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Newbie problems

Adam Boardman edited this page Feb 12, 2018 · 9 revisions

Sorry to start a wiki page on this, but I'm having problems making headway even trying out the current offerings. I'm running Mint Sonya 64-bit, and I've followed the instructions to set up your repository, but I can't seem to load the necessary pieces:

[Snipped various packaging problems]

So... what am I doing wrong?

So just to clarify this project is targeted at the Gemini device's assumed default install of Debian 9.

It contains QT components (qtpim) that have to be built against the installed version of QT as they make use of private headers that change from version to version. The gemian branches have all been tuned to 5.7.1 as that is what ships with D9. Its theoretically possible to build the full set of apps for your Mint install, but you'd have to build in the right order: qt -> qtpim -> qt-organizer5-eds -> etc. You'll get hints as to what the next up the tree is from starting with the app you want to work on and the error's it throws. QtQuick errors indicate you need to start even before qtpim with qt itself, but surely that at least will have a package available in your distro? If your not using any other qt stuff on your system then building qt 5.7.1 from source might be the safest as then you'd have something compatible with our branches of the other things.

My recommendation is to either use Oracle Virtual Box to install D9 that way your testing on a known good system. Or if you want to stick with Mint then you can use lxc/lxd containers (or docker) to to install a D9 container, you'll need to do some fiddling to export the display back to your mint desktop so that you can see the apps running (if you have the same userid in and out of the container its just a matter of exporting the display, otherwise you might need a xhost + or some such).

If you pick one of these options then let me know where you get stuck I'll know where to target my help.

An additional reason for having the development side of this tidied away in some form of contained environment is that it won't pollute your main system with lots of stuff you don't generally need, and any experiments that go wrong wont break your main system either.

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