why should you use this package?
- You don't want to manipulate an object and just use stright and forward methods (you can if you insist)
- You care about preserving comments
- You want easy formatting and cool logic like merge and replace
const INI = require('easy-ini')
const myINI = new INI('cool=awesome')
myINI.putStringInSection('; so important','[WOW]')
const giveItBack = myINI.createINIString()
constructor(,{}) Create ini object
,- optional:
= 'DEFAULT_SECTION!', - optional:
= require('os').EOL) - optional:
= true
// You can start with an empty INI
const myINI = new INI('')
// By default the EOL is the taken from the OS, set it if needed
const myINI = new INI('',{eol: '\r\n'})
// DebSec is needed to represent the first lines that may not be under a section
// By default it's: [DEFAULT_SECTION!] , if for some reason you actually use this name for a section, provide another to avoid unwanted behavior
const myINI = new INI('',{defSec: 'NEXT_LEVEL_DEFAULT_SECTION'})
Make an ini string from the object, every param is optional and do what it says
- shouldTrim = false,
- shouldFix = false,
- cleanHashComments = false,
- cleanBreakComment = false,
- cleanEmptyLines = false,
- noEmptySections = false,
- noSections = false
// To get true representation use without any parameter
const newINIString = myINI.createINIString()
Make an Object including only they types that are specified
- includeTypes = [4] supported types
// by passing [3,4] , will also create a level for sections
const newINIString = myINI.createSimpleObject()
Get line object by referance {type, key, val}
- inputKey
// Changing the returned object will change the original
myINI.getKeyIfExists('cool').val = 'ouch'
// Returnes null if failed to find
finds a pair by key and replace value
- inputKey,
- inputValue = ''
// Same as using getKeyIfExists but without returning referance
// Returnes true for success, otherwize false
remove key value pair from object
- inputKey
// Remove a pair (key=value) by matching the key with input string
// Returnes true for success, otherwize false
remove all other sections
- sections = []
- partialMatch = false
// wanting to remove everything else
// can also be ussed for partial mataches
myINI.removeEverythingButSections(['GLOB'], true)
remove entire section from object
- sectionName
- partialMatch = false
// Remove an entire section
// Returnes true for success, otherwize false
adds a line to the end of a section
- string,
- sectionName = this.defSecName
// If section does not exist, will create it at the end
// If the input is a key=value pair, and key exists in section , will change its value
// Also true when no section is provided (will use default one)
find all lines containing a string
- token
// Will return an array with with all matches across all sections
matches keys, values or comments
- token,
- global = false,
- _done = false (internal use)
// Will return true if at least one line was removed, else false
myINI.removeLineByMatch(';DUAH', true)
searches for the token and replaces with the value if found
- token,
- value = '',
- global = false,
- _done = false (internal use)
// if global is false will change only the first occurrence
myINI.findAndReplace('<<BASE_DOMAIN>>', 'mashu-mashu-mashu.com', true)
// Will return true if at least one line was removed, else false
fixes ini object so and removes duplicate keys leaving first or last occurence
- preferFirstOccurrence = false
// Will remove duplicate keys across the entire ini object
// Returnes true when finished
use values to replace matching content wrapped by a given prefix and suffix
- prefix
- suffix
/* super_secret_config.ini:
dude=%say%%say%%say% %relax%
relax=%something% */
myINI.solveSelfReferences('%', '%')
/* ==>
dude=hahaha whatever
relax=whatever */
merges with another ini object
- anotherINIObject
- before = false
// If before is true will place new values at the beginning of each section
- the INI class accepets a string input for the constructor ( not a path to an ini file )
- the default section is a representation for the first lines that are not under any section (could be the whole file)
- considers text only lines as garbage
- You can edit
directly - line types:
- 0: empty line
- 1: hash comment
- 2: break comment
- 3: section
- 4: pair
- 5: garbage
const fs = require('fs')
const INI = require('easy-ini')
const productConfig = new INI(fs.readFileSync('./amazing_app_info.ini',{encoding: 'utf8'}))
let includes
while (includes = productConfig.getLinesByMatch("#INCLUDE")){
if (includes.length == 0) {break}
productConfig.removeLineByMatch('#INCLUDE', true)
for (const include of includes.reverse()) {
const includePath = include.split('=')[1]
const tempINI = new INI(fs.readFileSync(includePath, {encoding: 'utf8'}))
productConfig.mergeWith(tempINI, true)
const finalConfig = productConfig.createINIString()
fs.writeFileSync("./final.ini", finalConfig)
const fs = require('fs')
const INI = require('easy-ini')
const webCon = new INI(fs.readFileSync('./website_config.ini',{encoding: 'utf8'}))
// latest=GGEZ.v69.zip
// download-url=<<SubDomain>>.<<BaseDomain>>/download/%latest%
webCon.findAndReplace('<<BaseDomain>>', 'easy-ini.com', true)
webCon.findAndReplace('<<SubDomain>>', 'download', true)
webCon.findAndReplace('<<Author>>', 'Gal Angel', true)
webCon.solveSelfReferences('%', '%')
const upCon = webCon.createINIString()
fs.writeFileSync("./to_upload.ini", upCon)
GNU General Public License v3.0
- stackOverflow
- coffee
- my cats