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dannon committed Jul 17, 2015
2 parents cc9b0be + 39f6730 commit 7019e32
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Showing 9 changed files with 535 additions and 54 deletions.
151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions lib/galaxy/auth/providers/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
Created on 13/07/2015
Author Peter van Heusden (

import logging
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import shlex

from ..providers import AuthProvider
from galaxy.auth import _get_bool

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

This module provides an AuthProvider for PAM (pluggable authentication module) authentication.
PAM is the Pluggable Authentication Module system (
It relies on python-pam (
Configuration is via config/auth_conf.xml and the following options are supported:
- auto-register: True/False: automatically register an account for an unknown user. Default: False
- maildomain: string: all valid users fall within the specified mail domain. Default: None
- login-use-email: True/False: Parse the email address to get login details. Default: False
- login-use-username: True/False: Use the username argument for login details. Default: False
Technical note: when a user is not found in the database,
their username is the user part of a user@host email
address. After user creation, however, the username is
the user's public name.
- pam-service: string: The service name to use for PAM authentication. Default: galaxy
- use-external-helper: True/False: Run an external helper script as root with sudo to do
authentication. If False authentication is done
by the module directly. Default: False
Technical note: some PAM modules (e.g.
require to be run as root to authenticate users.
- authentication-helper-script: string: Absolute path to helper script to run for authentication. Default: None
There needs to be a config (in /etc/sudoers or /etc/sudoers.d)
that allows the galaxy user to run this as root with no password check
For example:
galaxy ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/galaxy/scripts/auth/
Configuration example (for internal authentication, use email for user details):

class PAM(AuthProvider):

plugin_type = 'PAM'

def authenticate(self, email, username, password, options):
pam_username = None
auto_register_username = None
auto_register_email = None
force_fail = False
log.debug("use username: {} use email {} email {} username {}".format(options.get('login-use-username'), options.get('login-use-email', False), email, username))
# check email based login first because if email exists in Galaxy DB
# we will be given the "public name" as username
if _get_bool(options, 'login-use-email', False) and email is not None:
if '@' in email:
(email_user, email_domain) = email.split('@')
pam_username = email_user
if email_domain == options.get('maildomain', None):
auto_register_email = email
if username is not None:
auto_register_username = username
auto_register_username = email_user
log.debug('PAM authenticate: warning: email does not match configured PAM maildomain')
# no need to fail: if auto-register is not enabled, this
# might still be a valid user
log.debug('PAM authenticate: email must be used to login, but no valid email found')
force_fail = True
elif _get_bool(options, 'login-use-username', False):
# if we get here via authenticate_user then
# user will be "public name" and
# email address will be as per registered user
if username is not None:
pam_username = username
if email is not None:
auto_register_email = email
elif options.get('maildomain', None) is not None:
# we can register a user with this username and mail domain
# if auto registration is enabled
auto_register_email = '{}@{}'.format(username, options['maildomain'])
auto_register_username = username
log.debug('PAM authenticate: username login selected but no username provided')
force_fail = True
log.debug('PAM authenticate: could not find username for PAM')
force_fail = True

if force_fail:
return None, '', ''

pam_service = options.get('pam-service', 'galaxy')
use_helper = _get_bool(options, 'use-external-helper', False)
log.debug("PAM auth: will use external helper: {}".format(use_helper))
authenticated = False
if use_helper:
authentication_helper = options.get('authentication-helper-script', '/bin/false').strip()
log.debug("PAM auth: external helper script: {}".format(authentication_helper))
if not authentication_helper.startswith('/'):
# don't accept relative path
authenticated = False
auth_cmd = shlex.split('/usr/bin/sudo -n {}'.format(authentication_helper))
log.debug("PAM auth: external helper cmd: {}".format(auth_cmd))
proc = Popen(auth_cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
message = '{}\n{}\n{}\n'.format(pam_service, pam_username, password)
(output, error) = proc.communicate(message)
status = proc.wait()
if status != 0 and error != '':
log.debug("PAM auth: external authentication script had errors: status {} error {}".format(status, error))
if output.strip() == 'True':
authenticated = True
authenticated = False
import pam
except ImportError:
log.debug('PAM authenticate: could not load pam module, PAM authentication disabled')
return None, '', ''

