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Chapter 14: Local effects and mutable state

Paul Chiusano edited this page Aug 18, 2014 · 5 revisions


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The ST data type covered in this chapter was first introduced in Lazy Functional State Threads. The general idea, of using universal quantification to uniquely tag variables and enforce scoping, is also useful in other situations. For instance, we can use the same idea to enforce a 'safe' API for accessing file handles, preventing a file handle from being referenced after it passes out of scope. Here is a sketch of an API:

trait Handle[R]

trait SafeIO[S,+A] {
  def flatMap[B](f: A => SafeIO[S,B]): SafeIO[S,B]
  def map[B](f: A => B): SafeIO[S,B]

object SafeIO {
  def unit[S,A](a: A): SafeIO[S,A]

  // obtain a file handle
  def handle[S](filename: String): SafeIO[S, Handle[S]]

  // read a number of bytes from a handle, safely
  def read[S](h: Handle[S], n: Int): SafeIO[S, Option[Array[Byte]]]

  // run a 'closed' `SafeIO` computation
  def run[A](io: RunIO[A]): IO[A]

/** A 'runnable' `SafeIO` must be universally quantified in `S`. */
trait RunIO[A] { def run[S]: SafeIO[S,A] }

By tagging Handle values with the scope in which they originate, we prevent running a SafeIO whose value incorporates a Handle, and we are also prevented from mixing Handle values originating in different scopes. Thus, any Handle values allocated during run may be safely closed when the IO action returned from run completes.

In many situations where we might use universal quantification like this to enforce some notion of scoping, we can alternately "invert control". For instance, the need to enforce scoping in both SafeIO (and ST) comes about because we allow access to an underlying "handle" concept (for ST, we have STRef and STArray, which are handles to mutable references), and we want to ensure that these handles pass out of scope at some delimited location. We can instead choose to work with a different abstraction not based on handles at all. Rather than letting the computation pull data from a Handle, we can instead build up a "transducer" that gives abstract instructions for how to transform one input stream to another, without getting access to any underlying handle. For instance, the library we develop in chapter 15 provides access to files but the various consumers of our Process type don't deal directly with a Handle abstraction.

Effect systems

Universal quantification is a very simple technique for enforcing effect scoping, and the ST type is easy to incorporate as a regular library into many functional languages. There are more sophisticated techniques for tracking effects, called effect systems. The general idea here is that we track the effects of a value separate from its type. Effect systems often include natural subtyping of effects, so that, for instance, a pure computation (with no effects) can be passed as an argument without explicit wrapping to a function allowing for the effect of mutation to some variable or region of memory. See for example Koka, DDC, and Frank.


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