Releases: folke/trouble.nvim
Releases · folke/trouble.nvim
1.0.0 (2023-01-04)
- renamed use_lsp_diagnostic_signs to use_diagnostic_signs
- removed deprecated commands
- added "hover" action that defaults to "K" to show the full multiline text #11 (9111a5e)
- added actions for opening in new tab, split and vsplit. Fixes #36 (c94cc59)
- added mapping for jump & close (defaults to "o") #15 (09de784)
- added support for vim.diagnostics and Neovim 0.7 (735dcd5)
- allow proper passing of plugin options (79513ed)
- Api to go to first and last items (#157) (0649811)
- better preview and mode (160fa6c)
- command complete (9923b01)
- comments to open/toggle workspace or ducument mode directly (f7db1c2)
- config for auto_preview (0ad97fb)
- define multiple keybindings for the same action (better for defaults) (bf8e8ee)
- expose items (#41) (4f84ca4)
- indent lines (f9e6930)
- inital version (980fb07)
- Lsp implementation (#50) (069cdae)
- lsp references, loclist and quickfix lists! (0b852c8)
- made it easier to integrate with trouble (1dd72c2)
- make file grouping and padding configurable (#66) (ff40475)
- make position of the trouble list configurable (top, bottom, left or right) #27 (0c9ca5e)
- make signs configurable (ff9fd51)
- make sorting keys configurable (#190) (68d3dc5)
- next/previous API. Implements #44 (a2a7dbf)
- option to automatically jump when there is only one result (fixes #57) (#79) (09fafb2)
- providers.lsp: Add definitions support (#20) (a951198)
- sort files by current directory and prefer non-hidden (ea9a5e3)
- sort items by severity / filename / lnum / col (4a45782)
- sort results by row and column isntead of just row (#118) (5897b09)
- telescope provider: (Smart) multiselect (#39) (45ff198)
- Telescope support (9c81e16)
- use vim.notify for logging (293118e)
Bug Fixes
- Add nowait option to keymap (#30) (4375f1f)
- added additional space between message and code (aae12e7)
- added compatibility to retrieve signs from vim.diagnostic (dab82ef)
- added suport for vim.diagnostic hl groups (d25a8e6)
- added support for new handler signatures (backward compatible with 0.5) (87cae94)
- auto_open was broken. Fixed now #29 (a2f2b92)
- better detection of the parent window (4c5fd8a)
- default to current window in jump_to_item (#175) (ec24219)
- don't "edit" en existing buffer. Use "buffer" instead. (#5, #6) (abef115)
- don't steal focus on auto_open. Fixes #48 (36b6813)
- don't try to fetch sign for "other" (5b50990)
- don't use file sorter for items without a valid filename (20469be)
- dont advance two items at a time. Fixes folke/todo-comments.nvim#39 (7de8bc4)
- files without col/row should be set to col=1 and row=1 #22 (fcd5f1f)
- filetype set too early (#230) (c4da921)
- fixed auto_open swicth_to_parent. Fixes #7 (7cf1aa1)
- give focus back to correct window when closing (#72) (a736b8d)
- handle normal api calls to trouble as it should #42 (52b875d)
- if grouping is off, decrease indent (#140) (ed65f84)
- lazy include telescope when needed (7e3d4f9)
- lsp diag creates ugly buffers for unopened files in the workspace. Fixed now (91d1139)
- lsp diagnostics codes (dbbd523)
- lsp handler error log (#95) (063aefd)
- lsp: avoid overwriting uri of result (#60) (655391c)
- only use old hl groups when they exist (Fixes #49) (d4ce76f)
- possible vim.NIL on diagnostics code (1faa347)
- prevent segfault on closing ([756f09d](756f09de113a775ab16ba...