "com.example.bug")
               A: platformBuildVersionCode=(type 0x10)0x1f
               A: platformBuildVersionName=(type 0x10)0xc
               E: uses-sdk (line=7)
                 A: android:minSdkVersion(0x0101020c)=(type 0x10)0x13
                 A: android:targetSdkVersion(0x01010270)=(type 0x10)0x1f
               E: uses-permission (line=15)
                 A: android:name(0x01010003)="android.permission.INTERNET" (Raw: "android.permission.INTERNET")
               E: application (line=17)
                 A: android:label(0x01010001)="bug" (Raw: "bug")
                 A: android:icon(0x01010002)=@0x7f080000
                 A: android:name(0x01010003)="" (Raw: "")
                 A: android:debuggable(0x0101000f)=(type 0x12)0xffffffff
                 A: android:appComponentFactory(0x0101057a)="" (Raw:
                 E: activity (line=23)
                   A: android:theme(0x01010000)=@0x7f0a0000
                   A: android:name(0x01010003)="com.example.bug.MainActivity" (Raw: "com.example.bug.MainActivity")
                   A: android:exported(0x01010010)=(type 0x12)0xffffffff
                   A: android:launchMode(0x0101001d)=(type 0x10)0x1
                   A: android:configChanges(0x0101001f)=(type 0x11)0x40003fb4
                   A: android:windowSoftInputMode(0x0101022b)=(type 0x11)0x10
                   A: android:hardwareAccelerated(0x010102d3)=(type 0x12)0xffffffff
                   E: meta-data (line=38)
                     A: android:name(0x01010003)="" (Raw:
                     A: android:resource(0x01010025)=@0x7f0a0001
                   E: intent-filter (line=42)
                     E: action (line=43)
                       A: android:name(0x01010003)="android.intent.action.MAIN" (Raw: "android.intent.action.MAIN")
                     E: category (line=45)
                       A: android:name(0x01010003)="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" (Raw:
                 E: meta-data (line=52)
                   A: android:name(0x01010003)="flutterEmbedding" (Raw: "flutterEmbedding")
                   A: android:value(0x01010024)=(type 0x10)0x2
                 E: uses-library (line=56)
                   A: android:name(0x01010003)="androidx.window.extensions" (Raw: "androidx.window.extensions")
                   A: android:required(0x0101028e)=(type 0x12)0x0
                 E: uses-library (line=59)
                   A: android:name(0x01010003)="androidx.window.sidecar" (Raw: "androidx.window.sidecar")
                   A: android:required(0x0101028e)=(type 0x12)0x0
[   +3 ms] Stopping app 'app.apk' on M2101K9G.
[   +1 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s ae1dc0ac shell am force-stop
[ +147 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s ae1dc0ac shell pm list packages
[ +166 ms] package:com.example.bug
[   +3 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s ae1dc0ac shell cat
[  +99 ms] 4d20d72ed409cf7d2301797fe803f55531ea6d8d
[   +2 ms] Latest build already installed.
[   +1 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s ae1dc0ac shell -x logcat -v time
-t 1
[ +230 ms] --------- beginning of main
                    05-30 10:09:15.870 I/cmd     (23846): oneway function results will be dropped but finished with
                    status OK and parcel size 4
[  +13 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s ae1dc0ac shell am start -a
android.intent.action.RUN -f 0x20000000 --ez enable-dart-profiling true --ez enable-checked-mode true --ez
verify-entry-points true com.example.bug/com.example.bug.MainActivity
[ +145 ms] Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.RUN flg=0x20000000 cmp=com.example.bug/.MainActivity (has
extras) }
[   +3 ms] Waiting for observatory port to be available...
[ +378 ms] Observatory URL on device:
[   +3 ms] executing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s ae1dc0ac forward tcp:0 tcp:39995
[  +57 ms] 65151
[   +2 ms] Forwarded host port 65151 to device port 39995 for Observatory
[  +17 ms] Caching compiled dill
[  +64 ms] Connecting to service protocol:
[ +230 ms] Launching a Dart Developer Service (DDS) instance at, connecting to VM service at
[ +172 ms] DDS is listening at
[  +94 ms] Successfully connected to service protocol:
[  +71 ms] DevFS: Creating new filesystem on the device (null)
[  +27 ms] DevFS: Created new filesystem on the device (file:///data/user/0/com.example.bug/code_cache/bugOKFQGK/bug/)
[   +4 ms] Updating assets
[ +170 ms] Syncing files to device M2101K9G...
[   +6 ms] <- reset
[   +1 ms] Compiling dart to kernel with 0 updated files
[   +2 ms] Processing bundle.
[   +2 ms] <- recompile package:bug/main.dart 534a05ca-683d-465b-a09b-23c23b980502
[   +1 ms] <- 534a05ca-683d-465b-a09b-23c23b980502
[   +3 ms] Bundle processing done.
[   +3 ms] I/WebViewFactory(23871): Loading version 101.0.4951.61 (code 495106134)
[   +4 ms] W/com.example.bu(23871): Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->isTagEnabled(J)Z (greylist, reflection,
[   +2 ms] W/com.example.bu(23871): Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->traceBegin(JLjava/lang/String;)V
(greylist, reflection, allowed)
[   +1 ms] W/com.example.bu(23871): Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->traceEnd(J)V (greylist, reflection,
[   +2 ms] W/com.example.bu(23871): Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->asyncTraceBegin(JLjava/lang/String;I)V
(greylist, reflection, allowed)
[   +1 ms] W/com.example.bu(23871): Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->asyncTraceEnd(JLjava/lang/String;I)V
(greylist, reflection, allowed)
[   +2 ms] I/cr_WVCFactoryProvider(23871): Loaded version=101.0.4951.61 minSdkVersion=29 isBundle=true multiprocess=true
[   +4 ms] I/cr_LibraryLoader(23871): Successfully loaded native library
[   +1 ms] I/cr_CachingUmaRecorder(23871): Flushed 9 samples from 9 histograms.
[   +2 ms] E/libc    (23871): Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.df.effect.conflict"
[   +1 ms] E/libc    (23871): Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.knock.type"
[   +1 ms] W/com.example.bug(23871): type=1400 audit(0.0:1447433): avc: denied { read } for
name="u:object_r:vendor_displayfeature_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=14161 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c24,c257,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_displayfeature_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.example.bug
[   +2 ms] I/TetheringManager(23871): registerTetheringEventCallback:com.example.bug
[   +1 ms] W/chromium(23871): [] Failed to read DnsConfig.
[   +1 ms] E/chromium(23871): [] opendir
/data/user/0/com.example.bug/cache/WebView/Default/HTTP Cache/Code Cache/js: No such file or directory (2)
[   +3 ms] E/chromium(23871): [] Could not reconstruct index from disk
[  +30 ms] D/EgretLoader(23871): EgretLoader(Context context)
[   +3 ms] D/EgretLoader(23871): The context is not activity
[ +109 ms] D/FrameIndicator(23871): support status: 1 0x70cdcfd018 0x70cdcfd4c4
[   +3 ms] W/ContentCatcher(23871): Failed to notify a WebView
[   +2 ms] E/LB      (23871): fail to open file: No such file or directory
[   +1 ms] E/FrameEvents(23871): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[ +156 ms] Updating files.
[   +2 ms] DevFS: Sync finished
[   +5 ms] Syncing files to device M2101K9G... (completed in 367ms)
[   +2 ms] Synced 0.0MB.
[   +4 ms] <- accept
[   +2 ms] W/com.example.bu(23871): Accessing hidden method Landroid/media/AudioManager;->getOutputLatency(I)I
(greylist, reflection, allowed)
[   +1 ms] W/cr_media(23871): Requires BLUETOOTH permission
[   +9 ms] Connected to _flutterView/0xb40000713a11ce20.
[   +9 ms] Flutter run key commands.
[   +5 ms] r Hot reload.
[   +1 ms] R Hot restart.
[   +2 ms] h List all available interactive commands.
[   +1 ms] d Detach (terminate "flutter run" but leave application running).
[   +1 ms] c Clear the screen
[   +3 ms] q Quit (terminate the application on the device).
[   +2 ms]  Running with sound null safety
[   +3 ms] An Observatory debugger and profiler on M2101K9G is available at:
[  +41 ms] E/FrameEvents(23871): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[  +18 ms] E/FrameEvents(23871): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[ +467 ms] The Flutter DevTools debugger and profiler on M2101K9G is available at:
[ +100 ms] E/FrameEvents(23871): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[ +163 ms] E/FrameEvents(23871): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[ +155 ms] E/FrameEvents(23871): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[  +64 ms] E/FrameEvents(23871): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[ +638 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] width:1088, height:296320, format:1, tile_enabled:1
[   +1 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] aligned_w:1088, aligned_h:296320
[   +1 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] width:1088, height:296320, format:1, tile_enabled:1
[        ] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] aligned_w:1088, aligned_h:296320
[   +1 ms] E/chromium(23871): []
[        ] E/chromium(23871):   surface_size=1080x296307
[        ] E/chromium(23871):   format=7
[        ] E/chromium(23871):   color_type=4
[        ] E/chromium(23871):   backend_format.isValid()=1
[        ] E/chromium(23871):   backend_format.backend()=0
[   +1 ms] E/chromium(23871):   backend_format.asGLFormat()=1
[   +1 ms] E/chromium(23871):   backend_format.asVkFormat()=0
[   +1 ms] E/chromium(23871):   backend_format.asVkFormat() vk_format=0
[   +1 ms] E/chromium(23871):   surface_origin=1
[   +1 ms] E/chromium(23871):   willGlFBO0=1
[   +3 ms] E/FrameEvents(23871): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[   +1 ms] W/Looper  (23871): PerfMonitor doFrame : time=605ms vsyncFrame=2572028 latency=0ms procState=-1
[   +1 ms] I/Choreographer(23871): Skipped 35 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
[ +828 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] width:1088, height:296320, format:1, tile_enabled:1
[   +4 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] aligned_w:1088, aligned_h:296320
[   +1 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] width:1088, height:296320, format:1, tile_enabled:1
[   +1 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] aligned_w:1088, aligned_h:296320
[   +1 ms] E/FrameEvents(23871): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[  +19 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] width:1088, height:296320, format:1, tile_enabled:1
[   +1 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] aligned_w:1088, aligned_h:296320
[   +1 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] width:1088, height:296320, format:1, tile_enabled:1
[   +1 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] aligned_w:1088, aligned_h:296320
[   +9 ms] E/FrameEvents(23871): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[   +1 ms] W/Looper  (23871): PerfMonitor doFrame : time=12ms vsyncFrame=2572035 latency=877ms procState=-1
