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Render as Image Sequence

frostpfote edited this page Dec 28, 2018 · 2 revisions

Rough workflow

  1. Create an instance of the RenderImageSequence-Operator
  2. Connect it to a Scene-output (e.g. Cyan)
  3. Adjust the parameters esp. .TimeRange (in seconds), .Resolution and .Format. So far, we support BMP, PNG and JPG
  4. Press Play
  5. Click a the .Trigger Button
  6. Watch the number go from 0 to 1
  7. The files are written to the Output-Filter.

And yes: that's awkward and eventually will by improved :-)

Tipp: You can change the format string to something like ... Somename-[FFFF].png.


  1. Instead of RenderImageSequence-Operator use Scene-output to RenderToImage-Operator to RenderImagesToFile-Operator; rest stays the same