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chrisdone committed Apr 8, 2015
1 parent 558a5c6 commit 7401ca1
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Showing 48 changed files with 828 additions and 626 deletions.
16 changes: 11 additions & 5 deletions .dir-locals.el
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
((haskell-mode . ((haskell-process-type . cabal-repl)
(haskell-indent-spaces . 4)
(haskell-process-use-ghci . t)))
(hamlet-mode . ((hamlet/basic-offset . 4)
(haskell-process-use-ghci . t))))
((haskell-mode .
((haskell-process-type . ghci)
(haskell-process-path-ghci . "ghci-ng")
. (lambda (args)
(list "fpbuild"
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .ghci
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,3 +6,5 @@
:set -DINGHCI=1
:set -package foreign-store

:set -iclient/ -iserver/ -i../ghcjs-react/src/
File renamed without changes.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

View Haskell codebases.
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions app/Client.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Home client-side program.

module Main where

import View
import Model

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Prelude hiding (pi)
import React
import qualified React.Ace as Ace

-- | Grab the container element used for rendering into and start the
-- rendering loop.
main :: IO ()
main =
do app <- getApp
ace <- app
void (forkIO (loadingProcess app))
container <-
getElementById "react-container"
react app (render ace) container
File renamed without changes.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/GHCJS/Yesod.hs → client/GHCJS/Yesod.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}

-- | Handy client-server communication.

Expand Down
242 changes: 242 additions & 0 deletions client/Model.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- |

module Model where

import SharedTypes
import Types

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import qualified Control.Lens as Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ord
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHCJS.Yesod
import Prelude hiding (pi)
import React
import React.Ace (Ace)
import qualified React.Ace as Ace
import React.Internal

-- | Make the application.
getApp :: IO (App State IO)
getApp =
makeApp StartingState id

-- | Run the loading process.
loadingProcess :: App State m -> IO ()
loadingProcess (App var _ _ _) =
fix (\loop first ->
do result <-
try (call (PollLoading first))
case result of
Left ex ->
case ex of
BadStatusCode status ->
badStatusCode status var
DecodingError msg payload ->
decodingError msg payload var
NoData -> noData var
Right status ->
loadResult loop status var)

-- | When a load command came back with a result, handle the status.
loadResult :: (Bool -> IO ()) -> LoadingStatus -> TVar State -> IO ()
loadResult loop status var =
case status of
AmbiguousTargets targets ->
do setTVarIO (ChooseTargetsState (M.fromList (map defaultChosenTarget targets))) var
loop False
LoadOK targets ms ->
do ace <- Ace.getDef
setTVarIO (LoadedState
(defaultLoaded (M.fromList targets)
loop False
LoadFailed errs ->
do setTVarIO (FailedState errs) var
loop False
_ ->
do setTVarIO (LoadingProjectState status) var
loop False

-- | No data from the server.
noData :: TVar State -> IO ()
noData =
setTVarIO (FailedState
[Left (mconcat ["No data from server when calling command. "
,"Please report this as a bug."])])

-- | A JSON decoding error.
decodingError :: String -> Text -> TVar State -> IO ()
decodingError msg payload =
setTVarIO (FailedState
[Left "Unable to decode JSON from server. Consider this a bug."
,Left ("Decoding error was: " <> T.pack msg)
,Left ("Payload was: " <> payload)])

-- | HTTP server probably stopped.
badStatusCode :: Int -> TVar State -> IO ()
badStatusCode status =
setTVarIO (FailedState (concat errors))
where errors =
[[Left "Bad HTTP status code from server."
,Left ("Status code was: " <>
T.pack (show status))]
,[Left "This probably means you stopped the server." | status == 0]]