historyMsgCount=3 (msgIndex=1 wall=890ms seq=229 running=3ms runnable=2ms late=590ms
h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver)
[  +47 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] width:1088, height:296320, format:1, tile_enabled:1
[   +2 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] aligned_w:1088, aligned_h:296320
[   +1 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] width:1088, height:296320, format:1, tile_enabled:1
[   +1 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] aligned_w:1088, aligned_h:296320
[  +26 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] width:1088, height:296320, format:1, tile_enabled:1
[   +1 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] aligned_w:1088, aligned_h:296320
[   +1 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] width:1088, height:296320, format:1, tile_enabled:1
[   +1 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] aligned_w:1088, aligned_h:296320
[   +3 ms] E/com.example.bu(23871): [SurfaceTexture-0-23871-0] bindTextureImage: error binding external image: 0x502
[   +2 ms] E/flutter (23871): [ERROR:flutter/fml/platform/android/] java.lang.RuntimeException: Error
during updateTexImage (see logcat for details)
[   +1 ms] E/flutter (23871):   at Method)
[   +1 ms] E/flutter (23871):   at
[        ] E/flutter (23871):   at
[   +1 ms] E/flutter (23871):
[   +1 ms] F/flutter (23871): [FATAL:flutter/shell/platform/android/] Check
failed: fml::jni::CheckException(env).
[   +1 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] width:1088, height:296320, format:1, tile_enabled:1
[   +1 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] aligned_w:1088, aligned_h:296320
[   +1 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] width:1088, height:296320, format:1, tile_enabled:1
[   +3 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] aligned_w:1088, aligned_h:296320
[   +1 ms] E/FrameEvents(23871): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[ +465 ms] W/Adreno-GSL(23871): <gsl_ldd_control:565>: ioctl fd 88 code 0xc0300945 (IOCTL_KGSL_GPUOBJ_ALLOC) failed:
errno 12 Out of memory
[   +3 ms] E/Adreno-GSL(23871): <gsl_memory_alloc_pure:2784>: ERROR: kgsl_sharedmem_alloc() failed! Allocation size:
(9280 KB); Flags: (0x100600)
[ +203 ms] W/Adreno-GSL(23871): <gsl_ldd_control:565>: ioctl fd 88 code 0xc0300945 (IOCTL_KGSL_GPUOBJ_ALLOC) failed:
errno 12 Out of memory
[   +2 ms] E/Adreno-GSL(23871): <gsl_memory_alloc_pure:2784>: ERROR: kgsl_sharedmem_alloc() failed! Allocation size:
(9280 KB); Flags: (0x100600)
[+1313 ms] W/Adreno-GSL(23871): <gsl_ldd_control:565>: ioctl fd 88 code 0xc0300945 (IOCTL_KGSL_GPUOBJ_ALLOC) failed:
errno 12 Out of memory
[   +3 ms] E/Adreno-GSL(23871): <gsl_memory_alloc_pure:2784>: ERROR: kgsl_sharedmem_alloc() failed! Allocation size:
(9280 KB); Flags: (0x100600)
[  +79 ms] W/Adreno-GSL(23871): <gsl_ldd_control:565>: ioctl fd 88 code 0xc0300945 (IOCTL_KGSL_GPUOBJ_ALLOC) failed:
errno 12 Out of memory
[   +4 ms] E/Adreno-GSL(23871): <gsl_memory_alloc_pure:2784>: ERROR: kgsl_sharedmem_alloc() failed! Allocation size:
(9280 KB); Flags: (0x100600)
[   +1 ms] W/Adreno-GSL(23871): <gsl_ldd_control:565>: ioctl fd 88 code 0xc0300945 (IOCTL_KGSL_GPUOBJ_ALLOC) failed:
errno 12 Out of memory
[   +1 ms] E/Adreno-GSL(23871): <gsl_memory_alloc_pure:2784>: ERROR: kgsl_sharedmem_alloc() failed! Allocation size:
(9280 KB); Flags: (0x100600)
[   +1 ms] W/Adreno-GSL(23871): <gsl_ldd_control:565>: ioctl fd 88 code 0xc0300945 (IOCTL_KGSL_GPUOBJ_ALLOC) failed:
errno 12 Out of memory
[        ] E/Adreno-GSL(23871): <gsl_memory_alloc_pure:2784>: ERROR: kgsl_sharedmem_alloc() failed! Allocation size:
(9280 KB); Flags: (0x100600)
[ +152 ms] W/Adreno-GSL(23871): <gsl_ldd_control:565>: ioctl fd 88 code 0xc0300945 (IOCTL_KGSL_GPUOBJ_ALLOC) failed:
errno 12 Out of memory
[   +2 ms] E/Adreno-GSL(23871): <gsl_memory_alloc_pure:2784>: ERROR: kgsl_sharedmem_alloc() failed! Allocation size:
(9280 KB); Flags: (0x100600)
[ +582 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] width:1088, height:296320, format:1, tile_enabled:1
[   +2 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] aligned_w:1088, aligned_h:296320
[   +5 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] width:1088, height:296320, format:1, tile_enabled:1
[   +1 ms] E/qdgralloc(23871): [AlignUnCompressedRGB] aligned_w:1088, aligned_h:296320
[  +68 ms] F/libc    (23871): Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 23903 (1.raster), pid 23871
[ +404 ms] *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
[   +2 ms] Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/renoir_eea/renoir:11/RKQ1.201112.002/V12.5.6.0.RKIEUXM:user/release-keys'
[   +1 ms] Revision: '0'
[        ] ABI: 'arm64'
[  +18 ms] Timestamp: 2022-05-30 10:09:24+0200
[   +7 ms] pid: 23871, tid: 23903, name: 1.raster  >>> com.example.bug <<<
[   +2 ms] uid: 10280
[   +1 ms] signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
[        ] Abort message: '[FATAL:flutter/shell/platform/android/] Check failed:
[   +1 ms] '
[        ]     x0  0000000000000000  x1  0000000000005d5f  x2  0000000000000006  x3  0000007142ee7ee0
[        ]     x4  fefeff091f2d2875  x5  fefeff091f2d2875  x6  fefeff091f2d2875  x7  7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f
[        ]     x8  00000000000000f0  x9  350b68d173ea1b69  x10 0000000000000000  x11 ffffffc0fffffbdf
[        ]     x12 0000000000000001  x13 000000000000007e  x14 002ac75c2f12586d  x15 0000000034155555
[   +3 ms]     x16 00000071dc9b9948  x17 00000071dc998350  x18 00000070e3f22000  x19 0000000000005d3f
[   +1 ms]     x20 0000000000005d5f  x21 00000000ffffffff  x22 b4000070cd808418  x23 b40000714724aa48
[   +1 ms]     x24 b40000713a154c80  x25 0000000000000000  x26 0000000000000001  x27 0000000000000001
[   +1 ms]     x28 000000000000004f  x29 0000007142ee7f60
[   +3 ms]     lr  00000071dc94ba60  sp  0000007142ee7ec0  pc  00000071dc94ba8c  pst 0000000000001000
[   +4 ms] backtrace:
[   +1 ms]       #00 pc 0000000000089a8c  /apex/ (abort+164) (BuildId:
[        ]       #01 pc 000000000156f94c
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #02 pc 0000000001594534
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #03 pc 000000000157b3d0
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #04 pc 00000000015710dc
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +4 ms]       #05 pc 0000000001570f2c
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #06 pc 00000000018a5188
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #07 pc 00000000018a0f90
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[        ]       #08 pc 00000000018a0274
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[        ]       #09 pc 00000000018a0f90
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #10 pc 00000000018a54e4
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[        ]       #11 pc 00000000018a0f90
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #12 pc 00000000018a0274
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #13 pc 00000000018a0f90
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #14 pc 00000000018a54e4
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #15 pc 00000000018a0f90
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +5 ms]       #16 pc 00000000018a54e4
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #17 pc 00000000018a0f90
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #18 pc 00000000018a54e4
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[        ]       #19 pc 00000000018a0f90
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #20 pc 00000000018a4188
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #21 pc 00000000018a0f90
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #22 pc 00000000018a54e4
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #23 pc 00000000018a0f90
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #24 pc 00000000018a54e4
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #25 pc 00000000018a0f90
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +5 ms]       #26 pc 00000000018a54e4
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #27 pc 00000000018a0f90
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #28 pc 00000000018a54e4
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #29 pc 00000000018a0f90
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #30 pc 00000000018a54e4
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #31 pc 00000000018a0f90
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #32 pc 00000000018a54e4
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #33 pc 00000000018a0f90
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +4 ms]       #34 pc 00000000018a54e4
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #35 pc 00000000018a0f90
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #36 pc 00000000018a2f74
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #37 pc 000000000189d810
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[        ]       #38 pc 00000000018bd2b4
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[        ]       #39 pc 00000000018bbfd8
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[        ]       #40 pc 00000000018bbf18
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #41 pc 00000000018c8964
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #42 pc 0000000001595230
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #43 pc 000000000159aad8
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +4 ms]       #44 pc 0000000000019da8  /system/lib64/ (android::Looper::pollInner(int)+916) (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #45 pc 00000000000199ac  /system/lib64/ (android::Looper::pollOnce(int, int*, int*,
void**)+112) (BuildId: 4e69b93bf70ed592f0029dbd1097529e)
[   +1 ms]       #46 pc 0000000000012c74  /system/lib64/ (ALooper_pollOnce+100) (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #47 pc 000000000159aa60
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #48 pc 0000000001595178
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #49 pc 0000000001599070
/data/app/~~XxOoYPmqix8APx4XRgedgw==/com.example.bug-HQk5KKVcVw-Zjs7PLrDXjw==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId:
[   +1 ms]       #50 pc 00000000000eb828  /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+64)
(BuildId: 5f57d25b37c043ed36c0e4147dcc8b3f)
[   +1 ms]       #51 pc 000000000008ba48  /apex/ (__start_thread+64) (BuildId:
[+6043 ms] Service protocol connection closed.
[   +2 ms] Lost connection to device.
[   +3 ms] DevFS: Deleting filesystem on the device (file:///data/user/0/com.example.bug/code_cache/bugOKFQGK/bug/)
[ +270 ms] Ignored error while cleaning up DevFS: TimeoutException after 0:00:00.250000: Future not completed
[  +10 ms] "flutter run" took 37.772ms.
[ +103 ms] ensureAnalyticsSent: 95ms
[   +4 ms] Running shutdown hooks
[   +1 ms] Shutdown hooks complete
[   +1 ms] exiting with code 0

