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yikulju edited this page Feb 26, 2011 · 98 revisions


Add your hack to this list. Voting is based on the numbers on this list, so please don't reorder anything. Go to to see the current votes.

  1. SampleHack
  2. - The next release of's venue-monitoring whitelist action service, using the new push notification api, adds custom callbacks, data passthrough, per-venue slow and fast monitoring, and a few other surprises.
  3. Badge Assistant - A map visualization of where your friends have earned the badges you still don't have.
  4. Treasure Hunt (work in progress) - A game where you go find a treasure by going place to place following clues
  5. FourGraph - auto-generate your own infographic (like this one:
  6. Foursquare Munchkin (not presenting today) - Battle monsters and level up with your checkins! Kingdom of Loathing meets 4sq: a lightweight, humor-filled RPG.
  7. Foodie - Check-in not just to places you go to, but to menu items (food/drink). Next time you open your app, you can not just see interesting places, but also interesting food/drinks in the vicinity. Live now at
  8. Foursquare Chat - Check in, and chat with the other people at the venue.
  9. Trip² - Foursquare/TripIt mashup to see what venues are around your itinerary items -
  10. ArduinoSquare - enable an Arduino micro-controller to check-in on foursquare, but the big idea is sending the micro-controller in a low-orbit rocket/balloon to get the NASA badge ;)
  11. BearMode (Not presenting today)- Your personal online trainer, set a fitness goal and forget the rest. Get personal workout plans via TxT msg and voice reminders if you miss a goal. Workout, no excuses!
  12. MakeThemPay.Me - Easy bill splitting using 4sq check-in data
  13. StickySquares - Find great place areas w/ sticky social action— For trendspotters, small biz, real estate developers, event, urban planners etc.
  14. Voxora - Add voice messages to your 4sq checkins. Review a venue, complain about service, sing karaoke, ...
  15. 4sqTODO - Sync 4sq todo lists with TaskPaper, Simplenote, PlainText and friends -- 90% complete. I wish I could stick around to show you, but I've got a dinner date in 5 min :( -- @bobthecow
  16. Tips Sentiment - Visual representation of mood at venues based on sentiment analysis of tips.
  17. Check-in Visualizer - Provides a visual representation of your checkins on a map. (not presenting tonight!)
  18. Agora - Connect with people using Foursquare and Twitter.
  19. Venmo - Tag a payment with a place and check in on foursquare automagically.
  20. - quick checkin via browser bookmarklet (or browser extension)
  21. - Leave private messages for your friends at a specific location. When they check in, they get your message! (Inspired by
  22. FourPlay - Instantly hit on fellow FourSquares on your night about town!
  23. starsquare - a mobile economic trading game using real locations - @mik3cap, @kupad, Paul Fryzel
  24. Foursquareand7yearsago - a mobile economic trading game using real locations
  25. Poconote (Not presenting today!) - Write, track, and share inspiration anywhere.
  26. HottiesInHere - Help find the hottest spots in town.
  27. SXSW rsvps (Not presenting today!) - Import your eventbrite rsvps into foursquare as to-dos.
  28. Hail To The Mayor - a jukebox playing your favorite songs upon checkin
  29. Vote Mob: SXSW - Vote on what parties and events you and your friends will go to next.
  30. Moonwalk - Ask + Answer questions in real-time with users checked-in at venues.
  31. GroupSquare (Not presenting today!) - Get Groupon deals and combine them with the Foursquare platform.
  32. Foursquare Lists - lollists
  33. Tin Canary - (Not presenting today!) An itinerary generator for pub crawls and other classy multi-stop nights on the town.
  34. Foursquare Googles - View foursquare photos on a map
  35. Badge Gravity -
  36. VenuePages - Enables venues to build Micro Apps and push them to checked in Users
  37. suBEERior - (Not presenting today!) a better way to track your alcoholism
  38. When to Go - (Not presenting today!) a way to see checkin trends over the course of a night for specific venues
  39. AugmentSquare - Reality, augmented, with foursquare!
  40. Blackout - I know what you did last night.