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Add history list module
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guerler committed Jun 7, 2017
1 parent 01cab67 commit e3a4bf5
Showing 1 changed file with 116 additions and 0 deletions.
116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions client/galaxy/scripts/mvc/history/history-list.js
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
/** This class renders the page list. */
define( [ 'utils/utils', 'mvc/grid/grid-view' ], function( Utils, GridView ) {

// define a module that has:
// an hack for which to override the url based history copy function in the popupmenus
// and replace it with a dialog that uses the API instead
define( 'copy-dialog-hack', [
], function( mHistory, historyCopyDialog ){

// callbacks
function tellTheUserItFailed(){
// history failed to copy, put the relevant techy crap in the console and alert the user
console.error( arguments );
alert( "${_('History could not be fetched. Please contact an administrator')}" );
function refreshEverything(){
// history was copied
// if we're in a frame, check for the parent Galaxy and try to refresh the history
if( window.parent && window.parent.Galaxy && window.parent.Galaxy.currHistoryPanel ){
// in any case reload the save history panel
window.location.reload( true );

// get the id from the dom somehow (the two doms (saved/shared) are different...)
function findHistoryId( $menuButton ){
var title = '${grid.title}';
if( title === 'Saved Histories' ){
var $link = $menuButton.children( '.menubutton-label' );
// TODO: ohdearlord. stahp.
return ( $link.attr( 'href' ).match( /id=(\w+)/ ) || [] )[1];
// Histories shared with you
var $label = $menuButton.children( 'label' );
return $label.attr( 'id' );

// for each popupmenu, (this == a popup activator button), remove the link and add a click function
// that fetches the history and shows a copy dialog for it
// pass in a fn for extracting the id from the dom and an (optional) object with dialog options
function copyDialogHack( i, historyIdFindFn, dialogOptions ){
dialogOptions = dialogOptions || {};
var $this = $( this ),
historyId = historyIdFindFn( this ),
menuOptions = $ 'popupmenu' ).options,
copyOption = menuOptions.filter( function( o ){ return o.html === 'Copy' })[0];

copyOption.href = 'javascript:void(0)';
copyOption.func = function copyOptionClicked( ev ){
var history = new mHistory.History({ id : historyId });
.fail( tellTheUserItFailed )
.done( function(){
historyCopyDialog( history, dialogOptions ).done( refreshEverything );
return copyDialogHack;

function findHistoryId( menuButton ){
var $link = $( menuButton ).children( '.menubutton-label' );
// TODO: ohdearlord. stahp.
return ( $link.attr( 'href' ).match( /id=(\w+)/ ) || [] )[1];

// wait for page ready and set it all up, do it again when the grid refreshes
if( !gridView ){
console.warn( 'no grid' );

function replaceCopyFunction(){
gridView.$( '.popup.menubutton' ).each( function( i ){ this, i, findHistoryId );

var originalInitGrid = gridView.init_grid;
gridView.init_grid = function __patched_init_grid( json ){ gridView, json );

var View = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function( options ) {
var self = this;
this.setElement( $( '<div/>' ) );
this.model = new Backbone.Model();
url : Galaxy.root + 'history/list',
success : function( response ) {
response[ 'dict_format' ] = true;
self.model.set( response );

render: function() {
var grid = new GridView( this.model.attributes );
this.$el.empty().append( grid.$el );

return {
View: View

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