@github-actions github-actions bot removed the waiting for customer response The Flutter team cannot make further progress on this issue until the original reporter responds label May 30, 2022
Copy link

exaby73 commented May 30, 2022

Thank you @robert-virkus for that URL. I can confirm that the app does crash in both stable and master channels.

Logs for flutter run --verbose (distorted view)
[        ] Syncing files to device sdk gphone64 arm64... (completed in 91ms)
[        ] Synced 0.0MB.
[        ] <- accept
[   +4 ms] Connected to _flutterView/0xb4000079666c5680.
[   +1 ms] Flutter run key commands.
[        ] r Hot reload. 🔥🔥🔥
[        ] R Hot restart.
[        ] h List all available interactive commands.
[        ] d Detach (terminate "flutter run" but leave application running).
[        ] c Clear the screen
[        ] q Quit (terminate the application on the device).
[        ] 💪 Running with sound null safety 💪
[        ] An Observatory debugger and profiler on sdk gphone64 arm64 is available at:
[ +112 ms] I/WebViewFactory( 5387): Loading version 100.0.4896.127 (code 489612734)
[  +33 ms] W/de.issue_10488( 5387): Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->isTagEnabled(J)Z (unsupported, reflection, allowed)
[        ] W/de.issue_10488( 5387): Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->traceBegin(JLjava/lang/String;)V (unsupported, reflection, allowed)
[        ] W/de.issue_10488( 5387): Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->traceEnd(J)V (unsupported, reflection, allowed)
[        ] W/de.issue_10488( 5387): Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->asyncTraceBegin(JLjava/lang/String;I)V (unsupported, reflection, allowed)
[        ] W/de.issue_10488( 5387): Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->asyncTraceEnd(JLjava/lang/String;I)V (unsupported, reflection, allowed)
[   +2 ms] I/cr_WVCFactoryProvider( 5387): Loaded version=100.0.4896.127 minSdkVersion=29 isBundle=true multiprocess=true packageId=2
[   +8 ms] I/cr_LibraryLoader( 5387): Successfully loaded native library
[        ] I/cr_CachingUmaRecorder( 5387): Flushed 9 samples from 9 histograms.
[  +42 ms] W/chromium( 5387): [] Failed to read DnsConfig.
[  +15 ms] D/CompatibilityChangeReporter( 5387): Compat change id reported: 171228096; UID 10156; state: ENABLED
[  +20 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[  +30 ms] W/de.issue_10488( 5387): Accessing hidden method Landroid/media/AudioManager;->getOutputLatency(I)I (unsupported, reflection, allowed)
[        ] D/HostConnection( 5387): createUnique: call
[        ] D/HostConnection( 5387): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb4000078c669df50, tid 5469
[   +3 ms] D/HostConnection( 5387): HostComposition ext ANDROID_EMU_CHECKSUM_HELPER_v1 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v2 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v3 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v4 ANDROID_EMU_dma_v1 ANDROID_EMU_direct_mem ANDROID_EMU_host_composition_v1 ANDROID_EMU_host_composition_v2 ANDROID_EMU_vulkan ANDROID_EMU_deferred_vulkan_commands ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_null_optional_strings ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_create_resources_with_requirements ANDROID_EMU_YUV_Cache ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_ignored_handles ANDROID_EMU_has_shared_slots_host_memory_allocator ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_free_memory_sync ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_shader_float16_int8 ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_async_queue_submit ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_queue_submit_with_commands ANDROID_EMU_sync_buffer_data ANDROID_EMU_read_color_buffer_dma GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr ANDROID_EMU_host_side_tracing ANDROID_EMU_gles_max_version_3_0
[        ] D/EGL_emulation( 5387): eglCreateContext: 0xb4000078c669cd50: maj 3 min 0 rcv 3
[        ] D/EGL_emulation( 5387): eglMakeCurrent: 0xb4000078c669cd50: ver 3 0 (tinfo 0x7aefb9a280) (first time)
[   +2 ms] W/cr_media( 5387): Requires BLUETOOTH permission
[   +4 ms] D/EGL_emulation( 5387): eglCreateContext: 0xb4000078c6693bd0: maj 3 min 0 rcv 3
[   +5 ms] The Flutter DevTools debugger and profiler on sdk gphone64 arm64 is available at:
[  +49 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[  +62 ms] D/EGL_emulation( 5387): eglCreateContext: 0xb4000078c669cbd0: maj 3 min 0 rcv 3
[        ] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[  +60 ms] D/EGL_emulation( 5387): eglCreateContext: 0xb4000078c669eb50: maj 3 min 0 rcv 3
[ +263 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[  +14 ms] D/EGL_emulation( 5387): eglCreateContext: 0xb4000078c66a2bd0: maj 3 min 0 rcv 3
[  +67 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[  +34 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[   +3 ms] W/cr_MediaCodecUtil( 5387): HW encoder for video/avc is not available on this device.
[   +9 ms] I/cr_MediaCodecBridge( 5387): create MediaCodec video decoder, mime video/avc
[        ] D/MediaCodecList( 5387): codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
[        ] D/MediaCodecList( 5387): codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
[   +5 ms] D/CCodec  ( 5387): allocate(c2.goldfish.h264.decoder)
[   +4 ms] I/Codec2Client( 5387): Available Codec2 services: "default" "software"
[   +6 ms] I/CCodec  ( 5387): setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
[   +8 ms] I/CCodec  ( 5387): Created component [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder]
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): read media type: video/avc
[   +1 ms] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
[        ] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
[        ] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
[        ] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
[        ] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
[        ] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
[        ] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
[        ] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): ignored struct field coded.color-format.locations
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): ignoring local param raw.size (0xd2001800) as it is already supported
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): ignoring local param default.color (0x5200180b) as it is already supported
[   +1 ms] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): ignored struct field raw.hdr-static-info.mastering
[   +4 ms] I/CCodecConfig( 5387): query failed after returning 12 values (BAD_INDEX)
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): c2 config diff is Dict {
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 = 20496
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 = 20481
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 coded.vui.color.matrix = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 coded.vui.color.primaries = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 coded.vui.color.range = 2
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 coded.vui.color.transfer = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 default.color.matrix = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 default.color.primaries = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 default.color.range = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 default.color.transfer = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 2097152
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   string = "video/avc"
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 output.delay.value = 8
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   string = "video/raw"
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.color.matrix = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.color.primaries = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.color.range = 2
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.color.transfer = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.max-size.height = 240
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.max-size.width = 320
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.pixel-format.value = 35
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::i32 raw.rotation.flip = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::i32 raw.rotation.value = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.sar.height = 1
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.sar.width = 1
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.size.height = 240
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.size.width = 320
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2:
[        ] W/ColorUtils( 5387): expected specified color aspects (2:0:0:0)
[   +9 ms] I/MediaCodec( 5387): MediaCodec will operate in async mode
[   +2 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[   +1 ms] D/SurfaceUtils( 5387): connecting to surface 0xb4000079b66d4010, reason connectToSurface
[        ] I/MediaCodec( 5387): [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder] setting surface generation to 5516289
[        ] D/SurfaceUtils( 5387): disconnecting from surface 0xb4000079b66d4010, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
[        ] D/SurfaceUtils( 5387): connecting to surface 0xb4000079b66d4010, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
[   +1 ms] D/CCodec  ( 5387): [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session
[   +1 ms] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): no c2 equivalents for csd-1
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): no c2 equivalents for native-window
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): no c2 equivalents for flags
[   +1 ms] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): config failed => CORRUPTED
[   +4 ms] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): c2 config diff is   c2::u32 raw.max-size.height = 1080
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.max-size.width = 1632
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.size.height = 1080
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.size.width = 1632
[        ] W/Codec2Client( 5387): query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332.
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387): client requested max input size 1331712, which is smaller than what component recommended (2097152); overriding with component recommendation.
[        ] W/CCodec  ( 5387): This behavior is subject to change. It is recommended that app developers double check whether the requested max input size is in reasonable range.
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387): setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t height = 1080
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t level = 65536
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t max-input-size = 2097152
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   string mime = "video/avc"
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t profile = 65536
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t width = 1632
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   Rect crop(0, 0, 1631, 1079)
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387): }
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387): setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t android._color-format = 2135033992
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t android._video-scaling = 1
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t rotation-degrees = 0
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t color-standard = 1
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t color-range = 2
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t color-transfer = 3
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t sar-height = 1
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t sar-width = 1
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   Rect crop(0, 0, 1631, 1079)
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t width = 1632
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t height = 1080
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t max-height = 1080
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t max-width = 1632
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   string mime = "video/raw"
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t android._dataspace = 260
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t color-format = 2130708361
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387): }
[        ] I/CCodecConfig( 5387): query failed after returning 12 values (BAD_INDEX)
[        ] D/MediaCodec( 5387): keep callback message for reclaim
[   +2 ms] W/Codec2Client( 5387): query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345.
[        ] W/Codec2Client( 5387): query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170.
[        ] W/Codec2Client( 5387): query -- param skipped: index = 1610614798.
[   +1 ms] W/Codec2Client( 5387): query -- param skipped: index = 2684356609.
[        ] D/C2Store ( 5387): Using DMABUF Heaps
[  +11 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[   +4 ms] D/CCodecBufferChannel( 5387): [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder#852] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 17 - OK (0)
[        ] D/CCodecBufferChannel( 5387): [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder#852] Query output surface allocator returned 0 params => BAD_INDEX (6)
[        ] I/CCodecBufferChannel( 5387): [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder#852] Created output block pool with allocatorID 18 => poolID 20 - OK
[   +1 ms] D/CCodecBufferChannel( 5387): [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder#852] Configured output block pool ids 20 => OK
[        ] D/Codec2-OutputBufferQueue( 5387): remote graphic buffer migration 0/0
