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Anura Issue
Anura Issue
This is a bug in the engine. More can be found at
Balance Issue
Balance Issue
While not a bug outright, this issue is or enables a boring strategy or mode of gameplay.
Yup, it's broken all right. It's more than just a maintenance problem or a balance issue.
Can't Reproduce
Can't Reproduce
Despite our best efforts, we can't set up the situation again or we don't have the hardware.
Causes Maintenance Problems
Causes Maintenance Problems
Something that will cause issues for us down the line.
Content/Object Development
Content/Object Development
Issues related to FFL.
Issues around what is said. (Fire the writers.)
This issue prevents player progress. Hard locks, unavoidable crashes, graphics freezing, etc.
Graphics - Art Assets
Graphics - Art Assets
Visual issues relating to art assets, the .png files.
Graphics - Programmatic
Graphics - Programmatic
Visual issues relating to the use or misuse of art assets in Frogatto or Anura, or generated images.
Level Design
Level Design
Issues with the world Frogatto exists in. These can be layout, object placement, and so on.
Needs Outside Help
Needs Outside Help
The root cause of this is outside our control or our realm of knowledge.
Performance Issue
Performance Issue
Framerate issues, usually when you walk to a location and the game gets slow.
Physics Edge-Case/Exploit
Physics Edge-Case/Exploit
You can do THAT? (That, in this case, being skips, clips, weird bounces, etc.)
Saving & Loading
Saving & Loading
Serialization is a lossy round-trip for Anura, and this creates problems.
Scenario/Quest Design
Scenario/Quest Design
As opposed to Dialog/Writing, these issues are around what you *do*, less what is said.
Sound - Programmatic
Sound - Programmatic
Audio is not playing as it should. Includes sound effects and music.
Sound - Requests
Sound - Requests
It's quiet in here… too quiet.
Issues regarding Valve's Steam platform.
Swamp/Mushroom Boss
Swamp/Mushroom Boss
Unnecessary But Nice to Have
Unnecessary But Nice to Have
This would be a nice enhancement to the game, but is not required for the next release.
ver ≤1.3
ver ≤1.3
Unfortunately, we can't support v1.3 or lower any more. (Yes, this is the latest. We know. ☹)
Issues with