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gc5k edited this page Jan 2, 2018 · 1 revision

Getting started

Just typing gear in this way below to feel how gear works. The command below will simulate a quantitative trait with for a population with 100 markers and 1000 individuals.

java -jar gear.jar simuqt --n 1000 --m 100 --make-bed --out simu 
java -jar gear.jar Routine for java jar
simuqt subcommand
--n 1000 option and its parameter
--m 100 option and its parameter
--make-bed option
--out simu option and its parameter

Or you can specify the RAM for gear by adding "-Xmx"

java -jar -Xmx10G gear.jar simuqt --n 1000 --m 100 --make-bed --out simu 

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