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Command line ruby tool for easier operations with Salesforce Metadata. Written in Ruby, uses Metadata API.


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Forcer is a ruby command line app and gem for interaction with Salesforce Metadata (Metadata API). Calling deploy and other available metadata commands should be quicker than using traditional ANT tool provided by Salesforce. So in some sense Forcer is an open source replacement for ANT migration tool. Forcer is designed to help developers who use "proper" development process that includes:

  1. Git (Every deployment and every change to any tracked project component is committed to a git repo)
  2. A separate dev_org\dev_sandbox for every developer
  3. Parallel development of multiple features by a single developer (can use single Dev Org)
  4. Code reviews

Advantages over traditional ANT tool scripts:

  1. Configurability
  2. Commands for specific tasks (i.e. delete components or rename components)
  3. Easily adding REST Api functionality (i.e. load initial data after new org created)

This project is written in Ruby and inspired by Metaforce. It turned out to be easier to start my own project after trying to understand how Metaforce is written and attempting to contribute into it. So after days of reading Metaforce's code and trying to understand, how SOAP api calls are done to Salesforce and how 'thor' is used to create command line app, I was ready to write my own tool. The idea is to make structure of Forcer simpler than Metaforce and let contributors understand code by reading smaller amount of files. I admit that my code is not perfect and far from professional ruby styles, so help is appreciated. But please lets keep this tool simple with only necessary commands and functionality.

System Requirements

OS: Mac OS or Linux

Ruby version: 2.1.2 or later


Add this line to application's Gemfile:

gem 'forcer'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Alternatively install it as:

$ gem install forcer

How to use?

Currently the app is tested and being used only on Mac OS and Linux (I used Ubuntu). I have NOT tested on Windows yet, but if help in testing and reporting results for Windows is appreciated by the rest.

Call help to list all available operations for Forcer:

$(master): forcer help
deploy ...
list ...

To list options and flags available for each command call help for each operation separately:

$(master): forcer help deploy
--dest ...
--checkOnly ...

To deploy project (stored in local filesystem) to destination org first from terminal users need to change directory to project folder that somewhere inside contains folder "src" with all metadata to deploy:

$(master): cd ~/my_workspace/TestProject/
$(master): ls

Here is a very simple deploy command:

$(master): forcer deploy

This command will start deployment recursively searching for sfdc project source folder "src" and using the first found for deployment.

NOTE: "src" folder must contain a valid package.xml file intended to be used for deployment.


Users of Forcer gem can configure:

  • Salesforce org authorization details with file "configuration.yml"
  • Components/files/directories to exclude from deployment "exclude_components.yml"
  • XML elements and snippets to exclude from deployment "exclude_xml_nodes.yml"

Salesforce org authorization details

Forcer can store information about deployment organization to avoid typing details for each deployment. Information like username, password (it is strongly recommended to avoid storing password) can be saved in "configuration.yml" file. Best practice is to keep multiple org information in the same "configuration.yml" (assuming all listed orgs belong to the same project). This will allow to deploy project directory to any org (of current project) without reentering information. And here is a template content:

  username: sample_username1
  security_token: sample_token1
  username: sample_username2
  security_token: sample_token2

Where should I place "configuration.yml"?

It should be in the same directory where users call Forcer or inside "forcer_config" folder. First "forcer_config" folder is scanned for configuration.yml file, then current directory (if not found in "forcer_config" folder). More about folder "forcer_config" at the end of Configuration section.

$(master): ls -R

Alternatively users can rely on default (same for all projects) exclude_... configuration files. And use only "configuration.yml" for a project without folder "forcer_config":

$(master): ls -R

Each of two methods above allows having separate "configuration.yml" file for each project.

NOTE: If users run Forcer from git repo directory with project files and keep the "configuration.yml" outside of "forcer_config", then users should add "configuration.yml" to gitignore. This will help to avoid committing sensitive data. For more information on setup and usage of configuration.yml please visit wiki pages of this project.

Excluding certain metadata from deployment

Forcer is a flexible tool that allows developers:

Exclude components (metadata files) and even whole folders from deployment. For example object Idea.object (excluded by default) usually fails deployments.

How to exclude components and whole directories from deployment?

It is possible to make Forcer exclude components and directories by adding name of a "to-be-excluded" component/directory into "exclude_components.yml" configuration file. This will make Forcer skip the entire component/directory from deployment.

"exclude_components.yml" contains:
- objects/Idea.object
- layouts/SocialPersona-Social Persona Layout.layout
- layouts/SocialPost-Social Post Layout.layout
- profiles # excludes whole profiles directory
Where should I place "exclude_components.yml"?

Users should use separate "exclude_components.yml" for each project. So best practice is to keep it in folder "forcer_config". Read more about it at the end of Configuration section.

Forcer is released with default "exclude_components.yml". If "forcer_config" is not specified, then Forcer will use the default file. Users (developers) can modify or replace values to exclude certain components or folders:

[your_ruby_version_location (like ".../rvm/gems/ruby-[version]")]/gems/forcer-[version]/lib/metadata_services/exclude_components.yml

Exclude XML elements from deployment. For example all references to "Social..." layouts (excluded by default) in profiles fail deployments.

