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Burke Chih-Jen Ko edited this page May 1, 2014 · 47 revisions

NPT Startup wiki

NPT Startup is a software tool that can help GBIF Participants to improve their presence on the web. It helps to establish the Node’s online identity, manage biodiversity information at the country/thematic level and engage local and global communities in bringing up the relevance of biodiversity information. You can find out more about the tool and the project at the introduction page.

NPT Startup image. Click to go to the demo site

The software

You can find detailed instructions on how to install the software in the installation page. But if you cannot wait to get your hands on the software, you can go directly to the download page:

download NPT Startup Now

Join the community

Are you trying to install or use the NPT Startup and you are finding difficulties? No problem! Check our help and hints page for possible solutions to your problem. You can also try asking help from your peers at the NPT group at the GBIF Community Site or at the users' mailing list.

Do you think you can help others? Please join the channels described above to meet users that will appreciate your help to cut those rough edges.

Are you interested in collaborating in the development of NPT Startup? Why don't you visit our page on how to contribute?

Other resources

Do you want to 'try before you buy'? Why don't you visit the demo site then? You may also want to visit the Scratchpads page, as NPT Startup is largely based on Scratchpads.