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Fred Rothganger edited this page Feb 11, 2023 · 8 revisions

You will need to install the following items:

  1. The latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE). N2A requires at least Java 15, whereas many systems sill have Java 8 installed by default. Oracle has made it more difficult to obtain a standalone JRE for versions newer than 8. It is OK to get the Java Development Environment (JDK) instead, though this is a heavier solution. Go to Oracle for JDK, or to Azul for either JDK or JRE.
  2. The latest n2a.jar.
  3. Your favorite simulator.

If you have a JRE installed, you should be able to launch the N2A jar by double-clicking it. Alternately, on the command line type: java -jar n2a.jar

For Linux

Some Linux distros don't supply a desktop configuration for jar files. Without it, command-line is the only way to launch the app. To make jar files conveniently launchable, copy the following text into (for example) ~/.local/share/applications/java-jar.desktop:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Java Archive
Exec=java -jar %f

To make this launcher the default for jar files, you may also need to update (for example) ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list by adding/modifying this line:


Alternately, your desktop environment may provide a GUI way to permanently change file associations.

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