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IMSA Music

Live site:

Welcome to the IMSA music website! This project is licensed under GPL-3, so you are free to modify and distribute it as long as you include the license and source code.

Project structure

public/index.css: The styling rules for your pages and posts.

src/: This folder contains all the files Eleventy will use to build your site.

src/, src/, src/ These Markdown files are the content for your Home, Posts, and About pages.

src/posts/: These are the Markdown files for the posts that make up your blog.

src/seo.json: When you're ready to share your new site or add a custom domain, change SEO/meta settings in here.

src/_includes: This is where all of your page level layouts go. The _ tells you that this is an eleventy only folder.

Overview of technologies

  • 11ty, a static site generator
  • Nunjucks (*.njk), a templating language
  • Bootstrap, a UI component library
  • Markdown (*.md), an easily readable markup language

I decided against Jekyl because it is written in Ruby, which I am unfamiliar with. I also figured it would be easier to incorporate extra frameworks with 11ty since it uses javascript.

Here I'm documenting the thinking I did regarding the adoption of webc. It's really nice how it integrates with 11ty and allows for JavaScript, but I've already invested a lot of time into Nunjucks & solving problems with it, and I feel like switching would raise more problems and I don't have that many "components". If I really need to make a component with scoped styles, I would use declarative shadow DOM.