These are some basic (and advanced) coding challenges. The purpose of this project is to help beginner hone their coding skills by solving basic programming problems. The language is used javascript with es6 syntax. This uses a TDD approach so take a look at the *.test.js file in test directory to see what needs to be implemented, write an [problems-name].js as the solution file.
Install dev dependencies
make install
Transpile es6 syntax to es5
make build
To run tests
make test
Fork the repo and make required changes. After that please follow the basic workflow:
- Make a folder
- Add new js file with name of your problem
- Make a [name-of-your-file].test.js file
- Provide a with description
- Before pushing to the repository run:
make build
make test
If the build is not successful fix your code in order the tests and eslint validation and after that create a pull request.