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1.1 Getting Started Guide

Flyver edited this page Jul 13, 2015 · 8 revisions

Flyver is an open-source software development kit for drones. It is designed to provide a high level, hardware independent layer for programming drones. With Flyver you can create core applications, services and RC Apps for drones.


Our Github contains two independent repos:

We would strongly recommend setting up and trying Flyver with the Flyver Test and Flyver RC apps before building your applications from scratch with the SDK modules.

If you want to start flying with Flyver you will need to use one of the following hardware configurations.

Note that you can still play around with Flyver SDK even without a drone by running the application on your smartphone only.

Hardware Configurations

Flyver Configuration I Smartphone, IOIO OTG, ARF Kit

/Flyver Dev Kit/

What can you do:

  • Build core apps
  • Build remote apps and services
  • Build custom solutions for clients
  • Publish and sell your app.

Who is it for:

  • Software and hardware developers
  • Commoners not afraid to get their hands dirty


  • Very easy setup
  • Cheap
  • Flexible and scalable
  • Build in peripheral hardware (3G/LTE, BT, Storage..)


  • Software crash = hardware crash
  • Flyver Autopilot (running on Android) with limited functionality

Hardware Needs:

Configuration Specific Guides:

Flyver Configuration II Smartphone, External autopilot, ARF Kit


Hardware needs:

  • Drone + Autopilot
    • List of supported autopilots and instructions - soon
  • Good Android Phone - Used as the brain of Flyver

What can you do:

  • Build core apps
  • Build remote apps and services
  • Build custom solutions for clients
  • Publish and sell your app.


  • Better flight stability and robustness
  • Many features of the autopilot


  • Expensive
  • May require complex setup / Due to external autopilot settings /

Configuration Specific Guides:

  • NOT yet available

Flyver Configuration III Drone with its own SDK or APIs


What can you do:

  • Build remote apps and services
  • Build custom solutions for clients
  • Publish and sell your app.


  • Easy setup
  • End user friendly


  • Runs only remote apps (not executed on board)
  • Hardware is not flexible

Configuration Specific Guides:

  • NOT yet available


  • Core Apps - Flyver applications running on the drone itself. This is a unique concept which will allow you to write an autonomous application without the need of a ground control station or telemetry. Think locally constructed orientation, computer vision, interaction with the outside world. The Core apps are only build for Android/Java through [Android Studio (

  • RC Apps - The remote control applications are applications which are executed externally and not on the board of the drone. Such application could be different interfaces commanding the drone,remote controls, cloud based application, apps for ground stations, online services and more. Such apps could be build through Flyver SDK or by using the Flyver APIs on variety of platforms and programming languages.

  • Services - Service apps fit under RC apps. Services could be different cloud platforms for storage, computation, monitoring or other.

  • App - By app we may mean any type of application or system. Some solutions may require Core App + Remote App + Cloud monitoring services and still be referred simply as app.

  • ARF Kit - Almost ready to fly drone, includes frame, motors, ESCs, power supply board.