p_auth = pam.pam()
authenticated = p_auth.authenticate(pam_username, password, service=pam_service)

if authenticated:
log.debug('PAM authentication successful for {}'.format(pam_username))
return True, auto_register_email, auto_register_username
log.debug('PAM authentication failed for {}'.format(pam_username))
return False, '', ''

def authenticate_user(self, user, password, options):
return self.authenticate(, user.username, password, options)[0]

__all__ = ['PAM']
184 changes: 184 additions & 0 deletions lib/galaxy/tools/deps/resolvers/
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
Backup resolvers for when dependencies can not be loaded from the database.
Mainly suited for testing stage.
Ideally all dependencies will be stored in the database
when a tool is added from a Tool Shed.
That should remain the preferred way of locating dependencies.
In cases where that is not possible
for example during testing this resolver can act as a backup.
This resolver looks not just for manually added dependencies
but also ones added from a Tool Shed.
This tool is still under development so the default behaviour could change.
It has been tested when placed in the same directory as
At the time of writing July 3 2015 this resolver has to be plugged in.
See bottom for instructions on how to add this resolver.

from os import listdir
from os.path import join, exists, getmtime

from .galaxy_packages import GalaxyPackageDependencyResolver
from ..resolvers import INDETERMINATE_DEPENDENCY

import logging
log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )

MANUAL = "manual"
PREFERRED_OWNERS = MANUAL + ",iuc,devteam"

class UnlinkedToolShedPackageDependencyResolver(GalaxyPackageDependencyResolver):
resolver_type = "unlinked_tool_shed_packages"

def __init__(self, dependency_manager, **kwds):
super(UnlinkedToolShedPackageDependencyResolver, self).__init__(dependency_manager, **kwds)
# Provide a list of preferred owners whose dependency to use
self.preferred_owners = kwds.get('preferred_owners', PREFERRED_OWNERS).split(",")
# Option to ignore owner and just use last modified time
self.select_by_owner = str(kwds.get('select_by_owner', "true")).lower() != "false"

def _find_dep_versioned( self, name, version, type='package', **kwds ):
possibles = self._find_possible_depenencies(name, version, type)
if len(possibles) == 0:
log.debug("Unable to find dependency,'%s' '%s' '%s'", name, version, type)
elif len(possibles) == 1:
# Only one candidate found so ignore any preference rules
return possibles[0].dependency
# Pick the preferred one
return self._select_preferred_dependency(possibles).dependency
log.exception("Unexpected error hunting for dependency '%s' '%s''%s'", name, version, type)

# Finds all possible dependency to use
# Should be extended as required
# Returns CandidateDepenency objects with data for preference picking
def _find_possible_depenencies(self, name, version, type):
possibles = []
if exists(self.base_path):
path = join( self.base_path, name, version )
if exists(path):
# First try the way without owner/name/revision
package = self._galaxy_package_dep(path, version)
log.debug("Found dependency '%s' '%s' '%s' at '%s'", name, version, type, path)
possibles.append(CandidateDepenency(package, path))
# now try with an owner/name/revision
for owner in listdir(path):
owner_path = join(path, owner)
for package_name in listdir(owner_path):
if package_name.startswith("package_" + name):
package_path = join(owner_path, package_name)
for revision in listdir(package_path):
revision_path = join(package_path, revision)
package = self._galaxy_package_dep(revision_path, version)
log.debug("Found dependency '%s' '%s' '%s' at '%s'", name, version, type, revision_path)
possibles.append(CandidateDepenency(package, package_path, owner))
return possibles

