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The @franzzemen/rulesEngine framework is a rules engine with a text based interface for maximum usability, and referred in the documentation as the Rules Engine. It can also be referred to by its singleton name ReRulesEngine.Engine.


Node / Browser Version

Node versions 16.x + are supported

Until we test and release either updates to support a browser version or release separate package supporting browsers we make no commitments whether it can be loaded in a browser.

Javascript Target

The Javascript target is ECMAScript 2021 (es2021 tsc target option).

The module resolution to load this package is ECMAScript which is now the standard. A helpful package, @franzzemen/rulesEngine-commonjs-examples, has been provided in npm and github on how to integrate into a CommonJS loaded project.

For alternatives Javascript targets or for CommonJS see this.


npm i @franzzemen/rulesEngine

For what this installs, and other packages, see here.


Documentation is contained in the wiki. Note that this is not the Github project wiki. Access it through this link:



If you need support, please enter an issue on the Github project site.

If your request is of an urgent nature, you may also contact the team via email at:

For critical emergencies, such as "hey a million people depend on this" you may contact the team via Telegram (mobile & web app) using handle:


Please be very specific on who you are, the organization you represent (if applicable), your specific issue, any timeframes that are critical to you and so on.

We respond to every request...eventually, but we reserve the right to respond in an inconclusive way. Contact one of the above direct channels (email or Telegram) for paid support plan options.


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