Feel free to work on any issue with a #hacktoberfest label.
If you discover an issue you would like to work on, you can add a new issue to the list. If it meets our criteria, a hacktoberfest label will be added.
Anyone can submit pull requests for code, tests, or documentation.
- Does it call out a bug that needs to be fixed? If so, it goes to the top of the list.
- Does it fix a major user inconvenience? These are given high priority as well.
- Does it align with the specs? If not, it will probably not be accepted. It turns out there are gray areas in the specs. If this is in a gray area, it will likely be given the benefit of the doubt.
- Does it break the existing behavior of the lib? If so, it will not be accepted, unless it fixes an egregious bug. This is happening less frequently now.