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Jeff Henrikson edited this page Nov 6, 2023 · 1 revision

Comparison of Watcom to mingw-prebuilt for Gambit-v4.1.2. Note that the benchmarks supplied with the distribution were not intended to be run standalone so I have bypassed the prefixes. Clearly, GCC is significantly faster than Watcom.

gsi puzzle.scm  ; watcom
(time (start))
    4567 ms real time
    4567 ms cpu time (4567 user, 0 system)
    61 collections accounting for 230 ms real time (230 user, 0 system)
    30940760 bytes allocated
    no minor faults
    no major faults

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\gt>gsi puzzle ; (mingw)
(time (start))
    2995 ms real time
    2994 ms cpu time (2994 user, 0 system)
    61 collections accounting for 220 ms real time (220 user, 0 system)
    30940760 bytes allocated
    no minor faults
    no major faults

C:\gt>gsi graphs ;mingw
(time (run 5))
    1161 ms real time
    1162 ms cpu time (1162 user, 0 system)
    98 collections accounting for 380 ms real time (381 user, 0 system)
    41479048 bytes allocated

C:\gt>gsi graphs.scm ;watcom
(time (run 5))
    1593 ms real time
    1592 ms cpu time (1592 user, 0 system)
    98 collections accounting for 541 ms real time (541 user, 0 system)
    41479896 bytes allocated
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