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Thomas Mann edited this page Mar 29, 2016 · 1 revision

What we (still/framefield) do here

  • Write a documentation and collect links to all necessary resources
  • Collect and discuss ideas and improvements
  • Answer any questions and bug reports
  • Give a rough idea about the planned roadmap

What you (beta-tester) can do here

What you should know

  • This is a wiki: Anybody can (and should!) edit everything. Keeping track of changes is easy. Don't worry: you can't break anything: We can just revert any changes.

Some Rules (oh ze Germans again)

  • Since some people speak English only, please don't write in any other language. We prefer color without u, but don't really care.
  • This wiki is publicly accessible, so don't post private information.
  • To post bugs, just go to issues and click "New Issue" in the top right corner. Providing screenshots, captures or steps to reproduce are always appreciate. But before you do so, please read How To Submit Bugs.
  • Please don't uploaded files bigger than 2mb. Use your public dropbox and link the file.