F' this, let's mess around with CRDs by building dynamic clients. Why? To prevent the dependency hell of using the actual defintion of the CRD by importing a whole repo of stuff you don't need and don't want. That's why.
First, we need a cluster with some shiny CRDs. I will use k3d with kyma. Kyma is batteries included Kubernetes with fancy stuff (eventing, serverless, tracing/logging/monitoring, ...) that get's in there via CRDs. Nice, just what we need.
You can get both on mac with brew:
brew install k3d kyma-cli
or via choco on win:
choco install k3d kyma-cli
here are more instruction for the installation on all OS of k3d and kyma-cli.
Next, let's provision a cluster and deploy kyma on it:
kyma provision k3d && kyma deploy
then we need a namespace
kubectl create namespace my-mess
and then we create an subscription in it
cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: eventing.kyma-project.io/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
name: messinaround
namespace: my-mess
- eventSource:
property: source
type: exact
value: ""
property: type
type: exact
value: sap.kyma.custom.noapp.order.created.v1
protocol: ""
protocolsettings: {}
sink: http://test.my-mess.svc.cluster.local
we don't really need to know what a subscription
for this little experiment (but if you are interested, you can learn more about kymas shiny eventing system here)
Now, have a look on what we created:
kubectl get subscriptions -n my-mess -oyaml