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Foursquare Global Hackathon

leealice edited this page Sep 18, 2011 · 49 revisions

The growing foursquare community (over 10 million!) is spread out all over the world and it's about time we had a hackathon that reflected our global nature. So, join us over the September 17-18th weekend for a round-the-clock hacking session that's happening all around the world!

In addition to our four official sites (NYC, San Francisco, Tokyo, & Paris) we welcome developers everywhere to band together and build amazing stuff on the foursquare API. There will be prizes, swag, and featured blog posts for the best hacks, no matter where in the world they come from.

So join a foursquare hackathon Meetup in your city on 9/17-18 by signing up. If you can, suggest a venue where people can meetup and hack, or leave a comment to get suggestions going. It's easy to get started and we'll provide tools, resources, and high-fives every step of the way!


Check out this site we put together using our API to see your fellow hackers from all around the world in action!

** Submitting your hack **

Submit your hack @ by the end of Sunday in your local time zone. Be sure to fill out all the fields so we can get in touch with you if/when you win!


September 17-18th, 2011

See our official site schedule!


A really, really fast quick getting started guide

  1. Take a look at the schedule of the weekend's events
  2. We made you a short intro video!
  3. Tag your stuff on twitter, foursquare, flickr, vimeo, youtube, ... with #4sqhackathon. Take photos!
  4. Get on IRC: #foursquare at You can use the web client; we prefer Colloquy on OS X. We'll have API experts online answering Qs around the clock for the entire weekend.
  5. Sneak a peek at the wish list of ideas to jumpstart your thinking. Oh, and add your ideas there too, of course!
  6. Have other questions for us? Take a look on @foursquareapi, email us at api(at)foursquare(dot)com
  7. Have questions about other APIs? BONUS! If you're at an official site, we'll have representatives from the Guest APIs around to help you dream up & execute an awesome mash-up hack.
  8. If you're hacking with the Venue Push API (hello NASDAQ Prize!), get in touch with a foursquare engineer to help set up a test venue for you to use.
  9. When you're done, make sure to add your Hack to the list of hacks so that others can vote on it!

We'll be featuring all of our hackathon winners prominently in our official blog and app gallery. It's the first step towards ultimate glory and becoming the stuff of legends.

Oh yeah, and we'll be giving out some mindblowingly awesome prizes, like a foursquare TITLE BELT for the most popular hack.

Foursquare TITLE BELT



For the official sites, fill out the corresponding form to request an invite: New York, San Francisco, Paris, Tokyo.

Attendance at the official sites is not guaranteed unless you receive a confirmation from us. And if we can't fit you in, don't forget that we still love you and you can always participate in one of the community hackathons happening in the area: Prizes will be for all hacks, regardless of where they come from!


Foursquare engineers will be online starting at 06:00 UTC on Saturday here: IRC: #foursquare at You can use the web client; we prefer Colloquy on OS X.