FILink is a data provider transfers deals info to chainlink Oracle
While a user is working on other blockchain like Ethereum, BSC,Polygon, they want to know the strage deal they send to filecoin network is online, however we do not have a native way to check if a storage deal is active on those blockchains.
By build a filecoin data adapter to chainlink oracle. It can give other blockchain the capability of validation if a data is onchain
Data Dao signs the node for providing data feeds to the web3 blockchains like polygoin, bsc, eth. Every data deal has a deal ID, it is an unique id on filecoin network used for tracking deal info. Filecoin data adatper provides deal ids for other blockchain system to check if the deal exists on filecoin network.
The adapter scans the data from Flecoin blockchain and post the deal info to polygon network, the deal info is by the following format:
"DealId": 58160,
"dealCid": "bafyreifo2pp5d4se44xu32p5ikm3qjzmfv7ihbmdsilz7j5wii7h7ne3gm",
"messageCid": "bafy2bzacebyuyuxr23e2n3njhtltcuc7sc73cuumzd2fww4mt4ivtzg2zn6um",
"height": 455035,
"pieceCid": "baga6ea4seaql3pcfitmlane3nbrlcitb4ffzdkkswy4e2tn4tf67muicdcueiki",
"verifiedDeal": false,
"storagePricePerEpoch": "976562 AttoFIL",
"signature": "rWJeBFkmGZTAnIitvM6NiRpn8vqwlRAjr4PpMHmfL6Kb86qeXU99DtHWmjW8WyARAFn3mTUtB4+rlibfEUFlts4cAESxfHPiuOciVj0r0d8Y3te0axEZETGsJeLQPPkY",
"signatureType": "bls",
"createdAt": "2021-11-24 07:57:30",
"pieceSizeFormat": "2.00 MiB",
"satrtHeight": 466508,
"endHeight": 1980929,
"client": "t3u7pumush376xbytsgs5wabkhtadjzfydxxda2vzyasg7cimkcphswrq66j4dubbhwpnojqd3jie6ermpwvvq",
"clientCollateralFormat": "0 AttoFIL",
"provider": "t024557",
"providerTag": "",
"providerIsVerified": 0,
"providerCollateralFormat": "0 AttoFIL",
"status": 0
scheduler to update status to trigger DAO signature for unlock event
- get deal_id by proposal_cid
- get deal_id from Chainlink filecoin adapter
- if matches trigger DAO signature
- match client_address
- match deal_cid (proposal_cid)
- else waiting for next check cycle
- if matches trigger DAO signature