[        ] D/Codec2Client( 5387): setOutputSurface -- failed to set consumer usage (6/BAD_INDEX)
[        ] D/Codec2Client( 5387): setOutputSurface -- generation=5516289 consumer usage=0x900
[   +3 ms] D/Codec2Client( 5387): Surface configure completed
[   +1 ms] I/DMABUFHEAPS( 5387): Using DMA-BUF heap named: system
[        ] I/cr_MediaCodecBridge( 5387): create MediaCodec video decoder, mime video/avc
[   +1 ms] D/MediaCodecList( 5387): codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
[        ] D/MediaCodecList( 5387): codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
[   +6 ms] D/CCodec  ( 5387): allocate(c2.goldfish.h264.decoder)
[   +3 ms] I/CCodec  ( 5387): setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
[   +3 ms] I/CCodec  ( 5387): Created component [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder]
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): read media type: video/avc
[  +57 ms] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
[   +2 ms] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
[        ] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
[   +1 ms] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
[        ] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
[        ] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
[        ] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
[   +1 ms] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): ignored struct field coded.color-format.locations
[   +2 ms] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): ignoring local param raw.size (0xd2001800) as it is already supported
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): ignoring local param default.color (0x5200180b) as it is already supported
[        ] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): ignored struct field raw.hdr-static-info.mastering
[   +1 ms] I/CCodecConfig( 5387): query failed after returning 12 values (BAD_INDEX)
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): c2 config diff is Dict {
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 = 20496
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 = 20481
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 coded.vui.color.matrix = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 coded.vui.color.primaries = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 coded.vui.color.range = 2
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 coded.vui.color.transfer = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 default.color.matrix = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 default.color.primaries = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 default.color.range = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 default.color.transfer = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 2097152
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   string = "video/avc"
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 output.delay.value = 8
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   string = "video/raw"
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.color.matrix = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.color.primaries = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.color.range = 2
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.color.transfer = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.max-size.height = 240
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.max-size.width = 320
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.pixel-format.value = 35
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::i32 raw.rotation.flip = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::i32 raw.rotation.value = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.sar.height = 1
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.sar.width = 1
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.size.height = 240
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.size.width = 320
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2:
[        ] W/ColorUtils( 5387): expected specified color aspects (2:0:0:0)
[   +1 ms] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): c2 config diff is   c2::u32 raw.crop.height = 1080
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.crop.left = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.crop.width = 1632
[   +3 ms] I/MediaCodec( 5387): MediaCodec will operate in async mode
[        ] D/SurfaceUtils( 5387): connecting to surface 0xb4000079b66d8430, reason connectToSurface
[        ] I/MediaCodec( 5387): [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder] setting surface generation to 5516290
[        ] D/SurfaceUtils( 5387): disconnecting from surface 0xb4000079b66d8430, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
[        ] D/SurfaceUtils( 5387): connecting to surface 0xb4000079b66d8430, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
[   +4 ms] D/CCodec  ( 5387): [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session
[   +4 ms] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): no c2 equivalents for csd-1
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): no c2 equivalents for native-window
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): no c2 equivalents for flags
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): config failed => CORRUPTED
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): c2 config diff is   c2::u32 raw.max-size.height = 1080
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.max-size.width = 1632
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.size.height = 1080
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.size.width = 1632
[   +5 ms] W/Codec2Client( 5387): query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332.
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387): client requested max input size 1331712, which is smaller than what component recommended (2097152); overriding with component recommendation.
[        ] W/CCodec  ( 5387): This behavior is subject to change. It is recommended that app developers double check whether the requested max input size is in reasonable range.
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387): setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t height = 1080
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t level = 65536
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t max-input-size = 2097152
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   string mime = "video/avc"
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t profile = 65536
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t width = 1632
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   Rect crop(0, 0, 1631, 1079)
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387): }
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387): setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t android._color-format = 2135033992
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t android._video-scaling = 1
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t rotation-degrees = 0
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t color-standard = 1
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t color-range = 2
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t color-transfer = 3
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t sar-height = 1
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t sar-width = 1
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   Rect crop(0, 0, 1631, 1079)
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t width = 1632
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t height = 1080
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t max-height = 1080
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t max-width = 1632
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   string mime = "video/raw"
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t android._dataspace = 260
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t color-format = 2130708361
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387): }
[        ] I/CCodecConfig( 5387): query failed after returning 12 values (BAD_INDEX)
[        ] D/MediaCodec( 5387): keep callback message for reclaim
[   +2 ms] W/Codec2Client( 5387): query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345.
[        ] W/Codec2Client( 5387): query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170.
[        ] W/Codec2Client( 5387): query -- param skipped: index = 1610614798.
[        ] W/Codec2Client( 5387): query -- param skipped: index = 2684356609.
[        ] D/CCodecBufferChannel( 5387): [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder#98] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 18 - OK (0)
[        ] D/CCodecBufferChannel( 5387): [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder#98] Query output surface allocator returned 0 params => BAD_INDEX (6)
[        ] I/CCodecBufferChannel( 5387): [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder#98] Created output block pool with allocatorID 18 => poolID 21 - OK
[        ] D/CCodecBufferChannel( 5387): [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder#98] Configured output block pool ids 21 => OK
[        ] D/Codec2-OutputBufferQueue( 5387): remote graphic buffer migration 0/0
[        ] D/Codec2Client( 5387): setOutputSurface -- failed to set consumer usage (6/BAD_INDEX)
[        ] D/Codec2Client( 5387): setOutputSurface -- generation=5516290 consumer usage=0x900
[  +21 ms] D/Codec2Client( 5387): Surface configure completed
[  +63 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[  +46 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[  +65 ms] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): c2 config diff is   c2::u32 raw.crop.height = 1080
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.crop.left = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.crop.width = 1632
[  +59 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[  +29 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[        ] D/EGL_emulation( 5387): app_time_stats: avg=99.68ms min=28.44ms max=324.13ms count=11
[  +24 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[  +12 ms] D/EGL_emulation( 5387): app_time_stats: avg=150.76ms min=7.82ms max=398.98ms count=7
[  +66 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[   +3 ms] D/EGL_emulation( 5387): app_time_stats: avg=89.30ms min=23.41ms max=308.49ms count=12
[  +27 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[  +22 ms] I/cr_MediaCodecBridge( 5387): create MediaCodec video decoder, mime video/avc
[        ] D/MediaCodecList( 5387): codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
[        ] D/MediaCodecList( 5387): codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
[   +7 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[   +2 ms] D/CCodec  ( 5387): allocate(c2.goldfish.h264.decoder)
[   +7 ms] I/CCodec  ( 5387): setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
[        ] I/CCodec  ( 5387): Created component [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder]
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): read media type: video/avc
[   +1 ms] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
[        ] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
[        ] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
[        ] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
[        ] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
[        ] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
[        ] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
[        ] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): ignored struct field coded.color-format.locations
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): ignoring local param raw.size (0xd2001800) as it is already supported
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): ignoring local param default.color (0x5200180b) as it is already supported
[        ] D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 5387): ignored struct field raw.hdr-static-info.mastering
[        ] I/CCodecConfig( 5387): query failed after returning 12 values (BAD_INDEX)
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): c2 config diff is Dict {
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 = 20496
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 = 20481
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 coded.vui.color.matrix = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 coded.vui.color.primaries = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 coded.vui.color.range = 2
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 coded.vui.color.transfer = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 default.color.matrix = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 default.color.primaries = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 default.color.range = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 default.color.transfer = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 2097152
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   string = "video/avc"
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 output.delay.value = 8
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   string = "video/raw"
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.color.matrix = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.color.primaries = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.color.range = 2
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.color.transfer = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.max-size.height = 240
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.max-size.width = 320
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.pixel-format.value = 35
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::i32 raw.rotation.flip = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::i32 raw.rotation.value = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.sar.height = 1
