A lab report by Fabio Daiber
To submit your lab, clone this repository. You'll need to describe your design, include a video of your paper display in operation, and upload any code you wrote to make it move.
a. Which color wires correspond to power, ground and signal?
Red corresponds to power, orange to signal and brown to ground.
a. Which Arduino pin should the signal line of the servo be attached to?
We have to connect it to pin 9 or change myservo.attach(9);
b. What aspects of the Servo code control angle or speed?
The angle is controlled by this part of the code pos = 0; pos <= 180; pos += 1
and to corresponding part pos = 180; pos >= 0; pos -= 1
There is two ways to change the speed. We can simply change the delay(1);
function or we can change the position increments: pos += 1
Include a photo/movie of your raw circuit in action.
I changed the delay function to read-in value of the potentiometer on pin 0, so I can control the speed of the servo.
Here's a video of it: Servo Video
a. Make a video of your proto puppet.
a. Make a video of your final design.
I laser cut a picture of myself and used by beer bottle from Lab 5 to create a Oktoberfest version of my puppet. I changed the arms of the puppet so that that my puppet is holding them up (and cheering). I also had to adapt the values of the code, so the arms move up. My custom code