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mde edited this page Apr 1, 2012 · 14 revisions

Geddy has sessions built in, and offers a number of different ways to persist session-data:

  • Memory (the default): useful mostly for development. Session-data is saved at the worker-process level, so in-memory sessions cannot be used with a Geddy app and multiple worker-processes. Also, all sessions disappear when the app is restarted.

  • Cookie: Session-data is passed back and forth in (encrypted) cookies in the request/response. Sessions will persist when the app restarts, but the amount of data you can save in a session is much more limited.

  • Memcache: Requires a Memcache server or cluster. Uses Arnout Kazemier's 'memcached' module.

  • Redis: Requires a Redis server or cluster. Uses Matt Ranney's 'redis' module.

You will probably want to develop with in-memory sessions, and use cookie, Memcache, or Redis sessions for production (depending on how much data you want to save in the session).