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.sar.width = 1
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.size.height = 240
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.size.width = 320
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2:
[        ] W/ColorUtils( 5387): expected specified color aspects (2:0:0:0)
[   +3 ms] I/MediaCodec( 5387): MediaCodec will operate in async mode
[   +1 ms] D/SurfaceUtils( 5387): connecting to surface 0xb4000079b66da640, reason connectToSurface
[        ] I/MediaCodec( 5387): [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder] setting surface generation to 5516291
[        ] D/SurfaceUtils( 5387): disconnecting from surface 0xb4000079b66da640, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
[        ] D/SurfaceUtils( 5387): connecting to surface 0xb4000079b66da640, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
[        ] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387): [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): no c2 equivalents for csd-1
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): no c2 equivalents for native-window
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): no c2 equivalents for flags
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): config failed => CORRUPTED
[   +1 ms] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): c2 config diff is   c2::u32 raw.max-size.height = 1080
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.max-size.width = 1632
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.size.height = 1080
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.size.width = 1632
[        ] W/Codec2Client( 5387): query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332.
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387): client requested max input size 1331712, which is smaller than what component recommended (2097152); overriding with component recommendation.
[        ] W/CCodec  ( 5387): This behavior is subject to change. It is recommended that app developers double check whether the requested max input size is in reasonable range.
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387): setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t height = 1080
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t level = 65536
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t max-input-size = 2097152
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   string mime = "video/avc"
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t profile = 65536
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t width = 1632
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   Rect crop(0, 0, 1631, 1079)
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387): }
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387): setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t android._color-format = 2135033992
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t android._video-scaling = 1
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t rotation-degrees = 0
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t color-standard = 1
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t color-range = 2
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t color-transfer = 3
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t sar-height = 1
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t sar-width = 1
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   Rect crop(0, 0, 1631, 1079)
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t width = 1632
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t height = 1080
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t max-height = 1080
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t max-width = 1632
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   string mime = "video/raw"
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t android._dataspace = 260
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387):   int32_t color-format = 2130708361
[        ] D/CCodec  ( 5387): }
[        ] I/CCodecConfig( 5387): query failed after returning 12 values (BAD_INDEX)
[   +1 ms] D/MediaCodec( 5387): keep callback message for reclaim
[   +1 ms] W/Codec2Client( 5387): query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345.
[        ] W/Codec2Client( 5387): query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170.
[        ] W/Codec2Client( 5387): query -- param skipped: index = 1610614798.
[        ] W/Codec2Client( 5387): query -- param skipped: index = 2684356609.
[        ] D/CCodecBufferChannel( 5387): [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder#242] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 19 - OK (0)
[        ] D/CCodecBufferChannel( 5387): [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder#242] Query output surface allocator returned 0 params => BAD_INDEX (6)
[        ] I/CCodecBufferChannel( 5387): [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder#242] Created output block pool with allocatorID 18 => poolID 22 - OK
[        ] D/CCodecBufferChannel( 5387): [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder#242] Configured output block pool ids 22 => OK
[        ] D/Codec2-OutputBufferQueue( 5387): remote graphic buffer migration 0/0
[        ] D/Codec2Client( 5387): setOutputSurface -- failed to set consumer usage (6/BAD_INDEX)
[        ] D/Codec2Client( 5387): setOutputSurface -- generation=5516291 consumer usage=0x900
[        ] D/Codec2Client( 5387): Surface configure completed
[   +1 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[   +3 ms] D/CCodecBufferChannel( 5387): [c2.goldfish.h264.decoder#242] Ignoring stale input buffer done callback: last flush index = 0, frameIndex = 0
[   +7 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[  +37 ms] D/CCodecConfig( 5387): c2 config diff is   c2::u32 raw.crop.height = 1080
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.crop.left = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 = 0
[        ] D/CCodecConfig( 5387):   c2::u32 raw.crop.width = 1632
[  +22 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[  +40 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[  +23 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[  +67 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[  +19 ms] E/FrameEvents( 5387): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
[   +1 ms] E/GraphicBufferAllocator( 5387): Failed to allocate (1080 x 32054) layerCount 1 format 1 usage 100: 5
[        ] E/BufferQueueProducer( 5387): [SurfaceTexture-0-5387-0](id:150b00000002,api:1,p:5387,c:5387) dequeueBuffer: createGraphicBuffer failed
[        ] E/BufferQueueProducer( 5387): [SurfaceTexture-0-5387-0](id:150b00000002,api:1,p:5387,c:5387) requestBuffer: slot 0 is not owned by the producer (state = FREE)
[        ] E/Surface ( 5387): dequeueBuffer: IGraphicBufferProducer::requestBuffer failed: -22
[        ] E/BufferQueueProducer( 5387): [SurfaceTexture-0-5387-0](id:150b00000002,api:1,p:5387,c:5387) cancelBuffer: slot 0 is not owned by the producer (state = FREE)
[        ] W/OpenGLRenderer( 5387): dequeueBuffer failed, error = -22; switching to fallback
[   +1 ms] E/Surface ( 5387): getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer: 0x0
[  +96 ms] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): tid 5469: eglCreateSyncKHR(2361): error 0x3004 (EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE)
[        ] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): eglDestroySyncKHR: null sync object!
[        ] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): tid 5469: eglDestroySyncKHR(2470): error 0x300c (EGL_BAD_PARAMETER)
[        ] E/chromium( 5387): [] Failed to create android native fence sync object.
[   +4 ms] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): tid 5469: eglCreateSyncKHR(2361): error 0x3004 (EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE)
[        ] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): eglDestroySyncKHR: null sync object!
[        ] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): tid 5469: eglDestroySyncKHR(2470): error 0x300c (EGL_BAD_PARAMETER)
[        ] E/chromium( 5387): [] Failed to create android native fence sync object.
[   +4 ms] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): tid 5469: eglCreateSyncKHR(2361): error 0x3004 (EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE)
[        ] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): eglDestroySyncKHR: null sync object!
[        ] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): tid 5469: eglDestroySyncKHR(2470): error 0x300c (EGL_BAD_PARAMETER)
[        ] E/chromium( 5387): [] Failed to create android native fence sync object.
[   +1 ms] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): tid 5469: eglCreateSyncKHR(2361): error 0x3004 (EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE)
[        ] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): eglDestroySyncKHR: null sync object!
[        ] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): tid 5469: eglDestroySyncKHR(2470): error 0x300c (EGL_BAD_PARAMETER)
[        ] E/chromium( 5387): [] Failed to create android native fence sync object.
[   +6 ms] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): tid 5469: eglCreateSyncKHR(2361): error 0x3004 (EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE)
[        ] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): eglDestroySyncKHR: null sync object!
[        ] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): tid 5469: eglDestroySyncKHR(2470): error 0x300c (EGL_BAD_PARAMETER)
[        ] E/chromium( 5387): [] Failed to create android native fence sync object.
[  +39 ms] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): tid 5469: eglCreateSyncKHR(2361): error 0x3004 (EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE)
[        ] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): eglDestroySyncKHR: null sync object!
[        ] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): tid 5469: eglDestroySyncKHR(2470): error 0x300c (EGL_BAD_PARAMETER)
[        ] E/chromium( 5387): [] Failed to create android native fence sync object.
[  +10 ms] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): tid 5469: eglCreateSyncKHR(2361): error 0x3004 (EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE)
[  +10 ms] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): eglDestroySyncKHR: null sync object!
[        ] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): tid 5469: eglDestroySyncKHR(2470): error 0x300c (EGL_BAD_PARAMETER)
[        ] E/chromium( 5387): [] Failed to create android native fence sync object.
[  +16 ms] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): tid 5469: eglCreateSyncKHR(2361): error 0x3004 (EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE)
[        ] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): eglDestroySyncKHR: null sync object!
[        ] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): tid 5469: eglDestroySyncKHR(2470): error 0x300c (EGL_BAD_PARAMETER)
[        ] E/chromium( 5387): [] Failed to create android native fence sync object.
[   +3 ms] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): tid 5469: eglCreateSyncKHR(2361): error 0x3004 (EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE)
[        ] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): eglDestroySyncKHR: null sync object!
[        ] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): tid 5469: eglDestroySyncKHR(2470): error 0x300c (EGL_BAD_PARAMETER)
[        ] E/chromium( 5387): [] Failed to create android native fence sync object.
[   +4 ms] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): tid 5469: eglCreateSyncKHR(2361): error 0x3004 (EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE)
[        ] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): eglDestroySyncKHR: null sync object!
[        ] E/EGL_emulation( 5387): tid 5469: eglDestroySyncKHR(2470): error 0x300c (EGL_BAD_PARAMETER)
Logs for flutter run --verbose (crash)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):] "GAC_Executor[0]" prio=5 tid=40 TimedWaiting
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12f1ff90 self=0xb4000070f40d4b60
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | sysTid=23508 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6eb110ccb0
[   +4 ms] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | state=S schedstat=( 2066693 1425924 13 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=7 HZ=100
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | stack=0x6eb1009000-0x6eb100b000 stackSize=1039KB
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | held mutexes=
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #00 pc 000000000004c0a0  /apex/ (syscall+32)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #01 pc 0000000000478f28  /apex/ (art::Thread::Park(bool, long)+2300)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #02 pc 00000000004780b4  /apex/ (art::Unsafe_park(_JNIEnv*, _jobject*, unsigned char, long)+280)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native method)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   - waiting on an unknown object
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.awaitNanos(
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.poll(
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   at
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   at
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):] "GAC_Executor[1]" prio=5 tid=41 TimedWaiting
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12d82010 self=0xb4000070f40dbaa0
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | sysTid=23509 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6eb1002cb0
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | state=S schedstat=( 2294154 362078 5 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | stack=0x6eb0eff000-0x6eb0f01000 stackSize=1039KB