IMPORTANT NOTE! By default XML exclusion works only when deploy to sandboxes. You can force XML exclusion when deploying to production using --forceExclude flag. Run forcer help deploy to see all options. Excluding XML snippets for production deployment can cause loss of data. Also be aware if you exclude the whole node like field or weblink (assuming that node exists in target org), that node will be preserved intact in the target org. But if you skip a sub-node of that parent node (like removing lookupFilter) then it considered as modifying existing node and that node will be overwritten in target org. So if you cannot deploy part of node it might be a good idea to skip deployment of whole node or file.

How to exclude XML elements (snippets) from deployment?

It is possible to make Forcer exclude XML elements/snippets from deployment by adding nokogiri search pattern of a "to-be-excluded" XML element/snippet into "exclude_xml_nodes.yml" configuration file. This will make Forcer deploy components but filter our certain undesired XML elements.

Sample "exclude_xml_nodes.yml":
      - [ "*//layoutAssignments/layout[starts-with('Social')]" , true ]
      - [ "*//tabVisibilities/tab[starts-with('standard-Social')]" , true ]
This means "for all files with filenames ending with '.profiles' do 
  find snippets like:
        <layout>Social blah blah blah</layout>
  Then take the first parameter which is nokogiri expression. Forcer automatically removes all found nodes from document
      <layout>Social blah blah blah</layout>
  Then if second parameter is TRUE, remove parent node too. In this example remove
  Alternatively if second parameter is FALSE then parent node will remain in the document
The same logic applies for the second sample value:

    - [ "*//tabVisibilities/tab[starts-with('standard-Social')]" , true ]
Where should I place "exclude_xml_nodes.yml"?
Users should use separate "exclude_xml_nodes.yml" for each project. So best practice is to keep it in folder
"forcer_config". Read more about it at the end of Configuration section.

Forcer is released with "exclude_xml_nodes.yml". If "forcer_config" is not specified, then Forcer will use the
default file. Users (developers) can modify or replace values to exclude xml elements:

    [your_ruby_version_location (like ".../rvm/gems/ruby-[version]")]/gems/forcer-[version]/lib/metadata_services/exclude_xml_nodes.yml

All configuration files (configuration.yml, exclude_components.yml, exclude_xml_nodes.yml) for specific project should be stored in folder "forcer_config" and the folder itself can be specified with command line option "--config":

$(master): forcer deploy --dest my_org_alias --config path_to_forcer_config_folder

Please note the preferred way is to store folder "forcer_config" inside project directory. In this case it is always apparent what "forcer_config" belongs to what project:

$(master): ls -R

Forcer is designed to be used with Git. So considering a project directory is in git repo, folder "forcer_config" should be added to gitignore. Alternatively if users want to share exclude_... configuration files with other team members, then at least every team member should add "/forcer_config/configuration.yml" to gitignore in order to prevent committing sensitive authorization information. But in any scenario "forcer_config" can be reused for any branch or Salesforce project on current computer. The idea is to switch to any branch and be able to deploy it using "forcer_config" in current project git directory.

$(master): forcer deploy --dest my_dev_org1
$(master): git checkout feature_branch1
$(feature_branch1): forcer deploy --dest my_dev_org2
Command line examples

If users already filled configuration.yml correctly then deployments are much faster. Here is a sample command to start deployment of a project in current folder:

$(master): forcer deploy --dest dest_alias_in_configuration_yml

In case users want to call validation-only request then, since it is part of "deploy" soap call, they need to simply dd flag --checkOnly :

$(master): forcer deploy --dest dest_alias_in_configuration_yml --checkOnly

Please note almost all options support short aliases. So the same validation-only command will look like:

$(master): forcer deploy -d dest_alias_in_configuration_yml -c

After Forcer successfully starts deployment (or any other available command) the program also starts printing status messages in console:

"initiating DEPLOYMENT"
"STATUS : InProgress | SUCCESS : false"

Please note that messages and language can and will change because the app development is an ongoing process.

Possible problems

  1. When test run Forcer on ruby version 2.1.5 on Ubuntu, the app threw exception about missing library "em-http-request". If installed ruby version is 2.1.5 and dependencies cannot be resolved, probably the simplest solution is to switch ruby version to 2.1.2 or 2.2.0 or later.

  2. openssl library version 1.0.2 on Mac OS (maybe other platforms too) has problems with ruby 2.2.0 when deploy larger zip-files. These are steps to fix the issue on Mac OS:

     $(master): brew update
     $(master): brew uninstall openssl
     $(master): brew install openssl
     $(master): rvm get head
     $(master): rvm remove 2.2.0
     $(master): rvm install 2.2.0 --with-openssl-dir=`brew --prefix openssl`
  3. Most probably users will have to make multiple attempts before the very first deployment succeeds. The reason is Salesforce has numerous specific features in metadata deployment. And users of Forcer gem will have to:

    • skip/remove certain components from deployment (manually or using exclude_components.xml)

    • filter out certain XML elements from deployment (manually or using exclude_xml_nodes.xml)

    • "username not exist" errors. There are various possible solutions including sed program. Example for profiles:

      find . -type f -name '*.profile' -exec sed -i '' s/username_org1/username_org2/ {} +

    • API version differences between orgs can create issues

    • Salesforce updates can make current project folder undeployable sometimes

    • other problems requiring modification of XML files

  4. Contributors may encounter problems with bundler and code-climate if run rspec. The easiest solution is to comment out these lines in file spec_helper.rb :

       require "codeclimate-test-reporter"


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Command line ruby tool for easier operations with Salesforce Metadata. Written in Ruby, uses Metadata API.







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