A simple JavaScript library for infinite scroll without dependencies. Remove all problems with load due to the number of items in the DOM.
The library is delete a viewed DOM elements and save them to a variable and then return them if necessary. A good solution if you dynamically load items onto a page.
Notice that after appending "infinite-scroll.css" you must change CSS properties for your project.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../infinite-scroll.css"/>
<script src="../infinite-scroll.js"></script>
Add to you HTML template must contain this elements
<div id="infinite-wrapper-0" class="infinite-wrapper">
<div id="infinite-scroll-0" class="infinite-scroll"></div>
<div id="infinite-wrapper-1" class="infinite-wrapper">
<div id="infinite-scroll-1" class="infinite-scroll"></div>
You can add so many element as you need: infinite-wrapper-2, infinite-wrapper-3, ..., infinite-wrapper-n
You must append all element into "infinite-scroll" div elements and add them "infinit-item" class. For example:
$('#infinite-scroll-1').append('<div class="infinit-item">random staff</div>')
<div id="infinite-scroll-0" class="infinite-scroll" v-for="staff in random">
<div class="infinit-item">{{ staff.blabla }}</div>
const infiniteScroll = new InfiniteScroll()
If you use Vue.js or Angular don't forget to make "infiniteScroll.removeListener()" on destroy. If you want dynamically add or remove columns you must remove listener and create new infiniteScroll after each changing number of columns.
infiniteScroll = new InfiniteScroll()
Try it on JSFiddle
Froncubator Infinite Scroll is freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license.