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | held mutexes=
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #00 pc 000000000004c0a0  /apex/ (syscall+32)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #01 pc 0000000000478f28  /apex/ (art::Thread::Park(bool, long)+2300)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #02 pc 00000000004780b4  /apex/ (art::Unsafe_park(_JNIEnv*, _jobject*, unsigned char, long)+280)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native method)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   - waiting on an unknown object
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.awaitNanos(
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.poll(
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   at
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   at
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):] "1.raster" prio=8 tid=42 Native
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x13100018 self=0xb4000070f4103a50
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | sysTid=23420 nice=-5 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6ef43bbcb0
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | state=S schedstat=( 171405160 19500078 442 ) utm=13 stm=3 core=1 HZ=100
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | stack=0x6ef42c4000-0x6ef42c6000 stackSize=991KB
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | held mutexes=
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #00 pc 000000000009e8a8  /apex/ (__epoll_pwait+8)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #01 pc 0000000000016528  /system/lib64/ (android::Looper::pollInner(int)+180)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #02 pc 000000000001640c  /system/lib64/ (android::Looper::pollOnce(int, int*, int*, void**)+112)
[   +3 ms] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #03 pc 0000000000017154  /system/lib64/ (ALooper_pollOnce+100)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #04 pc 00000000015e726c  /data/app/~~lRsyR6Y-VHXtb6suBJ4dPw==/io.nevercode.issue_104889-AjD9PoSbCbwFXPgqEVRl1Q==/lib/arm64/ (???)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #05 pc 00000000015e1988  /data/app/~~lRsyR6Y-VHXtb6suBJ4dPw==/io.nevercode.issue_104889-AjD9PoSbCbwFXPgqEVRl1Q==/lib/arm64/ (???)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #06 pc 00000000015e58e4  /data/app/~~lRsyR6Y-VHXtb6suBJ4dPw==/io.nevercode.issue_104889-AjD9PoSbCbwFXPgqEVRl1Q==/lib/arm64/ (???)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #07 pc 00000000000b1be8  /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+224)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #08 pc 00000000000513a0  /apex/ (__start_thread+64)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   (no managed stack frames)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):] "ThreadPoolForeg" prio=5 tid=2 Native
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x13240020 self=0xb4000070f406fe40
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | sysTid=23463 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6ec733ccb0
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | state=S schedstat=( 118116378 17589311 209 ) utm=5 stm=6 core=1 HZ=100
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | stack=0x6ec7245000-0x6ec7247000 stackSize=991KB
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | held mutexes=
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #00 pc 000000000004c0a0  /apex/ (syscall+32)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #01 pc 000000000005091c  /apex/ (__futex_wait_ex(void volatile*, bool, int, bool, timespec const*)+144)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #02 pc 00000000000b0f70  /apex/ (pthread_cond_timedwait+132)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #03 pc 0000000003e7995c  /data/app/~~Tj3F8vWr5PcSoXbfp9DOzw==/! (offset 6f8000) (???)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #04 pc 0000000003dd7cc8  /data/app/~~Tj3F8vWr5PcSoXbfp9DOzw==/! (offset 6f8000) (???)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #05 pc 0000000003e2de3c  /data/app/~~Tj3F8vWr5PcSoXbfp9DOzw==/! (offset 6f8000) (???)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #06 pc 0000000003dbaa50  /data/app/~~Tj3F8vWr5PcSoXbfp9DOzw==/! (offset 6f8000) (???)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #07 pc 0000000003dba694  /data/app/~~Tj3F8vWr5PcSoXbfp9DOzw==/! (offset 6f8000) (???)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #08 pc 0000000003dd7550  /data/app/~~Tj3F8vWr5PcSoXbfp9DOzw==/! (offset 6f8000) (???)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #09 pc 00000000000b1be8  /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+224)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #10 pc 00000000000513a0  /apex/ (__start_thread+64)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   (no managed stack frames)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):] Aborting thread:
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):] "RenderThread" prio=10 tid=19 Native
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | group="" sCount=0 ucsCount=0 flags=0 obj=0x133c20d0 self=0xb4000070f4084c00
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | sysTid=23413 nice=-10 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6efc659cb0
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | state=R schedstat=( 311210513 43405075 1137 ) utm=23 stm=7 core=6 HZ=100
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | stack=0x6efc562000-0x6efc564000 stackSize=991KB
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   | held mutexes= "abort lock"
[   +2 ms] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #00 pc 0000000000458f1c  /apex/ (art::DumpNativeStack(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >&, int, BacktraceMap*, char const*, art::ArtMethod*, void*, bool)+120)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #01 pc 00000000006f98a8  /apex/ (art::Thread::DumpStack(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >&, bool, BacktraceMap*, bool) const+252)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #02 pc 00000000006e05bc  /apex/ (art::AbortState::DumpThread(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >&, art::Thread*) const+60)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #03 pc 00000000006d1c7c  /apex/ (art::AbortState::Dump(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >&) const+392)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #04 pc 00000000006d1968  /apex/ (art::Runtime::Abort(char const*)+1672)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #05 pc 000000000001695c  /apex/ (android::base::SetAborter(std::__1::function<void (char const*)>&&)::$_3::__invoke(char const*)+76)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #06 pc 0000000000006e00  /system/lib64/ (__android_log_assert+308)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #07 pc 0000000000352808  /system/lib64/ (android::uirenderer::renderthread::EglManager::damageFrame(android::uirenderer::renderthread::Frame const&, SkRect const&)+260)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #08 pc 00000000003522b8  /system/lib64/ (android::uirenderer::skiapipeline::SkiaOpenGLPipeline::draw(android::uirenderer::renderthread::Frame const&, SkRect const&, SkRect const&, android::uirenderer::LightGeometry const&, android::uirenderer::LayerUpdateQueue*, android::uirenderer::Rect const&, bool, android::uirenderer::LightInfo const&, std::__1::vector<android::sp<android::uirenderer::RenderNode>, std::__1::allocator<android::sp<android::uirenderer::RenderNode> > > const&, android::uirenderer::FrameInfoVisualizer*)+96)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #09 pc 00000000003c09b0  /system/lib64/ (android::uirenderer::renderthread::CanvasContext::draw()+1108)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #10 pc 00000000003bf61c  /system/lib64/ (_ZNSt3__110__function6__funcIZN7android10uirenderer12renderthread13DrawFrameTask11postAndWaitEvE3$_0NS_9allocatorIS6_EEFvvEEclEv$c1671e787f244890c877724752face20+596)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #11 pc 00000000003d2c8c  /system/lib64/ (android::uirenderer::WorkQueue::process()+156)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #12 pc 00000000003d29f8  /system/lib64/ (android::uirenderer::renderthread::RenderThread::threadLoop()+84)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #13 pc 0000000000011fb0  /system/lib64/ (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+260)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #14 pc 0000000000011868  /system/lib64/ (thread_data_t::trampoline(thread_data_t const*)+404)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #15 pc 00000000000b1be8  /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+224)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   native: #16 pc 00000000000513a0  /apex/ (__start_thread+64)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]   (no managed stack frames)
[        ] F/de.issue_10488(23384):]
[ +188 ms] F/libc    (23384): Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 23413 (RenderThread), pid 23384 (de.issue_104889)
[ +690 ms] Softversion: PD2083BF_EX_A_6.73.13
[        ] Time: 2022-05-30 17:39:50
[        ] *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
[        ] Build fingerprint: 'vivo/2050i/2050:12/SP1A.210812.003/compiler04081846:user/release-keys'
[        ] Revision: '0'
[        ] ABI: 'arm64'
[        ] Timestamp: 2022-05-30 17:39:50.499162836+0530
[        ] Process uptime: 0s
[        ] Cmdline: io.nevercode.issue_104889
[        ] pid: 23384, tid: 23413, name: RenderThread  >>> io.nevercode.issue_104889 <<<
[        ] uid: 10508
[        ] signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
[        ] Abort message: 'Failed to set damage region on surface 0xb400006ff40b3ed0, error=EGL_BAD_ACCESS'
[        ]     x0  0000000000000000  x1  0000000000005b75  x2  0000000000000006  x3  0000006efc659020
[        ]     x4  0000007237918000  x5  0000007237918000  x6  0000007237918000  x7  00000000000790f0
[        ]     x8  00000000000000f0  x9  000000721a75f0c0  x10 0000000000000000  x11 ffffff80fffffbdf
[        ]     x12 0000000000000001  x13 000000006294b40d  x14 00326e3796b83f70  x15 00005723fe2778c5
[        ]     x16 000000721a7fd050  x17 000000721a7da1c0  x18 0000006efba22000  x19 0000000000005b58
[        ]     x20 0000000000005b75  x21 00000000ffffffff  x22 0000006f82e18000  x23 0000000000000001
[        ]     x24 b40000715408443c  x25 0000000000000001  x26 0000006f82e17000  x27 0000010982954baf
[        ]     x28 7fffffffffffffff  x29 0000006efc6590a0
[        ]     lr  000000721a78c914  sp  0000006efc659000  pc  000000721a78c944  pst 0000000000001000
[        ] backtrace:
[        ]       #00 pc 000000000004f944  /apex/ (abort+168) (BuildId: bb47d4ce46eb7a9d76d49f927e2d026a)
[        ]       #01 pc 00000000006d157c  /apex/ (art::Runtime::Abort(char const*)+668) (BuildId: 34e3dd028e2e682b63a512d6a4f1b5eb)
[        ]       #02 pc 000000000001695c  /apex/ (android::base::SetAborter(std::__1::function<void (char const*)>&&)::$_3::__invoke(char const*)+76) (BuildId: 9f4607980f83ec2c0b58f670a86f3032)
[        ]       #03 pc 0000000000006e00  /system/lib64/ (__android_log_assert+308) (BuildId: 490353031d929c4b529885bfdb9e2c04)
[        ]       #04 pc 0000000000352808  /system/lib64/ (android::uirenderer::renderthread::EglManager::damageFrame(android::uirenderer::renderthread::Frame const&, SkRect const&)+260) (BuildId: 4ce8175f1e941eb781f834510694344b)
[   +1 ms]       #05 pc 00000000003522b8  /system/lib64/ (android::uirenderer::skiapipeline::SkiaOpenGLPipeline::draw(android::uirenderer::renderthread::Frame const&, SkRect const&, SkRect const&, android::uirenderer::LightGeometry const&, android::uirenderer::LayerUpdateQueue*, android::uirenderer::Rect const&, bool, android::uirenderer::LightInfo const&, std::__1::vector<android::sp<android::uirenderer::RenderNode>, std::__1::allocator<android::sp<android::uirenderer::RenderNode> > > const&, android::uirenderer::FrameInfoVisualizer*)+96) (BuildId: 4ce8175f1e941eb781f834510694344b)
[   +1 ms]       #06 pc 00000000003c09b0  /system/lib64/ (android::uirenderer::renderthread::CanvasContext::draw()+1108) (BuildId: 4ce8175f1e941eb781f834510694344b)
[        ]       #07 pc 00000000003bf61c  /system/lib64/ (_ZNSt3__110__function6__funcIZN7android10uirenderer12renderthread13DrawFrameTask11postAndWaitEvE3$_0NS_9allocatorIS6_EEFvvEEclEv$c1671e787f244890c877724752face20+596) (BuildId: 4ce8175f1e941eb781f834510694344b)
[        ]       #08 pc 00000000003d2c8c  /system/lib64/ (android::uirenderer::WorkQueue::process()+156) (BuildId: 4ce8175f1e941eb781f834510694344b)
[        ]       #09 pc 00000000003d29f8  /system/lib64/ (android::uirenderer::renderthread::RenderThread::threadLoop()+84) (BuildId: 4ce8175f1e941eb781f834510694344b)
[        ]       #10 pc 0000000000011fb0  /system/lib64/ (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+260) (BuildId: 2e0bfa2ebf853d87c4b6cf0d04b62eed)
[        ]       #11 pc 0000000000011868  /system/lib64/ (thread_data_t::trampoline(thread_data_t const*)+404) (BuildId: 2e0bfa2ebf853d87c4b6cf0d04b62eed)
[        ]       #12 pc 00000000000b1be8  /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+224) (BuildId: bb47d4ce46eb7a9d76d49f927e2d026a)
[        ]       #13 pc 00000000000513a0  /apex/ (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: bb47d4ce46eb7a9d76d49f927e2d026a)
[  +84 ms] Service protocol connection closed.
[        ] Lost connection to device.
[        ] DevFS: Deleting filesystem on the device (file:///data/user/0/io.nevercode.issue_104889/code_cache/issue_104889YPNYVH/issue_104889/)
[ +252 ms] Ignored error while cleaning up DevFS: TimeoutException after 0:00:00.250000: Future not completed
[   +1 ms] "flutter run" took 78,063ms.
[ +152 ms] ensureAnalyticsSent: 150ms
[        ] Running shutdown hooks
[        ] Shutdown hooks complete
[        ] exiting with code 0