-- | Jump to place definition on double click.
doubleClicked :: TVar State -> IO ()
doubleClicked var =
do mloaded <- previewTVarIO _LoadedState var
case do l <- mloaded
(fp,_,_,_,_,_) <- _loadedCurrent l
(_,sp,_) <- _loadedTypeInfo l
return (fp,sp) of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (fp,sp) ->
do mloc <- call (GetIdentLocation fp sp)
maybe (return ())
(viewModule var)

-- | Select the given span and trigger a state update.
select :: (Int,Int) -> Span -> TVar State -> IO ()
select xy sp@(Span sl sc el ec) var =
do mloaded <- previewTVarIO _LoadedState var
case mloaded of
Just l@(Loaded{_loadedCurrent = Just (fp,text',_,_,_,_)}) ->
do unless (noChange (_loadedTypeInfo l))
(do spans <-
call (GetExpTypes fp
(Span sl sc el ec))
setTVarAt _LoadedState
((case sortBy (on thinner fst) spans of
((child,typ):parents) ->
l {_loadedCurrent =
Just (fp,text',sl,sc,el,ec)
,_loadedTypeInfo =
Just (listToMaybe (filter (/= child) (map fst parents))
,_loadedMouseXY =
Just xy}
_ ->
let new =
defaultLoaded (_loadedTargets l)
(_loadedModules l)
(_loadedAce l)
in new {_loadedCurrent =
Just (fp,text',sl,sc,el,ec)
,_loadedMouseXY =
Just xy}))
_ -> return ()
where noChange Nothing = False
noChange (Just (_,cur,_)) = cur == sp

-- | Is x thinner than y?
thinner :: Span -> Span -> Ordering
thinner x y =
comparing (if on (==) spanSL x y &&
on (==) spanEL x y
then \(Span _ s _ e) -> e - s
else \(Span s _ e _) -> e - s)

-- | View a module.
viewModule :: TVar State -> Loc -> IO ()
viewModule var (Loc fp line col) =
do contents <- call (GetModule fp)
(\l ->
l {_loadedCurrent =
(Just (fp,contents,line,col,line,col))
,_loadedTypeInfo = Nothing
,_loadedMouseXY = Nothing})

-- | Expand the current selection.
expandSelection :: TVar State -> IO ()
expandSelection var =
do mloaded <-
previewTVarIO _LoadedState var
case mloaded of
Just (l::Loaded) ->
case (,) <$> _loadedTypeInfo l <*> _loadedMouseXY l of
Just ((mparent,_,_),xy') ->
case mparent of
Nothing -> return ()
Just parent ->
select xy' parent var
Nothing -> return ()
_ -> return ()

-- Defaults

-- | Default loaded state.
defaultLoaded :: Map TargetIdent Bool -> [Text] -> Ace -> Loaded
defaultLoaded targets ms ace =
Loaded {_loadedModules = ms
,_loadedCurrent = Nothing
,_loadedAce = ace
,_loadedTypeInfo = Nothing
,_loadedMouseXY = Nothing
,_loadedTargets = targets}

-- | Determine whether the target should be chosen by default or not.
defaultChosenTarget :: TargetIdent -> (TargetIdent, Bool)
defaultChosenTarget t =
,case t of
LibraryIdent{} -> True
_ -> False)

-- Tvar/lens helpers

setTVarIO :: a -> TVar a -> IO ()
setTVarIO a v = atomically (writeTVar v a)

setTVarAt :: Lens.ASetter' s a -> a -> TVar s -> IO ()
setTVarAt l a v =
(modifyTVar v
(Lens.set l a))

modifyTVarIO :: Lens.ASetter' s a -> (a -> a) -> TVar s -> IO ()
modifyTVarIO l f v =
(modifyTVar v
(Lens.over l f))

viewTVarIO :: Lens.Getting a s a -> TVar s -> IO a
viewTVarIO g v =
(fmap (Lens.view g)
(readTVar v))

previewTVarIO :: Lens.Getting (First a) s a -> TVar s -> IO (Maybe a)
previewTVarIO g v =
(fmap (Lens.preview g)
(readTVar v))

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