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Fragments.js makes updating HTML page fragments easier. Instead of rendering the whole page and letting browser recompile the JavaScript and CSS, it replaces fragments of the current page with fragments found in the AJAX response.



Add fragments.js gem to your application's Gemfile:

gem "fragments.js", git: ""

Require it in application.js:

//= require fragments



yarn add fragments.js

Import inside your application:

// CommonJS

// ES Modules
import 'fragments.js';


Add fragment to the page:

<%= form_for @comment, data: { remote: true, behavior: "fragments" } %>
  <%= f.textarea :message %>
  <%= f.submit "Post" %>
<% end %>

<%= render "discussion", comments: @comments %>
<%# _discussion.html.erb %>

<div class="discussion" data-fragment-id="discussion">
  <%= render comments %>

After creating comment respond with fragments:

def create
  # ...

  render "discussion", comments: @comments, layout: false

And then element with the corresponding [data-fragment-id] will be updated from AJAX response. In our particular case discussion (comments list) will be updated.

Integration with JavaScript Libraries

Fragments.js replaces fragment contents with the data from AJAX response. That means that nodes on which you binded events on jQuery.ready no longer exist. So most jQuery plugins will stop working in updated fragments.

In order to restore such functionality after updating fragments reinitialize required plugins/libraries on fragment:update event:


$(document).on("fragment:update", (e, $newContent) ->

Bonus: highlight updated fragments

Fragments.js allows you to highlight new parts of the updated fragments.

All you need is to require one more file in application.js (if you use it as Gem):

//= require fragments/highlight

And styles:

*= require fragments/highlight

Or if you use it as node module:

// CommonJS

// ES Modules
import 'fragments.js/lib/assets/javascripts/fragments/highlight';

And styles:

@import '~fragments.js/lib/assets/stylesheets/fragments/highlight.css';

Then set [data-highlight] attribute on your fragment and add data-updated-at attribute to each child element (in our case to each comment block):

<div class="discussion" data-fragment-id="discussion" data-highlight>
  <%= render comments %>


<div class="comment" data-updated-at="<%= comment.updated_at.to_i %>">
  <p><%= comment.body %></p>

You even can customize the behaviour by defining you own styles for .is-updated-fragment class:

.is-updated-fragment {
  animation-name: green;
  animation-duration: .7s;

@keyframes green {
  from { background: green; }
  to   { background: none; }

Do not forget to remove fragments/highlight from your application.css if have your own styles.


Thanks to Arthur Pushkin for his original work on this library.

Fragments.js is maintained by Vasily Polovnyov. It was written by Flatstack with the help of our contributors.