def _select_preferred_dependency(self, possibles, by_owner=None):
if by_owner is None:
by_owner = self.select_by_owner
preferred = []
if by_owner:
for owner in self.preferred_owners:
for candidate in possibles:
if candidate.owner == owner:
if len(preferred) == 1:
log.debug("Picked dependency based on owner '%s'", owner)
return preferred[0]
elif len(preferred) > 1:
log.debug("Multiple dependency found with owner '%s'", owner)
if len(preferred) == 0:
preferred = possibles
latest_modified = 0
for candidate in preferred:
modified = getmtime(candidate.path)
if latest_modified < modified:
latest_candidate = candidate
latest_modified = modified
log.debug("Picking dependency at '%s' as it was the last modified", latest_candidate.path)
return latest_candidate

#Currently no need has been found for expand the verionsless method
#This is an example of how it could be done
def _find_dep_default( self, name, type='package', **kwds ):
possibles = TODO
if len(possibles) == 0:
log.debug("Unable to find dependency,'%s' default '%s'", name, type)
elif len(possibles) == 1:
#Only one candidate found so ignore any preference rules
return possibles[0].dependency
#Pick the preferred one
return self._select_preferred_dependency(possibles, by_owner=False).dependency
log.exception("Unexpected error hunting for dependency '%s' default '%s'", name, type)

class CandidateDepenency():

def __init__(self, dependency, path, owner=MANUAL):
self.dependency = dependency
self.path = path
self.owner = owner

__all__ = ['UnlinkedToolShedPackageDependencyResolver']

At the time of writing July 3 2015 this resolver has to be plugged in.
Adding resolver instructions:
1. create a dependency_resolvers_config.xml file
<tool_shed_packages />
<galaxy_packages />
<galaxy_packages versionless="true" />
<unlinked_tool_shed_packages />
1a. ALWAYS add <tool_shed_packages /> first!!!!
1b. <galaxy_packages /> is optional as
this resolver will also find dependency found by that resolver
1bi Current default is to use a dependency to find that way first!
1bii So an alternative version of dependency_resolvers_config.xml
<tool_shed_packages />
<unlinked_tool_shed_packages />
<unlinked_tool_shed_packages versionless="true" />
1c. See __init__ for optional config values
1ci versionless currently is handled by the super class
2. Add a parameter to config.ini
dependency_resolvers_config_file = ./config/dependency_resolvers_config.xml
2a. File name/path can be different
2b. config key must be dependency_resolvers_config_file
3. For planemo it may be required to specify:
--dependency_resolvers_config_file (xml file described in 1 above)
--tool_dependency_dir (root of dependencies typically galaxy/dependency_dir)
See planemo test --help for more information
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion lib/galaxy/tools/
Expand Up @@ -329,7 +329,8 @@ def __populate_output_dataset_wrappers(self, param_dict, output_datasets, output
# Assume the reason we lack this output is because a filter
# failed to pass; for tool writing convienence, provide a
# NoneDataset
param_dict[ out_name ] = NoneDataset(, ext=output.format )
ext = getattr( output, "format", None ) # populate only for output datasets (not collections)
param_dict[ out_name ] = NoneDataset(, ext=ext )

def __populate_non_job_params(self, param_dict):
# -- Add useful attributes/functions for use in creating command line.
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions lib/galaxy/tools/parser/
Expand Up @@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ def _parse(data_elem, **kwds):
inherit_metadata = string_as_bool( collection_elem.get( "inherit_metadata", None ) )
default_format_source = collection_elem.get( "format_source", None )
default_metadata_source = collection_elem.get( "metadata_source", "" )
filters = collection_elem.findall( 'filter' )

dataset_collectors = None
if collection_elem.find( "discover_datasets" ) is not None:
Expand All @@ -199,6 +200,7 @@ def _parse(data_elem, **kwds):
Expand Down

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