I was able to reproduce the crash on my physical device running Android 12. On an emulator, the content is distorted. So this crash and the distorted behavior might be related, hence I am not suggesting two separate issues both. If you disagree, feel free to raise a separate issue for the crash.

Screenshot image
Code sample
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:webview_flutter/webview_flutter.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  // This widget is the root of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Crash Demo',
      theme: ThemeData(
      home: const MyHomePage(title: 'Crash'),

class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  const MyHomePage({Key? key, required this.title}) : super(key: key);
  final String title;

  State<MyHomePage> createState() => _MyHomePageState();

class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
  late double _webViewHeight;
  late WebViewController _controller;

  void didChangeDependencies() {
    _webViewHeight = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text(widget.title),
      body: SingleChildScrollView(
        child: Column(
          children: [
            const Text('Some scrollable header'),
              height: _webViewHeight,
              child: WebView(
                javascriptMode: JavascriptMode.unrestricted,
                onWebViewCreated: (controller) {
                  _controller = controller;
                  // Uncomment this and comment above to observe crash (seems to only crash on physical devices)
                  // controller.loadUrl('');
                onPageFinished: (url) async {
                  final height = await _controller.runJavascriptReturningResult(

                  setState(() {
                    _webViewHeight = double.parse(height) + 10.0;
flutter doctor -v (Stable)
[✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.0.1, on macOS 12.4 21F79 darwin-arm, locale en-US)
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    • Upstream repository
    • Framework revision fb57da5f94 (10 days ago), 2022-05-19 15:50:29 -0700
    • Engine revision caaafc5604
    • Dart version 2.17.1
    • DevTools version 2.12.2

[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 32.1.0-rc1)
    • Android SDK at /Users/nabeelparkar/Library/Android/sdk/
    • Platform android-32, build-tools 32.1.0-rc1
    • ANDROID_SDK_ROOT = /Users/nabeelparkar/Library/Android/sdk/
    • Java binary at: /Applications/Android
    • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.12+0-b1504.28-7817840)
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[✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 13.4)
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[✓] Android Studio (version 2021.2)
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[✓] IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition (version 2022.1.1)
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[✓] VS Code (version 1.67.2)
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[✓] Connected device (4 available)
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    • iPhone 13 Pro Max (mobile)  • 16B8F156-111C-489F-A6E5-2D79142036B4 • ios            • (simulator)
    • macOS (desktop)             • macos                                • darwin-arm64   • macOS 12.4 21F79 darwin-arm
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[✓] HTTP Host Availability
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• No issues found!
flutter doctor -v (Master)
[✓] Flutter (Channel master, 3.1.0-0.0.pre.1005, on macOS 12.4 21F79 darwin-arm, locale en-US)
    • Flutter version 3.1.0-0.0.pre.1005 at /Users/nabeelparkar/fvm/versions/master
    • Upstream repository
    • Framework revision c2e10541f3 (2 hours ago), 2022-05-30 00:18:09 -0400
    • Engine revision bb9926b0e6
    • Dart version 2.18.0 (build
    • DevTools version 2.13.1

[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 32.1.0-rc1)
    • Android SDK at /Users/nabeelparkar/Library/Android/sdk/
    • Platform android-32, build-tools 32.1.0-rc1
    • ANDROID_SDK_ROOT = /Users/nabeelparkar/Library/Android/sdk/
    • Java binary at: /Applications/Android
    • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.12+0-b1504.28-7817840)
    • All Android licenses accepted.

[✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 13.4)
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[✓] Chrome - develop for the web
    • CHROME_EXECUTABLE = /Applications/Brave Browser

[✓] Android Studio (version 2021.2)
    • Android Studio at /Applications/Android
    • Flutter plugin can be installed from:
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    • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.12+0-b1504.28-7817840)

[✓] IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition (version 2022.1.1)
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[✓] VS Code (version 1.67.2)
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[✓] Connected device (4 available)
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    • iPhone 13 Pro Max (mobile)  • 16B8F156-111C-489F-A6E5-2D79142036B4 • ios            • (simulator)
    • macOS (desktop)             • macos                                • darwin-arm64   • macOS 12.4 21F79 darwin-arm
    • Chrome (web)                • chrome                               • web-javascript • Brave Browser

[✓] HTTP Host Availability
    • All required HTTP hosts are available

• No issues found!

Related issues

#94916 and #92397

@exaby73 exaby73 added c: fatal crash Crashes that terminate the process found in release: 3.0 Found to occur in 3.0 found in release: 3.1 Found to occur in 3.1 platform-android Android applications specifically p: webview The WebView plugin c: crash Stack traces logged to the console plugin engine flutter/engine repository. See also e: labels. and removed in triage Presently being triaged by the triage team labels May 30, 2022
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exaby73 commented May 30, 2022

CC: @blasten


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@chinmaygarde chinmaygarde added the P2 Important issues not at the top of the work list label Jun 1, 2022

This comment was marked as off-topic.

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My webview update its height dynamically, according to result returned by javascript code.

After some experimentation, I found one bandage 'fix' is to limit webview's height to around 6000.

Hope this issue get fixed soon.

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@anhtuan23 there were similar problems in the past, limiting the webview's height was working but the actual value was device and memory dependent.


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I have the same issue when update the Container's(parent of a WebView) height property dynamically.

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boriszv commented Jul 7, 2022

My webview update its height dynamically, according to result returned by javascript code.

After some experimentation, I found one bandage 'fix' is to limit webview's height to around 6000.

Hope this issue get fixed soon.

Wouldn't recommend this, in my testing it crashes on different sizes. On lower end devices as low as 1500


This comment was marked as duplicate.


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exaby73 commented Jul 14, 2022

Hello everybody. I recommend you thumbs up the original post (#104889 (comment)) instead of commenting "same here". This will give us a better idea about which issues to prioritize. Thank you :)

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I understand that hybrid composition is the default

This is generally not the case for Flutter 3.0+; the docs around rendering mode for webview_flutter are currently outdated (see #108106).

There is no problem if the same issue is implemented as Android Native.

This is not surprising since TLHC doesn't use views in the usual way.

Also, in the case of Flutter 2.0 version, there is no problem

TLHC didn't exist as a platform view mode until Flutter 3.0, so it's normal that an issue specific to that mode wouldn't reproduce in Flutter 2.

I think it's difficult to see it as simply a buffer size issue and it is difficult to conclude that it is a limitation of the Android platform.

I'm not sure why you believe that it's difficult to conclude that limitation documented in the platform API that we are using to implement TLHC is a limitation in the platform. If you are aware of a different way to implement the relevant texture paths that aren't subject to this documented limitation, pointers are welcome.

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@bparrishMines I've updated #108106 accordingly; once v4 lands we can plumb the option in.

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I understood that using hybrid composition might solve the crash. I tried the following in the above sample project:
if (Platform.isAndroid) WebView.platform = AndroidWebView(); and
if (Platform.isAndroid) WebView.platform = SurfaceAndroidWebView();

Borth crash with the same stacktrace:
E/flutter (31998): [ERROR:flutter/fml/platform/android/] java.lang.RuntimeException: Error during updateTexImage (see logcat for details) E/flutter (31998): at Method) E/flutter (31998): at E/flutter (31998): at io.flutter.embedding.engine.renderer.SurfaceTextureWrapper.updateTexImage( E/flutter (31998):

Looking forward to the v4 release!

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I tried the following in the above sample project:
if (Platform.isAndroid) WebView.platform = AndroidWebView(); and
if (Platform.isAndroid) WebView.platform = SurfaceAndroidWebView();

That selection currently doesn't do anything in Flutter 3.0 and later, per the issue referenced in my comment above.

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Hello @stuartmorgan
I am testing against webview_flutter 4.0.1 version.
However, in the part mentioned in the document

This can be configured for versions >=23 with AndroidWebViewWidgetCreationParams.displayWithHybridComposition

Can you also provide an example of how to set the displayWithHybridComposition value?

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@JosephNK There are examples of using platform-specific parameters later in the readme:

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JosephNK commented Jan 12, 2023

@stuartmorgan WebViewWidget.fromPlatformCreationParams seems to be used like this.
I don't know if this is correct.
Thank you.


late final WebViewController _webViewController;


Widget build(BuildContext context) {

 late WebViewWidget webViewWidget;
 if (_webViewController.platform is AndroidWebViewController) {
   final androidWebViewController =
       (_webViewController.platform as AndroidWebViewController);
   webViewWidget = WebViewWidget.fromPlatformCreationParams(
      params: AndroidWebViewWidgetCreationParams
          controller: androidWebViewController,
         gestureRecognizers: gestureRecognizers,
       displayWithHybridComposition: true,
 } else {
   webViewWidget = WebViewWidget(
     controller: _webViewController,
     gestureRecognizers: gestureRecognizers,


 return ...

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@bparrishMines Maybe it's worth adding example code to for HC to webview_flutter_android since it seems like there's some confusion about these APIs.

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JosephNK commented Jan 17, 2023

@stuartmorgan @bparrishMines When are you going to add HC examples to webview_flutter_android?

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bparrishMines commented Jan 17, 2023

@JosephNK Sorry, here is an example of using Hybrid Composition:

late final WebViewWidget webViewWidget;
if (WebViewPlatform.instance is AndroidWebViewPlatform) {
  webViewWidget = WebViewWidget.fromPlatformCreationParams(
    params: AndroidWebViewWidgetCreationParams(
      controller: _webViewController.platform,
      displayWithHybridComposition: true,
} else {
  webViewWidget = WebViewWidget(controller: _webViewController);

@bparrishMines Maybe it's worth adding example code to for HC to webview_flutter_android since it seems like there's some confusion about these APIs.

Yea, that or it might be worth adding more example code using platform specific code to the dart docs of each class in webview_flutter.

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@bparrishMines Thank you

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But this's will lead to , webview don't destroy!!!

@flutter-triage-bot flutter-triage-bot bot added the package flutter/packages repository. See also p: labels. label Jul 5, 2023
@Hixie Hixie removed the plugin label Jul 6, 2023
@flutter-triage-bot flutter-triage-bot bot added multiteam-retriage-candidate team-android Owned by Android platform team triaged-android Triaged by Android platform team labels Jul 8, 2023
@gmackall gmackall added P2 Important issues not at the top of the work list and removed P1 High-priority issues at the top of the work list labels Sep 28, 2023

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@flutter-triage-bot flutter-triage-bot bot added the Bot is counting down the days until it unassigns the issue label Feb 8, 2024
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This issue is assigned to @johnmccutchan but has had no recent status updates. Please consider unassigning this issue if it is not going to be addressed in the near future. This allows people to have a clearer picture of what work is actually planned. Thanks!

@flutter-triage-bot flutter-triage-bot bot removed the Bot is counting down the days until it unassigns the issue label Mar 6, 2024
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c: crash Stack traces logged to the console c: fatal crash Crashes that terminate the process customer: crowd Affects or could affect many people, though not necessarily a specific customer. engine flutter/engine repository. See also e: labels. found in release: 3.0 Found to occur in 3.0 found in release: 3.1 Found to occur in 3.1 p: webview The WebView plugin P2 Important issues not at the top of the work list package flutter/packages repository. See also p: labels. platform-android Android applications specifically team-android Owned by Android platform team triaged-android Triaged by Android platform team
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