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Feature Genetic Variations

Thomas Mann edited this page Apr 24, 2016 · 2 revisions

Discussion how "genetic variations" feature could work


  • Variations-List - a list of variation-icons that activated on hover
  • More Variations-Button -
  • ...from Selection-Button - is disabled by default. Gets enabled after a variation has been selected.
  • Favorites-List - Keeps a list of all selected previously selected variations.
  • Granularity-Drop-Down - a dropdown-list containing options like..
    • "Nearly Identical"
    • "Very Similar"
    • "Similar"
    • "Different"
    • "Very Different"

UI Steps

  • Open Variations Panel
  • Select an Operator
  • -> Variation-Panel automatically generates variations with the current Granularity-setting
  • User hovers though some suggestions and clicks on one
  • -> The variation is highlighted with a blue heart. In the lower row an heart is added to favorites.
  • The "More like this" button gets enabled


  • What's the difference between Parameter Presets and Favorites?
    • maybe the variations-panel should be be a part of the parameter presets area?
  • How do I delete favorites?
  • How do users learn about mouse-wheel?
  • How to users learn about "disabling parameter interpolation"