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ERPNext for Non Profits

Fabien Bourgeois edited this page Sep 11, 2017 · 4 revisions

ERPNext for Non-Profits

An NGO modules for erpnext

1. Contact:

  • Individuals - i.e. people
  • Organisations - for example, companies or other non-profit organizations
  • Households - typically families that share a physical location
  • Each contact record comes with a set of core fields

2. Contribute:

Contribute is the component that lets you record and reports on financial and in-kind contributions to your organization. It allows you to:

  • accept donations and other financial or in-kind contributions
  • process membership signups and renewals
  • accept and manage events fees.
  • run specific fundraising campaigns
  • let your supporters fundraise for you through personalized campaign pages
  • quickly enter contribution and membership payments using "batches"
  • export batches of financial transactions to import to your accounting software
  • report and evaluate fundraising results and trends


A pledge is the promise to give a donation at a pre-arranged time in the future, either in full at regular intervals until a total goal is reached. For example, Sally pledges to give $3000 over five years, at regular monthly intervals of $50 each.

  • Select contact: type the name of an existing contact, or create a new one before setting up the pledge (a new window will open)
  • Total pledge amount: enter the total amount to be donated
  • To be paid in: specify the number of installments and time period for payment, if greater than one
  • Payments are due on the: choose the day on which a payment is due during that installment cycle (e.g. the second day of the week/month/year)
  • Pledge made: select the date on which the pledge was promised
  • Payments start: set the date the scheduled payments will start
  • Send Acknowledgment?: if outgoing mail is configured, and an email address is available for that contact, check this box to send a notification email
  • Acknowledgement date: the date the individual was notified of the pledge's creation (automatically populated if an email was sent)
  • Financial Type: choose the Financial Type of the contribution (e.g. donation or event fee) to denote what the pledged money is meant for
  • Campaign: if available, you may assign the pledge to a campaign if the money is intended to go towards that fundraising effort
  • Self-service payments page: give donors the ability to make a payment online by selecting an online contribution form to collect the money through
  • Honoree information: you may also enter honoree information if the individual elects to dedicate the pledge to someone, and set payment reminders

4. Event Management:

5. Membership: Member is the component that provides functionality to support and automate the management of memberships.

  • Regular Members: Public transit systems. There are three tiered levels within this category, based on the size of the system. Membership is organization-based, and all employees of the member organization receive access to member benefits, such as discounted rates at Association events.

  • Affiliate Members: Businesses providing goods and services to the transit industry. Membership fees are the same for all Affiliate Members. Membership is organization-based, and up to 10 employees of the member organization receive access to member benefits, such as discounted rates at Association events.

  • Associate Members: Students, government representatives, public interest groups, research institutions, and other interested parties. Membership fees are the same for all Associate Members. Membership is individual-based. Honorary Members: Retired transit system executives and others who have made a notable contribution to the industry and Association. Membership is individual-based and free for life.

6. Case Management:

  • tracking and managing sequences of interactions between people in your organization and contacts

7. Campaign

Similar to ERPNEXT Project. link together events, mailings, activities, and contributions under one "umbrella" so that you can track the progress of all your efforts towards one programmatic goal or campaign. This enables organizations to measure and analyze the effectiveness of their outreach and mobilization efforts.

8. Survey:

Offline surveys by providing a standardized way to record survey responses and to then generate reports from the survey data. Survey responses are captured in an activity record (in an activity of the type Survey) for each individual. Survey include Public housing survey, contributor survey,

9. Petition:

A petition that would gather responses to questions at the same time as gathering signatures.


Reference: Civicrm

Other open source software for non-profit :

  • SIGMAH : software for managing international aid projects
  • Odoo modules like official membership, OCA membership, OCA donation, OCA NGO
  • GALETTE : membership specialized software

Other discussions

  • Discuss forum thread with many other ideas and suggestions
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